Chapter Eighteen: Sun's Sorrow

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Sun couldn't do anything but watch from their chains. They were in the same room, held by chains of pure void behind a one-way mirror, in a small slot behind the wall. Deities were not capable of traversing void, save Solar and Lunar, which meant that it was surprisingly effective in restraining them. Sun was only restrained - there was no gag to prevent them from speaking out, but the tense air in the room was enough to keep their lips sealed. Their curved rays were hardly visible, and even the resilient wallpaper of the afterlife's buildings was starting to become scorched by the warmth emanating from the deity. The room was almost certainly getting boiling hot.

Solar and Moon weren't bothering to even try to speak anymore. They were just fighting; it was a violent scene, and Sun wasn't sure how it would end. Moon's weapon was particularly capable of damaging a God's vessel - that was why its knife form had been used to make Sun's 'tattoos' - so it had caused significant damage to Solar's vessel already. That would scar, even if it didn't need to be replaced entirely.

On the other hand, they were in the afterlife. The playing field was stacked to Solar's advantage. Solar was unable to utilize their complete abilities, as it was taking up part of their attention and energy to maintain the chains around Sun. The void was tricky to manage and manipulate into nonvoid spaces. If Solar wasn't keeping Sun restrained... well, they'd almost certainly win the battle, but as it stood now, it wasn't clear.

Sun recoiled - as much as he could while restrained, anyways - at the sight of a pickaxe digging into Moon's shoulder. Steam began to trail its way from their eyes, tears that evaporated instantaneously the moment they were released. How they weren't vaporized before, Sun wasn't sure.

"Knock knock." Accompanied by a tapping on the door with their knuckles, an ever-familiar figure stood in the entryway. Lunar Eclipse, sporting shorts and a crop top with a golden star on the center, stood up straight and proper. They were covered from head to toe with scars... not even reincarnation could deny the effects of Moon's scythe. "Solar, Moon... I do think that this isn't very good manners."

Both of the fighting deities paused, just for a moment. Solar looked stunned, dropping their pickaxes down. Sun could only assume that they were questioning if what they were seeing was real... the chains restraining Sun vanished, but he didn't notice quite yet, more distracted by Lulu's state. They had to have gone down with quite the fight... Sun could only imagine how much it would have hurt.

Lunar strolled over to Solar's sides, unbothered by Moon's stare, but it was obvious they were evading looking at the scythe. Lunar gently took Solar's hands, looking up at the much taller deity with a neutral expression. Solar's eyes grew teary, and he took it upon himself to wrap his arms around Lunar, who reciprocated the action.

"You have such a penchant for getting into trouble whenever I'm not present... gone for less than thirty years and you still manage to stir up drama." It was unclear whether that was directed to Solar alone, or both Solar and Moon, but it was silent for several moments after.

The peace was not meant to last long.

As Lunar held Solar in his arms, her head fell to the ground, golden ichor oozing from the wounds along their body. Sun could only watch as Moon dealt the final blow with a simple sccchhhhiiick, a bittersweet feeling coursing through his veins. On one hand, Solar had kidnapped him and threatened an innocent bystander... but on the other, wasn't this what had caused all the issues to begin with?

Lunar didn't flinch, but sighed. They got down onto their knees and laid Solar's body down, before picking up their head.

"Will the two of you ever get along..?"

The silence in the room was palpable. Moon's scythe vanished, and Sun could see the sadness on their face, but that didn't mean they were forgiven. They'd hurt, lied, and cheated. Sun couldn't forgive them for that, even if they were his brother.

Sun attempted to move the one way mirror, which caused it to end up falling forward and crashing to the ground with a loud clatter and shatter. Shards of glass flew everywhere, and all eyes were on Sun, including Lunar's collection of floating ones. Moon's face lit up when they saw Sun.

"Sunny! You're okay! You are, right? Are you hurt?" Moon rushed over to Sun, who put their hands together and pushed them towards Moon, hoping they'd calm down and not invade Sun's space.

"If Solar wanted to hurt Sun, he wouldn't have been in here," Lunar noted, now sitting cross legged on the floor. His gaze had gone back to Solar's head, which they were hugging close to their body. His face kept a neutral expression, but Sun couldn't begin to guess what was going on in his head.

"They didn't hurt me. They took Y/N into the void, though. I worry for them..." Sun clasped their hands together now. Moon hugged them tight, but Sun didn't want to return the affection. "Please- please do not touch me."

"I already handled the mortal. They've been reincarnated." Sun's attention snapped to Lunar. Reincarnated? That meant Y/N was gone - that version of them was gone forever, lost.


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⏰ Última actualización: Dec 31, 2023 ⏰

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