First Ever Carl x Reader Rewritten!

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{I just reread the first chapter and I am so fucking embarrassed.

I was new to writing smut and making sense of like, background context, and it was literally the weirdest fucking thing to read now.

I'm gonna rewrite it and make it better because I feel horrible for all those people who laid eyes on that chapter.

I hope you enjoy and please, for the love of God, tell me I've gotten better... Be honest, I've been trying to improve my smut writing for a whole year.}


CONTEXT: You are Carol's other daughter and you've known Carl since the beginning, around the age of twelve. Now, three years later, he's fifteen, you're sixteen, you two are attached to the hip. That was until one morning, Carl started to ignore you, every time you were in the same room, he'd leave, every time you tried to talk to him, he walked off and would make himself busy. This wasn't like your best friend, so you decided to force it out of him.


"Carl!" I called, making the one eyed boy look over his shoulder. Once his eye landed on me, he whipped his head back around and quickly ran off to one of the watch towers. "Carl, wait," I panted, running after him before stopping a few feet from the door that had slammed shut, "Damnit!" I groaned, bending forward and slapping my hands onto my knees, catching my breath. "Did you two have a fight or something?" A familiar voice asked from behind me, making me look over, instantly coming face to face with my mom. "No," I panted, taking a step back and running a hand through my natural silver blonde hair that I inherited from my mother, "He's just been ignoring me for no reason. It's been like this since this morning." I explained, shaking my head sadly. "Hmm." Mother hummed, her brows furrowing slightly, "That's weird... He's in the watch tower, y'know. He just trapped himself in a small, confined space, so if I were you, I'd take this chance to corner him." She suggested. "Mama, you're a genius." I say, grabbing her shoulders, kissing her cheek before running to the door, hearing her laugh at the gesture behind me.

I took the bandana that I wore on my wrist and tied it on the door, signalling that the people inside wanted privacy. Usually, that meant the people inside were having sex, but hey, if no one interrupted us, that's good enough for me. I climbed the ladder and opened the trap door that lead to the top. Carl was sat in a wooden rocking chair, his head bowed down, his chest heaving. Concerned, I slowly stood up and quietly closed the trap door, making my way to the boy to see if he was okay.

Before I could even part my lips to ask, the boy who had his back to me let out a strained moan, his body jerking so hard that his hat tipped off. "Shit." Carl groaned, getting up to grab his hat. He froze as soon as he turned around.

Carl was like a statue, frozen in place, an embarrassed and shocked expression on his face that was glowing a deep red. His left hand was covered in dripping cum and his jeans and boxers were down to his knees.

And oh, my God.

He was HUGE.

At least a solid seven or eight inches in length, possibly two inches width.

I didn't want to be rude and stare at my best friend's dick, but I couldn't not look. I mean, holy fuck... Just the sight of it was hypnotizing somehow...

Fuck, my mouth is watering... What is wrong with me?

There was a thick, awkward silence that you could slice with a knife. Hell, it was so riveting that I swore it got harder to breathe from the strength of the tension.

"Carl, is this why you've been ignoring me? Because you got... Hard?" I found myself awkwardly talking without even realizing until the boy slowly nodded his head in the corner of my eye. "Can... Can you stop looking at it?" Carl asked sheepishly, his voice trembling as he covered himself with his hands, snapping me out of my trance and making me look everywhere but his face.

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