part 7

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The next morning Greg was in his office going over paperwork he needed done by today. Monica knocked on the door opening it

"Mr. Staples," Monica said

"What can I help you with?" Greg said

"May I come and talk about something serious I need honest help on?" Monica said

Greg looked up at Monica seeing it was something bothering her.

"Yeah come sit," Greg said putting his paperwork up

Monica came and Sit down

"What is it?" Greg said

"Well, I know you and may...

"What I and Maya have going on has nothing to do with you and if that's what it's about you can go back to work," Greg said with a serious face

"It's not about you two it's about me and her," Monica said

"Yes, I know y'all had beef, Monica. That has nothing to do with me and if it's going affect you working here it's always other jobs hiring" Greg said smartly.

"Okay Mr. Staples I know I've crossed the line with you a lot of times but I'm done with that and sorry. But it's not about that either. Have she told you she was adopted?" Monica asked

"Yeah, she did why?" Greg said

"Look at these please," Monica said handing Greg the paperwork

Greg looked at the paper seeing that Monica, Maya, and Greg had the same last name before Maya and Greg's last name was changed. Then Greg looked at the DNA results which showed Monica iMayaya and Greg's big sister

"Well damn. " Greg said

"Look me and Maya had our beef. Maybe I was still hung over it. But I need help. She hates me and I don't know what to do or how to tell them. I've been searching for them for years" Monica said with tears coming to her eyes

"Why are you just now coming to me about it?" Greg asked

"Cause I know I've been out of line flirting with you and I knew how you felt about it. But this is eating me up" Monica said

Greg's phone began to ring. He looked at it and it was Maya.

"Hold on," Greg said

Greg picked up the phone.

"What's up, baby?" Greg asked

"I think I left my wallet in your car. I can't find it anywhere" Maya said

"I'll look when I leave the office," Greg said

"Okay baby ttyl," Maya said

Greg hung up looking at Monica

"I'll make something happen. You just keep it together. And if this is weighing you down, you may take a day off today I can have Rob take over" Greg said

"Thanks. Again I'm sorry about how I was acting toward you. You are My boss" Monica said

"We good. Have a good day" Greg said


4 days later

"I just love your cooking," Mason said

"Now I know this bitch ain't texting me," Maya said

"Who?" Mason asked

"Monica," she said

"Monica from back home. Ain't she far away why tf she texting you?" Mason asked

"Yeah, something I need to fill you in on. So I went to the second interview and she was the one who interviewed me" Maya said

"You lying?" Nia said

"Oh, that's not all. She came to my shop at 10. Didn't know I owned. Tried to say Kim fucked her hair up. The bitch wetted it and tried to flat iron her shit" she said

"Dried her shit out. Wow how fucking petty" Nia said

"Yea, so I don't know what the bitch wants. Talking about it is something important. Girl, it's nothing important" Maya said deleting the message

"Weird ass hoe," Nia said

Nia was from Chicago she and Mason had been together for over 8 years she moved with us when we came over here.

The right guy 1&2 (Editing) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat