Chapter 56

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The air is crisp and tinged with the scent of pine and roasting chestnuts as I step into the local winter festival with Valarie and the guys. The ground crunches under my boots, a blanket of snow transforming the park into a winter wonderland.

Twinkling lights drape from tree to tree, casting a warm glow on the snow below. Booths lined with red and green decorations sell everything from hot cocoa to handmade crafts. The laughter and chatter of festival-goers create a lively hum in the background.

"Look at this place! It's like stepping into a Christmas card," Valarie exclaims, her breath forming little clouds in the cold air.

I nod in agreement, feeling a childlike excitement bubble inside me. "It's beautiful."

Fowler bounds ahead, his energy unstoppable even in the cold. "First round of hot cocoa is on me!" he declares, heading towards a stall adorned with strings of small, white lights.

Locke and Cruz follow, debating the merits of adding peppermint versus caramel to hot chocolate. Cruz says peppermint, while Locke is all for caramel. Their banter is as warm as the atmosphere, and I can't help but smile at their antics.

Marx, walking beside me, seems more reserved, his eyes taking in the sights with a quiet appreciation. "Not a bad way to spend an evening," he comments, his breath fogging in the air.

"Definitely beats staying indoors," I reply, tucking a stray strand of hair beneath my beanie.

We reach the cocoa stand, and Fowler hands out steaming cups, his cheeks rosy from the cold. "To winter wonders and good company," he toasts, raising his cup.

We all join in the toast, our cups clinking together. I take a sip, the rich chocolate warming me from the inside out.

"So, what's the plan? There's an ice sculpture display over there, and I heard one of these booths is selling those cute handcrafted wooden reindeer," Valarie says, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"I'm in for the sculptures," Cruz says, grinning. Of course he would be. I bet he could make an ice sculpture that put the rest of these to shame.

Fowler points to a nearby booth. "I'm going to check out those hand-knitted scarves. Anyone want to join?"

"I'll come with you," Marx says, surprising me a bit.

Valarie hooks her arm in mine. "Let's check out the reindeer then. We'll meet you guys back here in thirty?"

"Sounds like a plan," Cruz agrees.

Valarie and I stroll towards the booths, admiring the displays illuminated by colored lights. "This is nice, isn't it? All of us together like this," she says, her voice soft.

"It really is," I agree, my gaze lingering on a row of delicately crafted wooden reindeer, each one unique with its intricate patterns and details. I run my fingers over the rough surface of one, marveling at the craftsmanship.

Valarie picks up another, turning it in her hands. "These would make perfect Christmas gifts, don't you think?"

"Absolutely," I say, picturing the reindeer on my mantel, a little piece of tonight's magic to keep.

We continue to wander, occasionally stopping to admire or sample the festival's offerings. Laughter bubbles up easily between us, the stresses of everyday life melting away like snow in the sun.

After a while, we circle back to the designated meeting spot, each of us clutching a small bag of festival finds. Fowler and Marx are already there, Marx holding a scarf that surprisingly suits him, its deep green offsetting the paleness of his complexion.

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