My Love For You Is Gone

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You were still in your trauma.

You woke up after two days when Yoongi sent you to the hospital. You came to know that each one of your friends now knows about you, your past and your bloody secret.

You didn't utter a single word for straight one week.

2 weeks in, you started talking like a normal person, sometimes you yelled and screamed at Yoongi and Jimin to leave you alone so you can feel 'warmth' but none of them listened to you.

As soon as you came back home, you saw Taehyung visiting you, he was begging and crying to meet you. His face brings the ache in your heart back.

3 weeks in, Yoongi took you to the therapist for your therapy and shockingly you were recovering very fast. You started smiling, laughing, talking just like everything is normal as if you never faced any traumatic period in your life; in just one week you were acting like you are fine.

Doctors were in disbelief but they were happy for you.

You begged Yoongi to allow you to join the work again as you wanted to divert your mind from everything happening around, you promised that Jimin is going to be beside you all the time. After almost a thousand of pleadings he agreed and handed your responsibility to Jimin.

Months passed and you were already doing great in your work as well as in your life. You faced each one of them except Ree and Taehyung; you are not ready to face them nor will Yoongi ever permit you to meet them either. Other hand, Taehyung kept his eyes on you, he observed every action of you through his men.

"My love is gone for you Tae~ You are no longer mine."

"This is unbelievable but your sister's recovery speed is amazing. In just 7 months she is able to control her mind. the doctor said to yoongi. Today your therapy session is completed. Take care of yourself and feel free to come here if you find anything difficult." the psychiatrist said to you. Yoongi smiled at his statement and took you back home. Everything was back to their places.

After your incident, Taehyung's mind never stays under his control, it always wanders around you. He stopped giving attention to himself as well as to Ree, he still takes care of her but not like before. Most of the time he is lost, staring at the blank space, crying, feeling disgust of himself.

Ree couldn't take it anymore, she wants her husband to feel good, at least for once, Ree is still unknown about what you did a few months back. Today it was her 9 months anniversary, and Ree put Viagra in Taehyung's drink. They made love with each other the entire night.

Due to the drug's effect Taehyung wasn't able to wake up on time the next day and Ree informed his company that he will not be coming today at work.

"Are you stupid Ree?? How CAN YOU DO THIS??" Taehyung shouted. She never saw him this angry. "You were just tired so I thought if you take some rest today." her voice was low as whisper but enough for him to hear. "I won't be tired if you didn't pull that trick last night." he scoffed and turned to face the mirror while tying his tie. "After all you must be expert in pulling tricks by now." He mummers under his breathe which was clearly audible to Ree. Her eyes filled with tears.

"You have no idea how important today's meeting is. I beg you don't act stupid from the next time." he didn't spare the broken state of Ree and left for work. Ree scoffed and threw the pillow on the ground in anger.

On the way to the office his eyes fell on the very familiar figure he was dying to see for months. It was you sitting inside the café which is near to your work. He immediately pushed the brake making the whole car jerk with a screech sound.

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