Chapter 24

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The pulse of the music reverberates through the walls of the club. Each beat syncing with the pounding of my heart. Vibrant lights play across the room, throwing shadows and hues in a dazzling spectacle. The atmosphere is electric, buzzing with laughter, chatter, and the clinking of glasses. A perfect setting for a girls' night out.

Valarie and I stake out a spot near the bar, drinks in hand. She looks radiant tonight, her hair cascading in loose waves, her eyes sparkling with the excitement of a well-deserved break from her demanding job at the hospital.

"So, how's life treating you?" I ask, taking a sip of my cocktail.

"The hospital is a madhouse. Between surgery help, patient care, and admin work, I hardly get time to breathe."

I nod sympathetically. "That sounds intense. But you love it, right?"

"Absolutely," she exclaims. "The adrenaline, the impact—it's exhausting but exhilarating. And how's the bakery? Still in love with it?"

I can't help but light up at the mention of my work. "It's amazing, Val. I never thought I'd be so happy waking up at the crack of dawn to knead dough. There's something therapeutic about it. Plus, the aroma of fresh bread is unbeatable."

Valarie laughs. "From surgery rooms to bakeries, we've got our bases covered. Cheers to that!"

We clink our glasses, sealing our little celebration.

"So," Valarie leans in, her eyes narrowing playfully, "How's your living situation going? Things still going good?"

The question sends a jolt through me, and Fowler's face flashes before my eyes. "Well, you could say that," I start, taking a fortifying sip of my drink.

Valarie's eyes widen, her attention piqued. "Oh my God, you slept with one of them, didn't you?"

I can't help but laugh at her eagerness. "Guilty as charged."

Valarie practically squeals. "Details, girl! I need all the juicy details!"

So, I dive into the story, recounting the tension, the build-up, and finally, the night where things crossed a line. "His touch was electric, Val. I can't even describe it. It was like he knew exactly how to make me feel good, you know?"

Valarie is hanging on to every word, her eyes wide with intrigue. "Wow, sounds intense. So, what's the plan now?"

I sigh, my shoulders slumping a little. "I wish I knew. It's complicated, especially since I can't help but think about another roommate—Marx."

Her eyebrows shoot up. "A love triangle in a co-ed house? You're living the dream, honey!"

I chuckle nervously. "More like a romantic comedy with a dash of drama. It's all so confusing, Val."

She takes my hand, her grip reassuring. "Hey, it's okay to be confused. You're navigating complicated emotional terrain. Just remember, you don't have to have all the answers right now."

I smile, grateful for her understanding. "Thanks, Val. You always know what to say."

I'm buoyed by Valarie's supportive words, and as the DJ transitions into a sultry R&B track, I feel a sense of liberation wash over me. "Let's dance," Valarie suggests, her eyes twinkling with the promise of fun.

We make our way to the dance floor, melding into the throng of people lost in the rhythm of the night. The beat pulses through me, vibrating in my bones, as Valarie and I start to move. It feels freeing, this moment of unapologetic enjoyment.

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