Chapter 60 🌶️

Start from the beginning

As the last of the wrapping paper is discarded, Valarie stands up, stretching her arms. "This has been amazing, guys, but I've got to head out to my family's dinner." She looks apologetic, glancing around the room. "You know how it is."

Fowler nods, "Same here. My mom would have my head if I missed her Christmas roast." He gives a mock shiver, eliciting laughs from the group.

Locke and Cruz exchange a look, both standing in unison. "We should get going too," Cruz says. "Got to meet the family and all that."

Marx, who's been quiet, finally speaks up. "It's fine. We all have places to be." He turns to look at me, a secretive smile on his face. "Emersyn, get ready. We have somewhere special to go."

I blink at him, surprised and curious. "We do? Where?"

He chuckles, "It's a surprise. You'll need to dress warmly though."

Excited and giddy with the mysterious plan, I hurry to my room to dress for whatever Marx has in store. I choose a thick, cable-knit sweater in a rich burgundy, perfect for warmth and festive enough for the season. I pair it with black leggings and knee-high boots, ensuring every inch of me will be shielded from the cold.

Over the sweater, I pull on a long, woolen coat in a deep charcoal, its fur-lined hood ready to protect me from any chill winds. I find my favorite scarf, a soft, oversized one with hues of cream and gray, wrapping it twice around my neck. Lastly, I don a pair of warm, woolen gloves and a beanie, settling it over my wavy brown hair.

Once dressed, I look in the mirror, satisfied with the cozy yet stylish outfit. I'm ready for whatever surprise Marx has planned, the excitement making my heart race. I hurry back to the living room, eager to depart on our mysterious Christmas adventure.

As Marx and I get into his van, I can't help but bubble over with questions. "Marx, seriously, where are we going?" I ask, my voice a mix of curiosity and excitement. He merely smiles, his eyes on the road, keeping the secret firmly to himself.

The drive feels longer with my anticipation growing every minute. The streets are lined with twinkling lights and festive decorations, adding to the Christmas magic in the air. I watch as families gather in their homes, the silhouettes of Christmas trees and laughter spilling out of windows. The mystery of our destination only adds to the enchantment of the evening.

Finally, Marx pulls up outside a building.

"Where are we?" I ask, practically bouncing in my seat. He doesn't answer, just offers me a hand as he opens my door.

Stepping out into the crisp evening air, I pull my coat tighter around me. The building looms, beautifully lit by twinkling lights, but Marx's silence is unwavering. He leads me to the entrance, his hand warm in mine.

Marx pulls a key from his pocket, his movements deliberate. He fits the key into the lock and turns it, the click echoing softly in the still night. He pushes the door open, gesturing for me to enter first. I step inside, my heart pounding with anticipation, the warmth from within the building chasing away the chill of the night.

Marx follows me in and flicks a switch, illuminating the space with soft, ambient light. I look around, taking in every detail. The room is spacious, with large windows now reflecting our images back at us in the dim light. There are counters and shelves, a display case, and in the back, I can see the stainless steel of a professional kitchen. Everything is pristine, untouched.

I turn to Marx, my mouth slightly agape, my mind racing to understand. He looks back at me, his expression one of expectant joy. "Surprise," he says simply, his arms opening as if presenting the bakery to me.

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