"Okay sweetie can I get you anything?"

"No thanks Mom, can you sort Yogi out for me?"

"Sure". I smiled at her and turned, I could feel vomit about to come up my throat. I got to the bottom of the stairs and ran up to the bathroom. I locked the door behind me and quickly lifted up the toilet seat. A vile green liquid came out of my mouth and I dropped to the floor. I waited for a few seconds and I was sick again. It felt like my heart had just been crushed. What the hell is wrong with me. I waited for a few minutes and nothing happened but as I was about to get up I felt faint and became dizzy. I managed to hold my self up my grabbing hold of the sink. I through up again this time in the sink. Tears streamed down my cheeks. I rinsed out the sink and filled it with cold water. I wiped my face with a flannel and flushed the toilet. I slowly stood up this time and climbed into bed. I shut my eyes and cleared my head, I didn't will my self to dream I didn't want to.

I woke up four hours later. I must have needed some sleep. I looked at the clock. Shoot I had totally forgot about Ruby. I shot up and look in the mirror. My hair was all over I grabbed my brush and a bobble and stuck it up in a messy bun. I grabbed my army coat and shoes. I raced down the stairs and in to the kitchen. "Feeling better sweetie?"

"Yes thanks Mom but I gotta go I'm late, I told Ruby I would meat her at five, put my dinner in the microwave, by Mom". I didn't wait for her to answer I rushed out the door and down the street.

I got to Ruby's shop. The door was wide open and no one was in sight. Oh god. I slowly walked through the door. "Ruby you here". I called, but no one answered. I spotted the keys on the counter and locked the door. It was getting dark and it was a full moon tonight. I heard a scream and for some reason I felt a need to follow it. I ran towards the noise at top speed and I didn't stop until I got there.

The noise had stopped and I spun around but I couldn't see anything. I turned on my phone torch. I heard a noise from behind me, like a growl. I spun round and shone the light. I jumped back and screamed when I saw what it was. It was a huge light brown wolf. Then I realised that the scream must have come from Ruby.Oh god, it killed her. It snarled at me showing its sharp pointy white teeth. I back up some more. My torch light caught something around its neck. A red light flicked back at me. Ruby's necklace, how had it manage to_. Wait a minute wolves don't even live in this part of the world, and then it clicked the wolf hadn't eaten Ruby, it was Ruby. "Oh gosh, Ruby is that you". It pricked up its ears and leaned back ready to pounce. I ran to the closest tree and began to clime. I climbed high enough so she couldn't reach me. I sat in the tree, tears flooded my eyes. I listened to her growling and her claws scratching against the tree as she tried to get to me. "I'm so sorry Ruby". I whispered.

The noises had stopped. I shone my light toward the ground, and there she was laid in the dirt with no clothes on. "Oh Ruby". I scrambled down from the tree. I quickly took of my coat and rapped it round her. "It's okay, your safe". I whispered into her ear. Her eyes fluttered open. She shot up and gasped. She was panting heavily. "Emma what are you doing here?".

"I came to the caffè but you weren't there, when I heard you scream I ran like hell to find you, I thought you had been killed but then I realised it was you, wasn't it, the wolf it was you?" She nodded. "I'm so sorry Emma I didn't mean to scare you". She burst out crying. "Hey it's okay you didn't hurt me at least come one let's get you home". I helped her up. "Thanks".

We where sat in Ruby's apartment above her caffè. She had changed into pyjama bottoms. "I was going to tell you about this to night, Aidan had to go home he normally helps me with this stuff".

"Aidan knows about this?".

"It's hard to keep something like this from someone you love Emma".

"Okay, okay so you wanted me to help you".

"Yes I know you couldn't have done anything but I was scared about being by my self".

"Hey, it's okay I don't mind I want to help, Is it okay if I ask how long you have been a wolf for?"

"Werewolf actually and yeh, Two years. It runs in my mams side of the family but you only start showing signs and turning when you reach twenty. I didn't have a clue about it until I turned on the night of my twentieth birthday. My Gran never told me about it. Aidan found me in the middle of the woods".

"Wait is Aidan like you too, where's Toby is he okay?"

"No Aidan and Toby are not like me and Toby's okay he's staying at Aidan's".

"Oh thank god".

"How did Aidan take it?"

"Pretty well actually, they are things you don't know Emma things I'm not allowed to tell you but I want you to be careful okay, I told your mam I would look out for you and that is what I'm doing". I nodded slowly still trying to take it all in. "My Mom knows about you doesn't she?"

"Yes I'm sorry I never told you sooner but I promised her I wouldn't she didn't want you involved in it".

"It's okay I under stand". My phone buzzed. "It's my Mom she wants to know where I am, I better get going". I looked at Ruby and I could see the panic and fear in her eyes. "On second thought is it okay if I stay with you tonight?".

"Sure but your Mom might not let you".

"It's okay I will talk to her". I dialled her number. "Hey Emma where are you?"

"I'm at Ruby's". I heard her let out a small gasp. "Emma come home now".

"Mom calm down, I'm okay I know about Ruby she has already turned, I found her in the woods, Mom please let me stay with her she's really scared".

"Oh Emma, I'm so sorry you ended up involved in all this, are you okay?"

"Mom I'm fine I'm almost seventeen I can handle it".

"Okay you can stay, but be back for 12 okay?"

"Okay, oh hey Mom that jacket would be grate thanks".

"Your welcome bye sweetie I love you".

"Bye Mom". I hung up the phone. Ruby lent me a pair of pyjamas and we laid down side by side on her fold out sofa. I watched her fall asleep and then I closed my eyes. I didn't have to will my self to dream this time I just dreamed...

I woke up like normal under the fallen tree. This time the figure was sat on the tree and I could clearly see that it was Toby. "Toby how is this possible?"

"This land is real Emma it's for creatures who are supernatural. Like Ruby she's a werwolf but I think you already know that". I nodded slowly he must have read my mined or something because he answered my question before I had even spoken it. "No I'm not a werwolf, I'm a vampire". I gasped and stepped back. "Hey, I won't hurt you I promise. I'm sorry I never told you but I wanted you to trust me first, I found something here about you. At first I thought it was just a coincidence, but when I saw that you where able to will your self to come her, I new it must be true". I looked at him scared, worried and confused. "I promise I will tell you more in time but I don't think your ready yet, I must go you will not remember any of this till I say otherwise".
I blinked at bit dazed but I couldn't remember why and then the trees disappeared....

Emma EnchantedWhere stories live. Discover now