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Plot for fanfiction / short because I didn't had too much to motivation nor inspiration for this.


-All of this situations are fiction and they don't represent the real persons wish, thoughts, actions, etc...

-If you find this oneshot disgusting or offensive, please don't leave hate and just go out if you need it.




-Gyuvin x Ricky AU  (I need to find a ship name that everyone could understand than just simkongz 😅)

Gyuvin was a kind and helpful person, and everyone in the school knew it. He always loved to help the ones he could, especially 'his' little ones which included his best friends Park Gunwook and Han Yujin. Although he obviously had his favorite ones, he was there for everyone that needed him; either for school or if they had any emotional problems. Yet, he had someone who he ignored. Oh well, not ignored, but rather he never ever dared to talk or even make contact with. Someone that 'ruined' his life. Someone that in just a matter of months made a crack in his whole world and family.

Shen Quanrui, better known as Ricky.

That was another thing everyone new; the conflict within them. Just a few knew why, his bestriends, even thought that everyone could notice the strange form of acting Gyuvin made when the Chinese one was near.

It had been a drastic change. First they talked and passed time together as much as they could and the next day they weren't. Ricky stopped hanging out with everyone around him and Gyuvin just accepted because he couldn't care less. It had been like that for a couple of weeks and at the begging Gyuvin's best friends tried to talk about it but they learnt that he hated it.

That was their new way of living, nothing could stopped it. It was until their semestral pair-work were every wall and rule they had established was challenged.

"Gyuvin hyung, why are you moody today?" Yujin, Gunwook, Gyuvin and Jiwoong were walking to the cafeteria after their classes. Gyuvin was the only one of them that didn't said anything during the walk so Yujin suspected something happened.

"I am not moody." A pause was made after Gyuvin declared such a big lie. "Well, maybe I am, but that is nothing of your interest."

"But I am interested." The youngest placed his head on Gyuvin's shoulder and looked at him trying to change the decision of his hyung.

"Me tooo..." Gunwook added.

"Yeah Gyuvin, answer to your little ones and your hyung." Jiwoong joined the younger's complains and tried to convince the ladder. 


"HYUUUUNHGGG, PLEEAAAASSSEEEE!" Yujin was basically begging at that point because that boy was nothing near to being patient and was very curious.

"OOOH WAIT, is it because you are parther of Ricky hyung in the semestral projshsj" Gyuvin rapidly placed his hand in Gunwook's mouth before he could say anything else, but it was too late because the other ones had already heard enough.

"That explains everything. You know Gyuvin, you should let it slide for this time, this project is very important to your scores and your mom would kill you if you fail English. And also, you aren't sure that Ricky...well... did what he did."

"Yes, listen to the old man." A slight laugh was released from Gunwook's mouth before Jiwoong lightly kicked Yujin's ribs, but that didn't stopped him from laughing.

"I am sure he did it, but you are right, I don't wanna fail again. Maybe we could do the project without any extra talk and coexistence."

"I think that is better. For now at least." Jiwoong desisted in negotiating more with Gyuvin.

Then, while having lunch, a notification sounded from Gyuvin's room.

Unknown number

See you at my house after school for the project.



It was 4pm by the time Gyuvin arrived to the blonde Chinese's house. He new the way to go by heart and he didn't forgot it. He knocked the door two times before someone opened it.

"Hi, Hao hyung."

"Hi Gyuvin. What... brings you here?"

"I have a project to do with your brother. I thought he would tell you."

"Yes, he told me, but he didn't told me you were THAT partner." It was stranger, it have ben a while since they talked, but they weren't in bad terms as him and Ricky. Zhang Hao signaled him and Gyuvin passed inside.

It had been a while since he came, but the place was intact. The table games that they would usually use to play were in the same place and the smell of fresh orchids surrounded the house. 

"You know where Ricky is, so I don't need to tell you where. I don't now if I need to ask you this but please don't cause a mess. Ricky had been weird this days since... well since you know when. He is even like that with me as well and seeing you and being alone in a room might cause problems. So if something happens you can go whenever you want and sorry."

"You don't need to say sorry, hyung. I should go with Ricky now, we have less time to work now that I took long to come here." He walked to the stairs and went to the second floor at the final room of the corridor where Ricky's room was.


"Took you long enough, don't you think?" Gyuvin didn't answer and just sat down in Ricky desk's chair because the blonde one was in his own bed.

"Fine, if you want to be like that then so be it."

The afternoon passed as slow as a snail because of the silence and tension between them. They knew the assignment well because of the hour of talking the teacher did about the project. The stoled some to each other looks every time in a while but they ended up ignored the other every time and that is how they spent their afternoon until Ricky dared to ask a question. "Gyuvin, is it written correctly? I am not sure if I did it correct." Gyuvin started at Ricky and his tablet with the document of their investigation before ignoring it and looking back at his work. 

"Kim Gyuvin, I am asking you a question." Ricky took Gyuvin's tablet for getting his attention.

"I know, I am not DUMB ANYMORE!" Gyuvin grabbed the tablet from the chinese firm hands and tried to go back to their project.




"WHY WOULD I ANSWER OR EVEN TALK TO MY BROTHER'S MURDERER ?" There it was, he said it. He wanted to stay the whole time without mentioning it but it came too easily from his mouth when Ricky got in his nerves and a tear was coming out from his own puppy eyes.


~1050 words
Yeah, I said that it would be short and it is, but I thought it would be much much shorter. I think I really got my inner emotions in this chapter and got the inspiration I didn't had 😅. Expected that plot twist? I wanted to expand a little bit more this Oneshot but that would be needed to wait until I launch the fanfic, sorry. It is weird for me to right Gyuvin as a cold person in front of Ricky, so that is why the last part, the conflict part, was a little bit rushed. 
Still though, I am mostly satisfied with this one, and you?
I noticed that this day that I will post everyday the couples are the same 3, but I promise that after publishing the plots for the fanfictions I will focus a little bit more in other couples like Taerae and Gunwook or Taerae and Matthew if you want.
See you tomorrow with another Mattwoong Oneshot my dear readers.
~Jin (ZMG)

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