Chapter Fifteen: Silence

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Y/N wasn't breathing, but they were still somehow alive, at least, they thought that. They weren't entirely sure. Every attempt to breathe brought on excruciating pain, like inhaling a sharp, cold air while your nose and throat is dry. Yet, was no temperature here. A complete absence of cold and hot that registered to Y/N's mortal shell as simultaneously experiencing both extremes of the spectrum whilst also being at a comfortable temperature. It was painful and calming all at once - or, perhaps, neither.

They felt as though they were falling, falling, falling... but no rush of air was there to greet them. The continuous nothingness seemed to extend into infinity. There was no light, just an endless, all consuming darkness. Keeping their eyes closed and seeing actual darkness helped to keep them sane. It let them try toconvince themselves that they were just laying down, taking a nap...

It wasn't a successful attempt, but it was far better to occupy themselves with trying to convince their brain than trying to fathom where they were. This place didn't feel real, it was nothing like the world Y/N was so accustomed to. There wasn't even a hint of any other people around them, only God knew whether there were any.

A laugh escaped Y/N's lips, yet their lungs somehow felt no emptier.

What better a situation than this to make that comparison? Of course only God knew. Solar knew - Solar must've known. Unless she didn't? Surely she would've known, being the person who brought Y/N here to begin with, but the gods seemed to operate in a very poorly thought out manner. Who could've known what to expect of them? They liked to keep secrets, it seemed.

The whole thing was so ridiculous. Sun and Moon said themselves that Y/N wasn't selected for any particular reason, so why did it have to be them who got dragged into this mess? Without a reason, they were just suffering. Just suffering without cause. Was it karma? Y/N didn't think they'd ever been bad enough to deserve something like this happening to them. Was it because they hadn't been holy enough? Sun and Moon hadn't seemed to care about being worshipped, but then again, they kept a lot from Y/N. They hadn't even mentioned Solar by name, for one.

"Darling?" The voice was startling, after what felt like an eternity of silence. Y/N jolted, eyes snapping open. Their body made a motion as if to jump away from the noise, but there was no solid ground to grip upon, so they simply spun in their freefall.

Before them stood Solar, perfectly upright with impossibly perfect posture, as if there was a floor and gravity here. She reached a clawed hand to Y/N, grabbing them to stop them from floating away any further. Their claws dug ever so slightly into Y/N's leg, creating small cuts. Just enough to hurt - just enough for Y/N to feel like they were still alive. Based on Solar's position, they were upside down... but they didn't feel like they were.

"What do you want from me?" Y/N hadn't meant for their voice to sound so passive, but they were desperate for any sort of interaction or mental stimulation. They didn't want to scare Solar away, lest they be left in the nothingness alone again.

"Nothing. I came to bring you something to keep your brain from melting." Solar displayed a stack of books held in their left two arms. "It's rather unfortunate you were caught in this circumstance. I failed to consider that I could actually provide you an activity to keep your brain distracted. I'm not mad or upset with you - quite happy actually - I just needed to store you."

Y/N wasn't sure how to feel about this. On the one hand, they finally had something to do. Boredom was killing them; this was an understimulatory hell. On the other, they weren't entirely happy about being dragged in here, especially just as their life finally seemed to be getting back together. They didn't reply for a moment, before...

"How can I read? There's no light here."

"In case you haven't noticed, sweetheart, there isn't darkness either. You're able to see me just fine, aren't you? You clearly saw that there were books. So you can read them." Oh. That was quite obvious, now that they thought about it.

"Why did you take me here? What did you need me for?" Y/N felt their anger start to bubble again, after realizing that Solar didn't seem to be rushing away. They wanted answers, and they wanted them now.

"Leverage, my dear. Sun gets attached to his little creations. Moon is attached to Sun. I'm simply using you to get to Moon, in a roundabout way. They have made poor choices in their life, and everything I'm doing... it's their fault you're hurting, darling."

"Moon's fault?! Moon is about the only god I've met who hasn't burned or tortured me!" Y/N snapped in reply, "Explain to me how that makes any sense!"

"Because, my dear, Moon allowed the plan to go through to go to the human realm, knowing how volatile Sun can be. More importantly, Moon is the reason my brother is dead. What would you do, if you knew someone had murdered your only living family in cold blood? You are but a casualty in my plan for vengeance."

Y/N was shocked. They knew Moon was the God of Death, but it still felt out of character to hear that Moon would actually kill someone.

Solar's sibling.

Solar wanted revenge.

"Now, darling, read your books," Solar said with a sickening sweet voice, dropping the books and Y/N in unison.

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