31th December 2023

Start from the beginning


Breaking | Israeli Channel 12 about the 13th Battalion of the Golani Brigade: 41 of our soldiers were killed on October 7 and 7 in the Gaza battles, including the battalion commander.


Ehud Olmert, former Prime Minister of Israel: We expect difficult days ahead and the number of casualties has become alarming and troubling. I believe the time has come for Israel to declare its readiness to stop fighting. Yes, stop the fighting. Not a truce or a temporary halt for a few days, 3 - 4 days, but a cessation of hostilities and to negotiate an exchange deal and the future of the sector.


Saraya al-Quds: We bombarded Nir'am and Mefalsim in the Gaza Envelope with rocket barrages.


Military spokesperson for Ansar Allah (Houthi) group in Yemen:
- We warn the American enemy against any escalation against our country and our people, and we warn all the countries that might be implicated in protecting Israeli enemy ships.
- We will not hesitate to take necessary actions to defend and counter any aggression.
- Our position in Yemen regarding the Palestinian issue and the plight of the Palestinian people is firm, principled, and will not change.
- We are fully prepared and militarily ready to execute directives at any moment to confront any aggression.


Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine:
- The Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine appreciates South Africa's decision to file a lawsuit against the Israeli army for committing genocide against the Palestinian people at the International Court of Justice.
- We affirm that this decision, which sides with the blood of Palestinian civilians, including children and women, is welcomed by our people and its forces and components, despite our lack of reliance and bets on such international institutions that have never been fair to our Palestinian people.
- The response from the Israeli Foreign Ministry to the South African decision, claiming they "target the resistance, not the people of Gaza," is nothing but an attempt to evade responsibility for the genocidal crimes committed and still being committed in the sector.


UNRWA Commissioner-General:
- Israel, as the occupying power, must ensure the provision of basic services to the population and supply them.
- Food, water, fuel, and all humanitarian aid should not be used as weapons of war and should not be politicized.


Channel 12 Israel, citing military sources:
The army is disturbed that the political level has not yet defined the objectives of continuing the war.

Channel 12 Israel, citing military sources:
The army believes that the achievements on the ground will erode over time without political action.


The Supreme Council for Sport in Gaza:
The Israeli occupation army has killed hundreds of athletes and sports figures, destroyed dozens of stadiums and clubs, and turned part of them into detention, torture, and execution centres.



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The American newspaper The Wall Street Journal: The destruction in the Gaza Strip resembles what happened in Germany during World War II

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The American newspaper The Wall Street Journal: The destruction in the Gaza Strip resembles what happened in Germany during World War II.


In a press statement

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In a press statement... Hezbollah: We mourn the martyr Hassan Akram Moussawi 'Rabi'' from the town of Qarha in the Beqaa, who ascended as a martyr on the path to Jerusalem.

May Allah grant him a high rank in Jannah.


—> Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades - Tulkarem:
Our heroic fighters are engaged in violent clashes with the occupation forces storming Nour Shams camp with heavy barrages of bullets.

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