An Enthusiastic Walk

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Hari's POV:

"Hey Broccoli boy, do you have the target?" I ask my favorite greenette through the headset. 

"Okay, Chrono, my name is Izuku." My veggie boy replies with a hint of annoyance.

"And yes, I have the target in sight." It's so fun to mess with him, let's take it up a level~. 

"Well, better take the shot. You're letting her get away." I say, watching the woman run for her life after I pretty much took out her little friend . And before you start bitching he was hitting on my precious little Broccoli and getting too touchy with him ! 

"If you just give me a second to CONCENTRATE, I could--" His irritation is going up~. Just a liiiiittle bit more. 

"She's getting away. She's running!" 

"I get it, I'm lining up the--" Ooooooh he's getting angry now~~! 

"Going to miss it. Going to miss it!" 

"Just be quiet and let me--!" 

"Hey, Broccoli boy! Hey! Hey, Broccoli boy!" And there's the shot! The woman falls on the floor in a pool of her own blood and a big hole in her chest. 

"THERE! I TOOK THE FUCKING SHOT! SHE'S DEAD, THERE'S BLOOD EVERYWHERE!" Oh how I love when he gets mad and starts swearing, it's so cute~. 

"Oh you are just a treat~~~." I say with a wide smirk. 

((if you see the reference you are officially my best friend from now on)) 

"Fuck you Hari!" I laugh and go join my Broccoli boy. I had such a brilliant idea by giving him that anti-tank rifle, I should pat myself in the back. 

"Awww come on Izu~~ don't be mad at me~~ and put those hands down." Two hands coming from Izuku's back are hovering over him menacingly. 

"Pleaaaaaase???" He grunts and retracts said hands. 

"Are we done now?" He pouts, awwwwww so cuuuuuute~~~~! 

"Yes~~. I think that was a good walk don't you think~?" 

"Hn. If you call breaking into a house that already had Villains in, a guy groping my ass, not taking no for an answer and you killing him a good walk."

"Awwwww my baby Broccoli it won't happen again." I hug him, he's still pouting. 

"Let's go home and make our report, then I'll take you shopping~~~." 

"...fine. But you're paying for the shoes! I love those heels you gave me." I smile and take Izuku back home. Though I feel like my bank account will be considerably lighter after that shopping trip


Overhaul's POV:

"So that's your field report?" 

"Yep." Answers Hari. 

"So you broke into the house…" I start, already feeling a migraine coming up. 


"And you shot him thirty-six times…" 


"And took out his partner."

"To be fair that was the Broccoli boy… with the killer legs." I take a small moment to calm myself down, keep cool Kai and don't overhaul his ass into next month. Though Izuku does have killer legs in these boots--. 

"You need to stop going on walks."

"And you need to have a good fuck because you are not fun." He pouts a bit, Izuku blushes madly next to him. 


"Ugh… listen. We are going to meet some potential…allies soon. Train the boy so he can come with us."

"Ah, come oooon, I always have to train him." I know he is not serious because he absolutely adores Izuku. 

"Ah ah ah, none of the sass!" I say in a teasing way. 

"Yes Daaaad~." He replies mockingly. And then you have Izuku who just looks back and forth between the two of us during our little chat, he must wonder what he is watching right now. 

"You should go and rest a bit Izuku." The little greenette nods and looks at Hari. 

"Don't you dare forget my promised shopping trip!" 

"Yessir~~." With that, Izuku leaves my office, I can't stop my eyes from roaming over Izuku's body, from his exposed back to his very nice looking, and barely covered may I add, ass. To these long and perfect killer legs enhanced by the boots. How does he manage to walk on such high heels? Like seriously how? My gaze goes back up and the swaying of his hips hypnotize me like a pendulum. I don't even notice that the farther Izuku walk, the more I tilt my body over my desk just to keep watching, to the point I fucking fall over my desk! And of course Hari is still here to see that. Great. Just what I fucking needed. 

"Not.a.word." I say as I look up at the gray fucker who looked not only pleased but also ready to laugh at my face. 

"What are you talking about~~~? I wasn't going to say a thing~~." 

"Hmph!" I quickly get up and clean myself from any dirt or dust before sitting at my desk again. 

"Stop looking at me like that."

"Like what~~? Like 'my best friend is drooling all over our little bean boy' or ' I'm gonna have to send your ass to horny jail for thirsting over the sexy cinnamon roll' ? Pick your favorite~~." He then proceeds to laugh his ass off. How I hate him sometimes. 

"Stop laughing before I beat your ass into next year!!" 

"Oh kinky~~~ am I going to get Daddy's belt too~~?" I can't. This guy is just too much sometimes. How did he become my best friend? I have no idea myself, like seriously no idea. 

"Hari… Sometimes I wonder if your mother didn't take drugs when she was expecting you."

"Hehe~. I just love teasing you Kai~. It's my life goal!" My eye twitch a bit. 

"But anyway, what are you going to do now?" 

"About what?" 

"Your craving for a certain cinnamon roll silly~~." Does he have a Stop button somewhere? If so please someone tell me where it is! 


"Nothing ? Really?" 

"Hari, he is only 16, I'm 21. I may be a Villain but I'm not a ped*phile." I have morals thank you! 

"So you're going to do something when he is legally an adult?" 

"Maybe." If I keep having that…attraction toward Izuku by the time he turns 18.

"Ooooh." He stays silent for a moment, I have a bad feeling about what is going to come out of his mouth next. 

"Soooooooo… Should I start planning the wedding and make a nursery~~?" God fucking damn it Hari!!! 

((I aged up Izuku to 16, there WILL be smut BUT only when Izu is legally an adult. I had no hate comments on this story but I just want to make you, my adorable and lovely readers, understand ouo))

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