Chapter 11: Into the Clouds (Part One)

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This chapter has become unexpectedly long, so it will be divided into two parts (rather than two chapters, as that would mess up the entire outline I have planned due to consistent pov switching)

Y/N was trying to get their life back in order.

They had finally managed to contact their friends and family to let them know they were okay... even if they really weren't completely okay. Y/N still hadn't yet told them about the fact that they were, well, missing an arm now. They weren't sure on how to even begin explaining that - they couldn't just tell people they met a god now could they? They'd seem like they were hallucinating, at best.

This was, no doubt, very real. They were missing half their arm because of it! No hallucination could cause such a severe injury! They'd lost their job because of their unexplained and sudden absence, so now they had to look for a new job that they could do in their current physical and mental condition, one that would pay the rent. As if they weren't already struggling to afford that!

It was ridiculous. If the gods were in front of them right now, they'd give them a piece of their mind for just leaving them here, having to deal with all of this stupidity. They'd be lucky if they managed to reach any sort of stability, financial, mental, or otherwise within the near future!

"Y/N." At the sudden sound, they froze. The voice was ever familiar, and in a way that gave them far more anxiety than they would have liked. They were home alone, but they were not worried that some other human had broken into their house. No, they knew who that was, and by the gods, their train of thought from only seconds before could not have been halted faster.

They hesitantly turned around to face the God of Death themself, Moon. They didn't know for sure how the whole god thing worked, but they were fairly certain it was not a good idea to yell at a god to their face. That would probably be a pretty fast way to end up in an early grave.

"Do you need something...?" Y/N asked, narrowing their eyes and looking at the deity. They were in their human form again, which was rather eerie after having seen what they actually looked like... if that was even them.

"I just want to talk with you, if you'll let me. I have no right to stay if you do not want me here, but I want to try to... fix things. Obviously, this is not something that can be fixed, not really, but I want to make it better. Sun is... distressed and concerned about you, but can't really come here for obvious reasons, so I'm here in his stead," Moon said softly, waving their hands as they spoke.

Y/N considered this for a moment. On one hand, the deities had absolutely ruined their life. On the other hand, hearing that Sun was concerned was... curious. Why would a god care about what happened to a mortal? There were plenty to go around, after all, and it wasn't like Y/N had actually done anything special. Was there something more behind why they were chosen? A reason, an explanation? Despite their anger, there was certainly a desperation for answers.

"I'll talk, but you owe me some answers. Why the hell would you bother going into my house? Putting up the act? What did you want? I get you were talking about mass extinction, but what does that have to do with me?" Y/N was absolutely terrified of making the deity mad, but also couldn't care quite enough that they would completely filter themselves. It was funny, how contradictory that was.

"We were collecting data. The world is changing. Our work is changing. Sun may not create every living entity, but they do manage life and make sure it, as some popular media would put it, 'finds a way'. As for myself, it's my job to get everything that dies into the afterlife. Everything. Humans are the most complicated, but they're not all my job entails. Sun and I noticed the changes long ago, but we thought they'd go away. Clearly, we are wrong, and now we need to double our efforts to identify the facets of the problem and the solutions. To live amongst humans is our best bet. Normally, human related inquiries would go to Lunar -... but they are out of the picture. Sun and I are not skilled with humans, as you can tell, but we were running out of options."

"And why choose me? I'm not in any position of power, I don't have any more access to the world than any other person." Y/N was about to cross their arms, but that didn't quite work out for them, considering they lacked half of one of their arms.

"That's the point, actually. We were going to spend a few months in different countries attempting to experience the 'average' lifestyle of a citizen there to understand the primary issues behind environmental disaster as well as the awareness of the average person of these issues. Polaris - Sun's assistant - selected a few options for us to look into. You were the first to accept," Moon spoke slowly and concisely. Despite Y/N's clear irritation, Moon was calm and composed.

That... made sense, Y/N supposed, but it didn't forgive what happened.

"You knew there was a risk. I heard you and Sun talking about risks. You knew you were dangerous - you knew Sun was a hazard and you continued. You allowed all of this to happen to me!"

"That's true. And... I am sorry. I will do what I can to make up to you for it. If you require assistance, I will provide it, but I want to ask of you one thing."

"You're in no place to ask me for anything," Y/N pointed out. They weren't going to play nice anymore.

"I know. I just want you to talk to Sun. For closure; for both of you. Back in their realm, where they aren't anywhere near as hazardous."

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