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3 days later

Mason and Ryan finally put their differences aside being there for their mother. Getting out of the black truck and going into the supermarket with Mason and Ryan.  Also security.  Grace grabs a cart and walks through the store.

Mason saw Camillia in the meat section with The guy she was dating.  Grace ends up walking towards that way.  Camilla looks up and sees Mason. 

"Mason," Camilla said coming up to hug him. 

"Hey ma. " Mason said

Grave looked seeing who Mason was calling Mom. 

"What are you doing here?  You don't shop? " She said laughing

"I'm here with my biological Mother," Mason said

Camilla looks at Grace becoming a little upset.

"Hi I'm Camilla Mason Adopted Mom"

"Hello.  You raised him right.  And I couldn't be more thankful for that" Grace said

Dennis walks up kissing Camillia. 

"you ready baby? " He asked

"Dennis? " Grace said not seeing him since she got pregnant with Mason and Maya. 

"Grace," He said shocked. 

"Wait you two know each other? " Camilla asked

"Yeah," Dennis said scratching his head

Grace becomes angry looking at Dennis.  When she told him she was pregnant by him.  He didn't give a fuck.  Same way Tevin didn't. 

"Long time no see," Grace said "Dont he look just like you?  Have the same attitude. " Grace said looking at him and folding her arms. 

"Wait. So you cheated on Dad with him? " Ryan said becoming angry.

"So my son is your son? And Maya is your daughter  " Camilla asked looking at Dennis

"Yeah that's right," Grace said

"Mom.  What the fuck? " Ryan said walking away mad. 

Mason stood there folding his arms.  He then laughs. 

"Yo too much shit is happening," He said still laughing. "So this my pop?  Like real dad-type shit? " Mason asked.

"Yeah, Mason. " Grace said looking at him. 

"And Now you dating my other mom.  Come on" Mason said throwing his hands up.  "Look I don't give a fuck no more.  I ain't had a father figure all my life.  And I don't need one and neither does Maya" Mason said walking off. 

"Look Grace I'm sorry," he said

"Sorry about what? When I told you I was pregnant what happened? "

Camilla folds her arms wanting to know. 

"I shouldn't have left you like that"

"It wasn't about leaving me like anything,  'cause I was already married.  But for you to make it seem like I was thirsty for you back then.  And I planted the kids on purpose to keep you around.  You had everybody thinking I was the one who was obsessed with you.  When it was you obsessed with me"

"You were obsessed with me.  Blowing my phone up every chance you get.  You are right I played my part in doing the same.  But remember it was both of us" he said becoming upset and getting in her face. 

Greg's security guys come in between pushing Dennis back. 

"Back up," He said

"Who are you? " Dennis said

"Somebody you don't really want to see"

Standing face to face they stood there looking at each other until Dennis backed up. 

"Let's go," The security guards said grabbing Grace's hand and walking to the car. 

"Thanks.  But I didn't need your help"

"My job is to make sure you stay untouched.  Get in" he said opening the door for Grace.

Grace hopped in looking at Mason and Ryan looking out the Window. 

"I'm sorry boys.  I didn't mean for any of this to happen so fast"

They didn't say anything. 

"So that's your Adopted Mom? " Grace asked Mason


"How was she as your mother? "

"You really want to talk about that with what just happened?  He said getting smart. 

"Aye bro don't do that," Ryan said

"Do what nigga?  Don't act like you're good over there.  You see what just happened" Mason said

"Just chill out," Grace said

"No, I'm not! " Mason said

Grace slapped him.  Mason looked at her becoming angry. Grace sits up getting in his face. 

"All that mouth needs to stop.  I might have not been in your life to not know how hard it was for you.  But I'm here now.  I won't continue to hear your mouth like that. " She said

Mason didn't say anything.  He never had a female smack him besides Nia. 

"You too Ryan.  Both of y'all fix y'all shit. Yes, that's your father back there and yes that's who I stepped out on your father with Ryan.  Your dad cheated on me before you and your sister were born when I was pregnant with a both of y'all.  So yeah I stepped out once and ended up pregnant.  That's how that worked.  I gave Mason and Maya up cause I was so in love with your father.  Which was the mistake I regret EVERY FUCKING DAY.  Y'all MY SONS THE ONLY MAN I HAVE IN MY LIFE RIGHT NOW. SO KILL THE FUCKING ATTITUDES NOW " She said beginning to feel so much regret of how she been treating all her kids. It was starting to tear her apart knowing she was the cause for everybody attitude and how they was raised and not being there as a mother suppose to. 

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