chap 23

210 5 12

i breathed a deep, heavy sigh as i ran my hand through my hair and set my phone down. i just wanted to sink into the floor.

i was currently on break from 127 practice, just chilling in the practice room. i was hoping to spend the time playing mobile fortnite with a certain someone, but those dreams were crushed real quick.

johnny, who has been sitting beside me this whole time, notices my suddenly soured mood.

"uh, you good?" johnny asks, patting my thigh.

"no." i grumble, leaning my head back against the couch we both were sitting on with a pained expression.

"what happened?" johnny continues.

"i dont even know." i respond, sighing. i didn't wanna think about it anymore. i know i was being overdramatic and overthinking the whole situation, but i just could not get it out of my head.

"well, okay. if you ever figure it out, you can talk to me."

i sigh AGAIN. i just hated how difficult everything was.

"get mark over here. he's the one who actually knows her." i say to johnny.

"her?" he questions.

"go get mark and i'll tell you." i respond.

johnny shrugs as he suddenly yells for mark, who is currently just sitting and chilling. he looks up from his phone questioningly at johnny, who in return motions with his hand for him to come over here.

mark hesitates before getting up, but ultimately starts making his way over to us.

"whats up?" mark says, sitting next to johnny.

"haechan wanted to talk to you." johnny responds, motioning me to start explaining.

"its hyein." i say, running my hand through my hair.

mark suddenly perks up with an interested look on his face. "what about her?"

"oh, why do you look so interested now? you got a crush on her or something?" i retort, annoyed at his response.

mark and johnny exchange a look before mark replies. "no.. i think you're self projecting. hearing you have girl problems just piqued my interest, not hyein herself." he shrugs.

"how'd you know it was a problem? it could've been about good news." i ask mark.

"dude, the negative energy you are radiating right now can be felt by everyone in this practice room. hell, whoever is right next to us practicing might be able to feel it too." he tells me, to which johnny nods.

"might i ask though, who is hyein?" johnny suddenly speaks up.

"i'll explain after." i answered.

"what even happened? did you do something?" mark questions.

"uhm, no. i dont know why you would assume i automatically did something. at least, i dont think i did anything."

"you don't think so? you probably did do something then." mark retorts.

i roll my eyes. "i texted her and was like, yo, wanna hop on fortnite? and she responds a bit later with 'no, sorry' which is totally fine. like i get it, she might be busy. but like usually she always is down to play fortnite, so i ask why. then she's like 'i just dont feel like it' which is soooo not like her. so obviously i like follow up but then she acts like really dry which is VERY unusual. like, i dont know. did i do something and i'm just not realizing it? like, i really dont want hyein to be annoyed with me like this." i elaborate. i didnt realize while talking, but apparently the whole room was listening to me blabber about my troubles. like the nosy asses all my members are, of course they have to crowd me for more details.

fortnite - l. haechanDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora