bloody big mess

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TW chapter : violence, bad language , graphic scenes 

1 Year later

Business was booming at Fagin's and Nancy and Jack were able to collectively recruit a sizeable gang over the past year. Both now 13 years old they acted like Big brother and sister for the poor orphan boys they had in their care, who became closer by the day. They truly had turned into their own little family. It was clear to the lads that Nancy and Jack were Fagin's favourites and if he was ever out they'd be in charge. In regards to the business, everyone had their own role and they knew it well , so when working as an ensemble, they were like a well oiled machine when thieving. Little Charlie Bates was on lookout, Sam and Peter would distract the public as they were quite the comedic duo, Eric kept tabs on the stolen items and Dodger and Nancy would pick pockets. They never, ever got caught.

One evening after a long heist around town, they boys were shattered and all went out like lights in their hammocks, snoring and dribbling into deep slumbers. Dodger and Nancy were sat at the table with tankards of gin talking in hushed tones. " Where did Fagin say he had gone today?" She asked the boy inquisitively with her soft cockney accent, Dodger replied with a yawn whilst he rested his head on his top hat that sat on the table . " He didn't. He just said he was meeting someone important and he kept muttering about some sort of reward." His eyes were slowly closing whist Nancy was pondering on what Fagin had told Jack. She noticed the boy falling into a slumber of his own as his sandy brown mopped hair fell onto his face. She pushed it out of his eyes and whispered " Go on Dodge, get some shut eye." He reluctantly sat back up and tiredly asked her " You sure you're alright on your own until Fagin's back?" She replied with a sweet smile " Course I am".. So without another word of argument he moped into his hammock and began to snore with his mouth open and hat resting on his face for extra added darkness. 

Soon after, Nancy heard the door being quietly held ajar as Fagin and a dark figure of muscle and brutishness stepped into the lodge , quietly making their way across the line of sleeping boys in hammocks. She was in the kitchen, boiling water for a cup of tea. As if on command she heard Fagin's familiar voice sound through to the kitchen. " Do us a brew will you Nancy." He had clearly noticed that she was the only one not asleep when he checked on the lads on the way in. Their murmurs were incoherent from the kitchen, but by the sounds of it the other man had a very low , gruff voice. She hastily entered the lounge with two chipped mugs, that she and Dodge had stolen from Portobello markets, full of steaming tea and a saucer that had two shortbread fingers on it. She felt intimidated the moment she entered the room, which was very rare considering her home was the most comforting place in Nancy's eyes. She kept her head down and her eyes either fixed to the floor or to Fagin as she passed him a cup. Then placed one next to the man on the cabinet near his armchair. But she never once looked at him. She turned and approached Fagin to be dismissed for the night, now with her back to the mysterious man. Fagin stood from his chair and held both her hands " I'm sorry for being back so late my Dear, I suspect we had a good days work. Poor Dodge looked knackered when I seen him on my way in. "  Nancy sheepishly nodded and smiled in triumph. Fagin kissed her forehead and dismissed her to bed. "You go get your forty winks now kiddo and I'll see you tomorrow' . I should be done with Mr Sykes soon." As Nancy went to shut the door the man grunted and took a gulp of his tea. 

Nancy was sleepless and she had no hope of getting to sleep anytime soon, she checked the pocket watch that was open on the mantlepiece 4:12 AM. The sky was becoming a bleak grey colour instead of a dark midnight. She noticed that the mysterious man still hadn't left and he sounded very impatient with Fagin. So Nancy nestled herself with her blanket wrapped around her like a shawl right by the lounge door, so she could hear the conversations taking place. " IVE HAD ENOUGH FAGIN. I GOT NO COMPENSATION FOR THAT LAST HEIST. WHEN I AM GOING TO SEE MY REWARD?" The man spoke in a impatient whisper of pure anger. Nancy could tell that Fagin had a plan but was currently stepping on eggshells around the man. " Oh, I'm tellin' ya Bill ,I've got a reward for ya, and it's even better than the cash." " OH AND WHATS THAT THEN YOU SCHEMING LITTLE TWIT?"  Fagin had clearly made a gesture of some sort, as there was a brief silence before Bill continued. "WELL IT TRULY IS A BEAUTIFUL REWARD." Nancy could hear him grab Fagin( presumably by the neck) as he was making retching, choaking sounds ." YOURE IN DEBT FAGIN, SO I WANT TO SEE THIS REWARD AGAIN AS SOON AS THE SHEETS TURN RED AND I WANT IT PROMISED TO ME BY THE TIME SHE IS 16 ." The girl had absolutely no clue what they were referencing when it came to this suspicious 'reward'. She felt a sudden wave of tiredness wash over her so she decided to let her mind wander as she slept. 

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