"I think I have exhausted enough myself for today and I am in desperate need for a bath and some good wine." Magnus ran his hand through his styled hair. His head felt as it was going to explode, and it felt slightly better when he ran his hand through his hair.

"Of course, it has been a very hectic couple of days for you. Yes, make sure to take it easy and go to bed as soon as possible. I will send some lavender and camomile tea I brewed myself."

"That sounds heavenly, my dear. Can you let Ragnor, and everyone know that I had to leave early?" 

"Yes, I can do that. Just make sure to rest well my dear friend." Catarina took Magnus's hand and sent her soothing magic all over his body. Magnus closed his eyes as Cat's magic did its job. Cat's calming omega scent and warm magic felt like an oasis to affection deprived Magnus. 

"Thank you so much, Catarina." Magnus thanked whole heartedly.

"Anytime my friend." Catarina said as she let go of Magnus's hand. 

"Then, till next time." Magnus kissed Cat's forehead just before he opened a portal to his loft. 

"Till next time." Cat smiled as she watched Magnus disappear into the portal. Cat waited till the last speck of Magnus's magic disappear. 

"If you can not return his feelings, last thing you can do is be civilised to him." Catarina said without looking back. Magnus maybe did not pick up Alec's pheromones because of exhaustion but Cat picked up straightaway. Alec moved away from the wall he was leaning in to. 

"I am polite to him."

"I would not call demanding him to be at the institute when you know very well, he has been busy taking care of your Nephilim jobs in past few days as been polite." Catarina's voice was stern. Alec might be an alpha, but Catarina is a powerful warlock before she is an omega. 

"I had no choice." Alec tried to defend himself. 

"Stop lying, you Nephilim." Catarina was angry. She was angry on behalf of his friend, and she was angry at the selfish Nephilim in front of him. So, she dropped her glamour to show her disappointment and anger. When a warlock drops their glamour, it was either in front of their loved ones or as a way of challenging an opponent. Alec took a step away from her when he saw her blue skin and white hair. Instead, he stood where Magnus was standing just few minutes ago. It was a full moon day, and the temperature was just perfect for a mid-night stroll. 

"You could have asked any one of us instead of Magnus. He needs the rest and honestly, he need some time away from you. You dont return his feelings but whenever he tries to stay away from you to respect your feelings, you go ahead and summon him so he would go through the torture again." Catarina accusatory tone made Alec wince. 

"I mean it when I say I had no choice." Alec's voice was barely a whisper. 

"I do not deny any of what you just said." Alec sighed as he looked up at the moon. 

"I keep on pushing him away and when he tries to stay away from me, I use my position to demand his presence at the institute. There is a reason as to why I keep on doing that. To be honest, I am also sick of my own actions." 

"And what is that reason?" Catarina challenged to which Alec closed his eyes and sighed. 

"I hope it is one hell of a valid reason for you to be doing this for 10 years." Catarina said when Alec did not reply. Alec turned around at looked at Catarina who was glaring at him. 

"It is my alpha. It weeps when he is not around. My alpha has never reacted to any omega or any other alpha that way but when Magnus is not around, it yowl and try to take control over my body and honesty..." Alec looked away from Catarina who was at least not glaring at him. 

"It scares me. It scares to my core. I pride myself over the fact that I am the head of one of the largest institutes and I am expected to have better control over my alpha. I am expected to get married to an omega or beta Shadowhunter and have kids to continue the lightwood name. What does it say when I can not even control my own alpha over another alpha who is also a four centuries old warlock." Alec did not know when he stood with his hands behind his back. Over the years, it has become his warrior or leadership position. He stood that way when he needed the attention of everyone in a room or when he felt nervous. As he kept his hands behind his back, he rubbed one of his thumb over his other hand as he felt so vulnerable in front of Catarina. He did not know why he was pouring his heart out in front of one of Magnus's best friends but if he could tell anyone what he was feeling, he thought it would be Cat who would understand him most. 

"So does that sound like a good enough excuse?" Alec looked at Catarina who now has glamoured her skin warlock marks. She seemed to be in deep thoughts. 

"Have you thought about mating with a fellow omega or beta Shadowhunter?" Cat asked after what felt like an eternity.

"Many times." Alec admitted. 

"More than once, I have thought about mating someone. I don't believe in myths such as lifelong mates and so on, but I am yet to meet an omega or a beta I would like to mate with."

Catarina sighed, which probably was for the 1000th time with since the beginning of the conversation. 

"I understand you been conflicted but that does not give you a pass to be harsh on my friend. He deserves someone who would love him as much as he loves them." 

"I understand." Alec said even though the pang in his chest almost made him stop from talking. 

"As he already promised to come over tomorrow, I will let this go but from now on, reach out to me for anything that needs a warlock help with. Also, about the alpha reaction, I could help you to mute it temporary till one of you meet someone you would like to mate with. How does that sound like?" 

"You can mute an alpha?" Alec looked confused. 

"I have not tried before but I can give it a try. I assume it would be not much different than muting an omega in public just before their heat."

"Oh.." Alec nodded. 

"Till then Alec, stay away from my friend if you can't be respectable to him." Catarina turned on her heals and walked away, leaving Alec to get lost in his deep thoughts. 

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