Chapter 4

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Jack laughs, not expecting this question at all. He is quite surprised at this simple question, but he doesn't mind it. You've said he can deny questions if he wished and that it would be ok, but he doesn't have much of a reason to deny this one. He chuckles and clears his throat before answering your question and giving you a small smile.

"I am 38 years, 11 months, and 5 days old."

"Holy shit, you're older than me? You look good for 38. Here, I thought you were 19 or something."

Jack's smile widens as a result of your compliment. You've complimented him twice already, and he can't help but feel flattered by the praise.

"Thank you. I have to ask, what about me made you think I was so young?"

"Your face and your body language. Also, kind of how you dress."

Jack raises an eyebrow. Your reasoning makes perfect sense. He's always thought of himself as one with more of a childish nature and behavior, and it seems like you can tell by the way he acts.

"Ah, that's interesting. You're quite observant, you know that? And I guess you're not wrong at all either, I have a very childlike nature to me despite everything I've been through, I suppose."

"How old did I look when you first met me?"

Jack thinks about this for a few seconds, looking you up and down almost like a scientist analyzing his subject.

"Well, you're very tall and muscular, and you seem quite confident and self-assured, which are attributes I would associate with an older woman. But you're also quite beautiful, which is why I thought you may be younger. I'd say you look maybe around 28?"

You blushed, a little taken aback by his compliment. "Thank you, I thought with all of my stress, I looked about 40."

Jack's smile widens even more as he notices your blush. You are much easier to blush than you appear to be, and that only makes him want to compliment you more.

"Well, I certainly think you look stunning for your age, and you're definitely nowhere near 40, despite how stressful your life has been. You must have great genetics to look so young despite all you've been through."

"You need to stop with all this flattery. You're going to make me turn more red than I already am."
You fanned your face with your hand, blushing even more.

Jack chuckles, noticing how flustered he's made you. You're certainly a very cute girl, and your fluttering blush is honestly making him find you to be even more attractive than before.

"Fine, fine. I suppose I should tone it down a bit. I don't want to embarrass you. Your blushing is adorable, by the way."

"Good lord!" You exclaimed quietly, covering your face with your hands.

Jack laughed, realizing that he's making a total spectacle of you with all this flirting. It might be a little too much for one night, he thinks.

"Alright, alright, I think that's about enough flattery for today. It's clear that I am only making you more flustered, and I don't want to send you off entirely red-faced. It seems like you might even get a nosebleed eventually from all the blushing you're doing here."

"I'm not used to all of these complements, especially from a cute guy." You said, taking off your glasses and setting them down on the table next to you.

Jack's cheeks turned a few shades redder when you described him as a "cute guy." This was not something he had been expecting, for sure. He is used to intimidating people, not making them fluster with his looks. His blush was probably more noticeable than yours if it was at all possible.

"I... I don't think anyone's described me as "cute" before. And definitely not from a woman as attractive as yourself."

"You really want to play that game? I can go even harder than you can, young man. I find it very attractive that you knew how to do most of the farm work and had no trouble with the tools."

Jack's blush deepens, almost becoming hot to the touch. His cheeks feel like they are downright melting in front of you, and he certainly can't handle any more flirting in this state!

"I... I wasn't expecting that either! Your compliments are going to give me a heart attack! And that is saying a lot since I'm half demon. I suppose you may have found my farm boy nature a little attractive, which I can not say that I blame you for."

"I also find it attractive how you licked the blood off your hands after you bled that deer."

Jack can't help but chuckle at this, as he is now very unsure of how he should respond to this. Your flirtatious nature has only become more and more overwhelming with each compliment, and he is starting to question what he should say to make you stop talking.

"I- uh... what can I say? Blood tastes pretty good to me, that's all. You're making my blush turn into a full-blown beet with all these comments of yours."

"I also liked how you immediately gave respect to me and my home when you didn't need to. And also immediately leant a hand when I started doing my chores."

At your last few compliments, Jack is left quite speechless, which is a great sign because he's too embarrassed to speak. You seem to find every small tiny thing that he's done quite attractive, and to a man like him who has never been complimented much, having this kind of treatment is making him feel overwhelmed. In a good way, at least.

"W-well... I was merely showing... basic common courtesy. I would think that all men would act that way towards a lady, right?"

"Okay, okay. I'll stop, you're clearly short curciting." You laughed.

Jack laughed at your comment, too. You really are an expert at flirting, he feels more flustered than ever. You had to stop flirting with him because he was so embarrassed, it was that bad!

"Alright, point taken. It's clear that all this attention is making me short-circuit, and I don't think that I can take anymore flirting from your mouth. Besides, I think you've said enough compliments to make me fall in love with you at least three times over."

"It's so easy to read you, I can just keep pulling at strings. But, I probably should stop, I don't want to scare you away." You said, getting up and putting your book back on the shelf, then looking at the time and seeing that it's already 7 pm.

"Well, it's 7, I'm going to start on dinner. I'm going to go grab some veggies from the garden and then come back, I'll leave you to melt into a puddle." You giggled, grabbing a wicker basket out of the closet next to the front door and stepping out, closing the front door behind you.

Jack can't help but watch you exit in awe. You are honestly so much more charming than what he could have ever expected, and you're already making your way towards becoming his dream woman.

"What a sight!" He mumbles to himself, as the door closes behind you. The way you can so easily toy with his emotions and emotions is astonishing. You are a masterful player of the game, and he can't help but have a massive crush on you already. He can't wait for your return, and what happens next.

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