You're A Mean One, Jin the Grinch.

Start from the beginning

Jin: Heh.

Chelsea: Sorry!

Carolers: 🎶 We wish you a merry Christmas, we wish you a merry Christmas, we wish you a merry Christmas, and a happy new year. We wish you a merry Christmas, we wish you a merry Christmas, we wish you a merry Christmas, and a happy new year.

Chelsea clapped as they kept on caroling, but Jin grabbed some glass and a blade, and made a scraping sound which Chelsea didn't hear, but made all the carolers run away in fear.

Jin: Ha take that!

Chelsea: No need to make them go scat.

As the two went into the grocery store, Jin walked inside to cause some chaos, yes, he wanted more. First up he took all he free samples so it won't be eaten by some kook, but they tasted horrible and he started to-

Jin: Not so fast.


-throw up.

Jin: Haha.

Ok, messing up the dialogue is one thing, but ruining the rhyme?

Jin: Hey. You're the one writing this.

Back to the story.


Once Jin puked it into the garbage can, he started taking food out of bags and eating it. When someone tried to get a jar, Jin offered to get it.

Civilian: Thanks.

But Jin wasn't in the mood, and placed it on a higher shelf.

Civilian: How rude.

He pulls out a slingshot and the shelf breaks, but Chelsea grabs the jar and gives it to the civilian.

Civilian: Thank you, miss.

Chelsea: You're welcome.


Meanwhile, Sheele was currently carrying a bunch of bags around and found her boss asleep on her throne.

Sheele: Are you ok, boss?

Najenda: No, I'm fine. Tatsumi and Akame are currently working with some seasonal allies to kill unlearning Scrooges. Because if spirits can't change them, they die.

Sheele: Ok. I got gifts for everyone. From Mine to Jun.

Najenda: Ok. And where are Jin and Chelsea?

They appear by dark portal and they have multiple bags of groceries in hand.

Jin: Here. Merry Christmas.

He heads to his lab and Sheele attempts to follow him and Chelsea.

Sheele: You forgot to write down what you want for Christmas.

Jin: That's cause I hate it. And anyone who even pushes the holiday around.

Sheele: But t's the happiest time of year.

He just heads into the laboratory and shuts the door as Chelsea rubs her neck and says why.

Chelsea: It's kind of a long story.



Years ago, during Christmas, Jin and Jun were among a group of school students in heaven's learning center. Jin and Jin then walked for a while until they got to school.

Akame Ga Kill OC Story: Brothers of the Afterlife (Tatsumi x Akame)Where stories live. Discover now