chap 13

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i looked across the greenroom to renjun who was getting touchups on his makeup while sitting down on the couch, scrolling on his phone.

i give him a glare, even though he isnt even looking at me.

"why are you looking at renjun like that?" mark, whos sitting next to me, comments.

i break my gaze away from renjun before transferring my eyes to mark and sinking further into the couch.

"its deserved." i mumble, looking to the side. like seriously. of course the one dream member who doesnt know was hyein looks like meets her. JUST MY LUCK.

"could you not elaborate?" mark continues, looking back down at his phone.

"he literally met hyein before me." i finally grumble.

mark looks up from his phone again, confused. "huh? does renjun know hyein?" he asks.

"NO. not at all. he doesnt even know he met her."

"...what? how?"

"hyein became the barista at that coffee shop we always go to outside our dorm, so when renjun went to go get us coffee he met her. and the thing is, he doesnt even know what she looks like. SO HE DIDNT EVEN KNOW. i wouldnt have even known this information, but hyein told me she met renjun." i told mark exasperatedly.

"oh, for real? wait, thats low key so cool." mark said.

"COOL??? its not cool. IM the one thats friends with her but somehow RENUN MEETS HER FIRST???"

"wouldnt renjun be the best option that you would want to meet her between all the dream members? since he doesnt know her. like, how would you feel if jaemin and hyein met up."

i thought about mark's point before responding. "wait, you're right. i think that would piss me off even more. its still infuriating that it wasnt me first though."

"im always right dude, what can i say." mark shrugged.

"okay buddy."

"but like, why are you mad at renjun? he didnt mean to do it. hell, he doesnt even know right now." mark continued, gesturing to renjun sitting across the room from us.

renjun was just sitting there innocently, seemingly playing a game on his phone.

"i guess. but it just makes me mad that the universe is so against me." i added.

"why do you think the universe is against you?" jeno suddenly interjected, sitting down in the chair closest to the couch me and mark were currently on.

"renjun met hyein while getting coffee." mark explained for me.

"hyein? thats the girl that jaemin facetimed a bit ago right?" jeno inquired.

"yeah." i replied.

"why does that make you think the universe is against you?" jeno follows up, confused.

"BECAUSSEEEE renjun isnt the one friends with her. im the one that is hyeins friend, and somehow HE meets her before me. like, are you serious??" i exclaim again.

"ohhh, i get it. so you're jealous?" jeno responds, smiling.

"dude, no. obviously you dont get it. its not like that. its just, unfortunate circumstances." i sigh.

"why do you even care that much? you only met her like a few weeks ago." jeno questions.

"because shes like my only non-idol friend. plus shes a really good fortnite player."

"OHHH, you met her on fortnite? i kind of forgot about that. we should play trios with her one time."

i quirk my head, thinking of jeno's idea. "maybe." i conclude.

fortnite - l. haechanWhere stories live. Discover now