Stray Kitten

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((*cough out dust* 'sup fellow lasses and lads and non binary Chads and aliens and furries and whateveryourgenderisI'llstillloveyathesame DARLINGS ? Yes ! As you can see, I'm not dead ! I had a tad bit of inspiration back ! I don't know how long that chapter will be honestly 😅 I just hope it won't be too short or boring, it will contain a bit of gore though.))

Izuku's POV:

"Mission accomplished, Overhaul-sama. The target isn't a threat anymore." I say on the phone while cleaning the blood off my mask, the mission was simple, take out the hero that was getting a little too close to the organization to Overhaul's liking. Having already analyzed this hero's quirk in one of my books, it was easy to eliminate him without making too much of a mess.

"Excellent job, Dødsengel. Come back and make your report, I have another job for you."

"Yes, Overhaul-sama. I am on my way." I hang up and take one last look at the hero's lifeless body, it's weird how I just don't feel anything anymore when I kill someone, Hari did tell me I'd get used to it but I didn't think I'd get used to it that fast. But I'm doing it for Overhaul and his plan, they are in the way and no one gets in Overhaul's way. Not on my or Hari's watch. I turn around and leave the same way I came, through the window. Fortunately the beautiful moonless night sky is on my side to make my escape easier. I immediately start walking my way back home.

'Funny how a building filled with yakuzas feels more like home than when I was home with mom. I wonder how she's doing... I should check on her one of these days, just to be sure she's alright and taken care of... ' I am pulled out of my thoughts by muffled cries and laughs, the type of laugh I'm way too well acquainted with. It's coming from a dead end street, I frown and walk closer, close enough to hear more clearly and get a better idea at what's going on.

"I can't believe they let someone like YOU in UA ! Surely it must be a mistake." A teen boy voice says with a hint of disgust.

"Definitely, a guy with such a villainous quirk like you shouldn't even be allowed near UA's grounds !" Another teen boy voice with a higher pitch than the first one replies venomously.

'Ah, I see where this is going.' I take a peak from behind the wall, it's too dark to clearly see faces but I can make out three silhouettes, a tall and bulky one, a shorter and hunched over one and another on the ground, definitely tied up and gagged.

"I bet he used his quirk to be accepted, they put him in the Hero course for fuck's sake ! I bet you think you can get away with it, but guess what ? You won't ! And we're going to deal with your sorry Villain-in-the-making ass." The bulky boy cackles as he kicks his victim in the stomach, a muffled cry of pain echoes in the dead end.

"I have the perfect thing for you~. I took it in the lab during Chemistry class earlier today." The second boy says a sickening gleeful way as he grabs something out of a backpack.
"A gulp or two of this and you won't ever be able to brainwash anyone ever again~! Or communicate verbally for all that matters." The two laugh.

'How the hell did nobody noticed a student grab a vial of acid and just leave school with it ?! Especially UA !' I grit my teeth hard, I can't let that happen!

"Now be a good boy and make it easier for us." The bulky boy grabs the third person roughy by the hair and pull them up, reaching for the gag. Now is time to act, the handprints shoot out of my back and rapidly wrap themselves around the two bullies, efficiently blocking any attempt of escape or movement, they scream like little girls in fear as my quirk forces them on their knees. Pathetic.

"Ara, ara~. What do we have here~?" I slowly walk down the dead end street, flashlight in hand, and take a better look at the scene. The bullies don't look like much, they both look around my age maybe a little older, the bulky one looks boringly normal and the hunched one look like a scarecrow and a toad with a very disfunctional relationship filled with non con had a child, left him on the road under the burning Texan sun only to be picked up by a bunch of incestuous hillbillies to raise. OR in more simple terms, he's ugly as fuck. Both look like they are about to piss their pants in fear.

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