The boy in the top hat

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3 years later - London Streets

The early blooming's of spring were in motion, granted it wasn't as noticeable as it would be in the countryside that Nancy had grown used to as a child. The blooming blossom trees, long grass overgrowing outside her window, of course she was never able to go outside and experience it so she would spend her springs and summers feeling the hot amber rays skim her face through her window. But now she was free. Nancy had been living with Fagin for almost three years and they had grown very close. They had become quite the team , a father and daughter relationship, mentor and student , he acquainted her with many folk he associated with, however she did regard some of them being stranger than others. The peculiar spots they would meet Fagin , the hushed tones the spoke in , the strange smuggling they would do in each others pockets , and it was nearly always in the dead of night when no one was around. However naïve little Nancy was none the wiser of the criminal activity taking place. She thought it all to be normal  

She was now 12 years old however and had become very streetwise. The business that Fagin first proposed to her, made her feel extremely mentally conflicted - she would be his distraction for when he is pickpocketing. She never expected the man who saved her from landing in prison to be a sly criminal pick pocketer himself, but it made sense to her the more she learned about Fagin. She agreed with haste when she remembered that this eccentric man was the reason that she had a roof under her head and a full belly. So the duo would travel around the streets of London, with Nancy batting her doe eyes and newly found blushed complexion she developed as she got better fed , rested and older. She would usually go to market stalls or the outside of shops and ask the owners or passers by to reach for an object on a shelf she couldn't reach , so that their backs were turned whilst Fagin would reach into their pockets, steal their goods and alert Nancy when they were ready to dart off again. 

As she grew more and more independent , quicker and more slick , Fagin let her out on her own to try to steal a handkerchief from a mans pocket he spotted earlier that morning , as he had to go and meet one of his peculiar friends over some ' business'. So there she was running in and out of alleys ready to distract and successfully pick pocket this man. She had him in her peripheral vision , but she then also noticed; So did someone else.  A boy who looked maybe a year younger than her or perhaps her age, with sandy brown hair, and large brown eyes full of adventure, a mischievous smile and he stood taller than her with his lanky stature. He was stood to her left , his fingers clinging to the brick edge of the alley, he was tracking the man waiting for the right moment to swipe the handkerchief from his pocket. He bolted off, dodging in between people and casually lingered around the stall. Nancy was right on his tail and as he had retrieved and stashed the handkerchief in his own pocket , along with nonchalantly swiping a black top hat without anyone raising an eyebrow. Anyone but Nancy that is. She grabbed his hand and dragged him down an alley and he was clawing her hand and heckling " OI , MISSUS, LET GO !"  She pushed the boy in the top hat onto the brick wall and gritted her teeth in irritation " I think you'll find fella , that this belongs to me." She grabbed the handkerchief from his pocket before beginning to make her way back down the cobblestones and back to Fagin. Before he pleaded behind her " OH c'mon Miss , I ain't got nout to me name , please just Lemme have it so I can sell it for food. " Nancy pivoted on her heel and walked back to him asking in confusion " What ? Are ya tryin' to tell me you ain't go no where to go ? " He shook his head and puffed air out of his cheeks. She suddenly felt like  the two were connected. She understood him. " Got any lodgings ? " He shook his head. " Money" She asked again. " like I said Miss , i ain't got nuffin to my name." He casually told her in annoyance.

All of a sudden, Nancy had an epiphany. " Well I know an old gentleman who will give you lodgings for nothing , all you'll have to do is help him with his business." He coked his head and raised an eyebrow in suspicion , she continued to bribe him " I'm a particular favourite of his , trust me ..." She hesitated " Well if you're coming along with me I better know who you are." He offered out his hand and spat on it  " Jack Dawkins" She spat on her own and reciprocated " Nancy. Just Nancy". This was the beginning of a life long friendship.

The door of their lodging house burst open, taking Fagin by surprise as he had arrived home and had a quiet afternoon by himself / The sound of the door made him jump and accidentally made him spill his hip flask of Gin all down himself. " Christ Nance !" He bellowed as the door shut behind the two. "Fagin I've got a surprise for ya" The girl exclaimed with pure excitement " This. is. Mister Jack Dawkins." She continue breathlessly. Fagin looked dumbfounded so she continued. "He needs a place to sleep in exchange for work. I'll teach him." Fagin looked from the girl to the boy and back to the girl. " How do you know he's got potential."  She smirked , and the boy cracked that mischievous smile that Nancy noticed when she first met him. " I seen him Fagin, dodgin' about the streets and even stealing your handkerchief , and that hat he's wearin'." Fagin clearly liked the sound of this and began to rub his hands together , " Well then Nance , I think we've found ourself an Artful Dodger. Don't you ? So my dear do you fancy it , dodgin around the streets doing what-not jobs for me and in return you get fed, housed and watered? " Jack nodded eagerly thanking the two for their hospitality. 

Nancy was clearly exited to have a companion who wasn't a fossil, so she spent the entire afternoon teaching Jack every trick in the book , the deceptions , quick finger tricks , routes to escape , distractions. All she knew she bestowed onto him.He was ready to take to the streets by dawn with her. Afternoon rolled into evening, evening rolled into night and soon enough Fagin was asleep in his armchair , nursing his hipflask unconsciously on his knee, and Nancy and Jack were leant against the half collapsed brick wall that led into the kitchen, their legs out Infront of them, Nancys body slightly turned into Jack's and their heads knocked against one another. Breathing at the same rate. Fast asleep 

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