Vesper gritted her teeth, "You copycat!" she spat, her voice filled with contempt. "You don't even know how to defend yourself!"

Regan's cheeks flushed with anger, but she had enough of it. She took a step forward, her hair suddenly glowing with crimson sparks.

"I know how to defend myself," she shot back, the fire in her eyes matching the color of her hair. Vesper grunted and shot her hand forward, unleashing a powerful stream of electricity. Regan responded fiercely that time, a line of fire appearing from her hands, counter-attacking the electric stream. The two forces collided with a deafening sound and a flash of light.

The continued like that, attack and counter attack. Vesper almost shot her in the chest but Regan defended herself. The anger within her grew raw and her fire responded to her emotions, dancing and swirling. She circled Vesper with her fire, trapping her like a spider traps a fly. The air grew hotter, the smoke filled her ears, but she was too hurt to stop.

Vesper's expression shifted from arrogance and mockery to panic. The fire licked at her skirt, making her hiss in disgust. "You think you can trap me with your little flames?" she shouted.

He was watching them from his room's balcony, his expression still unreadable. But there was a glint of admiration in his eyes. What if she fought that fiercely against him? Who would win?

The ring of fire around Vesper grew higher and Regan began to regret it. She didn't want kill her perhaps? She didn't know if her fire could kill, but she didn't want to kill anyone. And she didn't want to be like Vesper, cruel and sadistic.

She approached her and got panicked. Was there a way to subside the fire? But it seemed to respond to her will.  Vesper stumbled backwards, seemingly weakened. The fire was fading.

Regan didn't turn away, she didn't trust Vesper but she felt something wrap around her leg. It was a vine, stretching from behind her. Vesper took advantage of Regan's distraction and hissed, "You should've known better," she conjured a line of dark light and it struck Regan, sending her sprawling towards a nearby pond.

Vesper laughed in smugness, watching Regan with pity. She turned to her sisters, who were watching with curiosity and surprise.

But Regan wasn't done. The pond where she got thrown at was far from Vesper's sight. She rose from the cold water and weakly stood on her knees. With a grit of her teeth, she shot another line of fire at Vesper, who was still laughing in 'triumph'. She was taken aback herself and landed backwards, wincing loudly in pain. But she managed to stand up, catching Regan on her sight.

"You pathetic wretch!" Vesper yelled, but it was cut off by a deep, commanding voice.

"Enough!" Sirius ordered, appearing from nowhere. "This stupid competition is over! You," he pointed at Vesper, "and you two," at the other two, "in my study. Now."

Regan meanwhile felt her body aching from Vesper's attack. Her knees were weak and the pond was covered with trees. She had to get out of here.

"No! It's not over!" Vesper hissed back, her voice tight.

Sirius's eyes narrowed and he grabbed her arm in a vice-like grip, "When I say it's over, it is," he said in a low, threatening tone, "You will obey, or face consequences far worse than a mere competition."

Vesper looked at her sisters, whose expressions were unreadable and reluctantly nodded.

The sorcerer released her harshly, while the other two were already going inside.

Regan, on the other hand, hid behind the tree, not wanting him to see her. She wanted to get away from here as far as possible.

But it was late.

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