~⭐️New Year's special⭐️~

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~"My man is cupid" inspired


-All of this situations are fiction and they don't represent the real persons wish, thoughts, actions, etc...

-If you find this oneshot disgusting or offensive, please don't leave hate and just go out if you need it.




~GunRae AU

Everyone asks themselves eventually at a point of life 'what is my mission in life?' Some people found in early, some others found it when choosing a career, and others never found it. I, well, know it and have it since I was born, since my name, Kim Taerae, was given to me. Why? That is because I am Cupid.

Or in more specific words, one of the many cupids around the world; Seoul's Cupid. 

Since my senior cupid retired, I had proudly took his role in my free time. The senior explained me the 4 essential rules of being cupid; not using this ability for yourself, don't make everyone in love just because you want, not being seen and not telling anyone about it. Simple enough, nothing to worry about, right?

It was because since then, I followed every single rule, no exceptions. Although that changed the instant when Park Gunwook was were he wasn't supposed to be. The instant he saw me with a golden and bright bow and arrow, with my white and celestial wings exposed.

That may be added to the reason why I hate Park Gunwook.

I hate him knowing my secret. I hate his big smile that gives to me. I hate that he is always perfect in what he does. I hate that he always tries to help everyone. I hate the kindness he spreads everywhere he goes. And the worst thing, I hate that wildness that my interior feels every time he is with me. Hao hyung might say that I like him, but I am almost one hundred percent sure that is some kind of venom, but I don't have nothing to deny Hao because, ironically enough, I have never been in love.

Cupid has never been in love. It sounds weird, but it's true.

And because of that, sometimes I think that Hao hyung is right. Then after thinking about it I slam my hand in my face and try to convince me that I am just hallucinating. I could never be in love, right? Not after I saw what loving incorrectly makes. Being Cupid is cool in some way, but when you presence what incorrect couples does the first time, it's imposible to not think about it.

Abuse, emotional damage, death even.

Despite that fact, I am here, holding hands with the person I hate and love while walking trough the chill and cold streets, about to enter to a restaurant that Gunwook recommended. It was so fast when he asked me out that I didn't had time to think correctly.

"Taerae, would you like to have dinner with me in new year? I know you eon' have family to celebrate it, because, well you are cupid." He said the last part almost like a whisper. "My parents are out the city so I don' have someone to celebrate with also. So, what do you say?"

"Uhm.. sure."

Now I was there, sat with him 'looking at the menu' while I secretly look into Gunwook.

"I am too handsome for you to not look?" There was a big smirk in his face, almost as if he was showing off that he discovered me. 'Secretly", yeah, sure. I felt shy immediately and felt my blood rapidly rising to my cheek, probably coloring them, so I tried to look somewhere else without answering his question. His ego didn't needed to be fed more.

After my cheeks felt normal, we both started talking about silly things with each other. Like that time Gunwook got lost in a mall and spent an entire hour trying to find his family. Or how he felt when he discovered my secret. There was something weird in him and I spending time alone, laughing together, that made me question 'why did I hate him in first place?'. (Hey, sorry! I don't have much time left before its 12:00 and my only option was too 'skip' the conversation or to leave it like a 2 parter, and I definitely prefer you happy with a complete story. In compensation, I will rewrite this in the future, I promise.)

"Kim Taerae." Gunwook stopped the conversation and looked at me directly onto my eyes.


"Is it posible to be in love with Cupid? Because I think I am."

'What did he said now? Is he.. in love with me? Did I accidentaly linked him to me? But..but.. I was sure... I didn't made any mistakes.. And I' My mind was a completely mess and Gunwook could visibly see that.


What should I say?


Gunwook stared at me again. There was reflecting in his eyes. Worry?


"I should have said that so suddenly, sorry." Gunwook stated.


"We can forget it if you want, and act like if nothing had happened. Sorry, I am a complete dumb."


There was a problem with what Gunwook said.


A BIG and concerning problem I tried to neglect.


But I couldn't.


Because the truth was, that I didn't wanted to make this non-existant.


"I, I.." Would I regret it? I hope no. No.


"I think I like you too Gunwook."


~827 words

I hated this one. Pretty bland, wanted to add soooo many things but my time was 📉📉📉. As said before, I will be 'rebooting' this one, maybe even doing a mini-serie in this Oneshot book. Tomorrow I will bring a better chapter, I promise. (2 promises in a day, oh god!). I really thought seriously if I would upload it because it's bad compraing it to others I did but, well, life is full of regrets and choices. And what better to do it than the last hours of the year ;)

But you know what isn't a bad decision? To read a good fan fiction! So for that, I have a recommendation for Haobin lovers. Its name is "I kissed a boy" from niniversion. There are only a few chapter's left so it's a good time to start reading it! The story in a few words is about Hanbin and Hao meeting again after Hao ditched Hanbin after... well, let's say a night of making love. It had been a while since it happened and Hanbin already had their child, which by coincidence began going to violin clases with Hao. That's all I can say, but please make sure to check it out, it's such a great story and I really wanted to give Nini the recognition she deserved ;)

That is all for today. Happy New Year's everyone! May all your goals be accomplished!! 🎉🎉🎉

See you next time!!

~Jin (ZMG)

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