you kiss someone else (under love potion)

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you kissing someone else...

you kissing someone else

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Draco Malfoy

Draco looks around the Great Hall, wondering where you went. "Has anyone seen Y/n?", he asks around as he makes his way through the crowd, looking for you everywhere. There's a weird feeling in his gut. You'd normally never leave his side after a match. After walking outside the hall, he suddenly finds you snogging Cormac McLaggen in the corridor. His face drops.

A small crowd, mainly consisting of Gryffindors, has gathered watching the unlikely couple. The second they see Draco, the boys start murmuring: "Oooh, now it's about to go down!" Draco starts fuming and hisses: "Get your filthy hands off my girlfriend, McLaggen!" Cormac looks at him amused. "Relax, Malfoy. She likes it, doesn't she?", he says and squishes your cheeks. You look at them confused, the love potion still clouding your mind.

"Y/n?!" Draco is too shocked for a snarky remark, he just stares at you unbelievingly. Questioning how you could ever do this to him, he practically runs off towards the Slytherin dorms. Despite your mind still being foggy, you decide to follow after him. "Dray?", you call and touch his arm slightly. He shakes you off roughly. "Leave me alone, Y/n", he grunts and takes off. You look after him and don't understand at all what's happening.

The next day...

You 'wake up' from the love potion and can finally think clearly again. As the memories from last night begin to return, you immediately rush to Draco's dorm. After knocking a couple times without getting a response, you peak inside. Draco is sitting on his bed in a hoodie, not looking in your direction. You make your way towards him and kneel before his legs. "Dray?" He looks at you coldly. "You can leave."

You take his hand. "I'm sorry you had to see that. It wasn't-" "Don't tell me 'it's not what you think'", he spits angrily. "But it IS not. Dray, hey, look at me, please", you beg and tears fill your eyes. "Do you really think I'd ever kiss someone else voluntarily?! I love you. I don't want anybody else." His face stays emotionless but you can see the hurt behind his cold facade. "Didn't look like it last night.", he mutters. You look him deep in the eye. "They must've poured amortentia in my food. That's the only reason I kissed him. I promise you. I never wanted this." He studies your face closely.

"Do you trust me?", you ask desperately. He furrows his brows and looks down. "Until yesterday? With my life", he murmurs. Your chin trembles and you try to refrain from crying. "Then please believe me. I didn't want to ruin your night. I can't believe... This is the worst thing they could've done, I hate this, I-" Draco shuts you up by kissing you. Your hands desperately grip onto his shirt and he pulls you up, his arms wrapping around your waist.

You sigh of relief and lean your forehead against his. Draco hisses: "We need to report this to McGonagall. This is beyond Quidditch. They'll never touch you again, I'll make sure of it." You nod. "I'll come with you. And Dray... Thank you for believing me. For a second, I thought... I was so scared you wouldn't", you whisper. He looks at you sad and strokes your cheek softly. "Me too. I'm sorry, I... I should've known right away." He lets his head hang low and you look at him intensely. "Dray, I'm all yours. Always remember that."

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