chap 4

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after a long day of uni, i was finally back home. unfortunately though, my school day does not end when i come home.

i got home at like 8:00ish, but i had TONNNSSS of homework to get done. like an unnecessary amount of homework. a lot of it from math, because my professor is a bitch. won't let me have one singular day of rest.

i kind of had to do the homework though, so i stayed up late just to finish it. when i finished, i wasnt even relieved. it was an odd feeling.

nevertheless, i decided to just hop on fortnite for a bit. lately, i havent even been playing fortnite a lot.

while the game was loading, i thought back to the conversation i had with that one user last night. it really was fun talking to him, and i did kind of promise him a duos match today. i just hoped he was online.

finally, the game loads and i immediately check my friends list and see that fullsun is in fact online.

i go to our chat to see that he already dmed me earlier in the day to ask about our duos match.

1:27 pm
fullsun8363927292792: so when u up for that duos match

hyeinandout: ahhh sorry i had uni. im up for it rn tho?

fullsun8363927292792: YO finally

hyeinandout: sorrrysorry i had a busy day

fullsun8363927292792: ur good i kind of expected u to come on this late bc thats when u usually do

hyeinandout: why r u always up this late

fullsun8363927292792: i could ask u the same question. but i told u i have insomnia

hyeinandout: ohhh yeah.. but im up like bc of hw

fullsun8363927292792: sounds tough

hyeinandout: does ur uni not give hw or smth?

fullsun8363927292792: i dont go to uni 😭

hyeinandout: ohhh u graduated alr?

fullsun8363927292792: no 😭 i never went

hyeinandout: oh wow. why?

fullsun8363927292792: my job

hyeinandout: jesus christ man r u in the military or smth

fullsun8363927292792: HELP no 😭 lets just do that duos match tho

hyeinandout: alr alr

i invited him to my party and grabbed my headphones to get ready for the match. i plugged my headphones in and made sure my mic was in the right place before putting them on and unmuting myself.

before i even begin talking, i see him in the party chat whining.

fullsun8363927292792: why are u muttteddd i wanna hear ur voiceeee :(

i laugh, already unmuted.

"yknow, my voice really is not that great." i say while hitting the option to join a game.

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