My First Ever Carl x Male!Reader Rewritten!

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This is to show how far I've come with smut writing! Tell me how I did! Enjoy!❤️✨

I'm gay.

"Straight" up.

And my Gay-O-Meter has never failed.

And that's actually a good thing during an apocalypse because I've been able to have hookups here and there.

But my Gay-O-Meter failed to pick up a certain someone that I've known and crushed on since the beginning.

Carl Grimes.


I sat with Michonne on the porch as Judith sat in my lap, playing with my rings that I've stolen off of dead walkers over the years. Michonne was about to go on a quick run with Daryl and Rosita soon, so she spent her time waiting talking to Judith and I.

Our conversation was interrupted when Carl walked up to us. "Hey, Carl." Michonne greeted with a small smile as I just sent him a nod as a subtle "Hello" which he returned, "Hey," Carl said looking between us, "Y/n, can I talk to you about something?" He asked. "Sure, what's up, babes?" I asked nonchalantly.

I call everyone "Babes", hold ya horses.

"I was wondering if we could talk alone?" He said softly, glancing at Michonne who I shared a look with after he spoke that sentence. "It's alright, Y/n. I gotta head towards the gate anyway." She reassured me even though I didn't really need it. Michonne walked off after she gently pat my shoulder, leaving Carl and I on his porch.

"Let's go inside to talk, 'kay?" I say, standing up with Judith on my hip. Carl nodded before he joined my side, quickly getting ahead of me to open the door like a gentleman. "Thank you." I say softly as I walked into the household, instantly going upstairs to Judith's playroom, Carl behind me. I set Judith in her crib, "Take a rest, okay? We'll check on 'ya in a little bit." I promised the tired toddler. "Ni ni..." Judith mumbled tiredly, falling to sleep, "Night night, hun." I cooed, tucking in her underneath her baby blankets.

I turned around to see Carl leaning against the doorframe patiently with a shy, closed mouthed smile. "What?" I asked softly with a grin, making my way over, making him step back so I could close the door quietly. "You're just so good to her." Carl said, making me chuckle quietly and cross my arms, "So, what's up?" I asked, making Carl's smile falter.

The one eyed boy took a deep breath before speaking, "How... How'd you find out that you were gay?" He asked timidly, an awkward tone coating his question. I was taken aback at the question and blushed slightly, "Oh," I cleared my throat, "Just always preferred dudes. Girls have never caught my interest in a romantic way. And I get this sick feeling in my gut whenever a girl is basically throwing herself at me," I finished, earning a couple slow nods in return, "Why do you ask?" I asked, making it his turn to blush.

Carl took a deep breath and looked away, "I think I like guys..." He admitted shyly, "But I don't know for sure."


What the fuck.

How the fuck is this happening?

Like, Carl is one of the straightest guys I know and here he is, admitting to me he's been questioning his sexuality.

"Oh, well, why do you think that is?" I asked, putting my hands into my pockets and tilting my head to the side slightly. "I've had this... Thing for a guy, but at the same time I've had things for girls at the same time and it's just so confusing..." Carl explained softly glancing at me here and there, unable to keep his eye focused on one thing for more than a couple seconds. "Who's the lucky guy?" I asked, not really wanting to know as my heart was already dreading the fact he's been attracted to someone. "You, but I don't know if I'm gay." He said slowly, each word coming out softer and softer with him becoming more and more hesitant.

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