part 16

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26 years ago

Grace pulled up to the house 8 months pregnant with twins. She knew her husband was still feeling uncertain about keeping kids that ain't his. Grace cheated on Tevin with a man at work. Grace walked into the house and saw Monica and Ryan. Her oldest two playing with their toys. Monica was only 2 and Ryan was 3.

"You go to the doctor's appointment?" Tevin asked

"Yeah, I went," Grace said

"Well did you tell them you'll be putting them up for adoption?" Tevin asked

"Tevin I'm not ready to just give my kids up to strangers," Grace said

"Yeah, you're right. You're kids. Give them up or I'm out." Tevin said leaving out the house.

Grace and Tevin have been together for 6 years. Tevin would cheat on Grace every chance he gets. Once Grace got him back she ended up pregnant. Grace is at home watching the kids when she begins to feel a sharp pain in her stomach. She stood up and water gushed out.

"OH god," Grace said

Pulling out her phone calling Tevin

"Yeah," Tevin said

"I'm in labor," Grace said

"Okay. They ain't my kids. Call the ambulance" Tevin said hanging up.

Grace called the ambulance. They came 15 minutes later. Grace couldn't care less about how Tevin was feeling right now. She got to the hospital ready to push.

"On a count of three Ms. Johnson," the doctor said

"Push," the nurse said

"Ouch," Grace said

"Okay, that's one. He's so handsome. Now come on one more Grace, you got this." The nurse said

Grace pushed harder seeing her baby girl come out. An hour passed and Tevin showed up

"How are you feeling?" He asked

"I'm fine. Could have been here" she said

"Nah. I'm coo on that. They beautiful kids. Which I already knew that" tevin said looking down at the babies

"So you tell them yet?" Tevin asked

"No tevin. I havent" Grace said

"You ain't got no choice Grace," Tevin said leaving out.

Grace thought hard about it. She didn't wanna give them up. And she didn't wanna lose Tevin. 3 hours passed and Teving walked back into the room seeing Grace cry.

"Why are you crying?" He asked

"I did it," she said whipping her face

"Good. They'll have a better life" Tevin said sitting down.

The nurse walks in with paperwork.

"Are you sure about this Ms. Johnson?" The nurse asked

Tevin burst out

"Yeah, she sure. Or she wouldn't be even signing the papers" Tevin said smartly.

The nurse handed Grace the paperwork. As she signs she begins to cry again. She will never forgive Tevin for this. But she loved him more than anything in this world..

2 days passed

Grace walks out the hospital without her babies. She felt bad, upset , angry, emotional. Her twin babies Had to be left for somebody else to take care of them. Grace got in the car looking a tevin who was smiling

"Ain't shit funny" Grace said

"Im not laughing. I'm smiling it's a difference" he Said driving off.

"Why tevin?" She asked

"Why what?" He said

"Why you make me give them away?" She asked

"I didn't make you. You did that shit yourself. I just said I ain't won't kids that ain't minds" he said smoking a blunt.

"So I had to give my kids away because of how you feel?" Grace asked

"I mean I wouldn't put it like that. But yea" he said smiling..

Grace ain't say nothing just looked at him in disgust. They pulled up to her mommas house. She got out seeing her mother in the doorway.

"So he really made you give them babies up?" Falicia said

"Mom not right now" Grace said walking passed her.

"No grace. You gave your babies away for a man. That ain't good. And years later when they older and found out what you've did. They would never forgive you" falicia said

"Mom and you don't think I'm feeling horrible about this. Damn" grace said getting Monica and Ryan together

"You should feel fucking horrible. I raised you better than this grace. That man is manipulating you. And you letting this man do it. Them your babies out there right now ready to be adopted, because they mother wanna listen to a man" Felicia said

"Mom I know. I feel HORRIBLE" grace said beginning to cry.

Felicia walked over to her daughter hugging her..

"Babygirl a man would manipulate you in all kinds of ways. Sometimes you can't let him. This man made you give your babies up. Think about that" Felicia said

Grace wiped her face picking up Monica leaving out. She put them in a car seat than got in the passenger sit with her head down..

"You good" tevin asked

"Straight. Just take me home" grace said

Tevin drove off going to McDonald's for the kids.

"Yeah let me get two chicken nugget happy meals" tevin said

"Okay anything else?" The employee said

"No that's it" he said

Tevin pulled up seeing a familiar face.

"Hey tevin" Sasha said

"Sup with it girl" tevin said smiling

Grace looked over seeing Sasha

"OH hey Sasha still having plenty Dicks in your mouth?" Grace asked

Sasha ain't say nothing just handed tevin his change

"Really?" Tevin said

"Stop fucking playing with me" grace said sitting back.

Tevin got the food headed towards the house.

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