Come back to me

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As I look out into the night, I remember how I sent you away. How I lost you.

"Sister, it's been five-hundred years since I last saw you... and since the fight we had. I'm sorry you must spend these years alone; I never thought I would have to face the evil of the world without you." I sigh and think about how stupid it is to say these things, but deep inside I know that you can hear me and that you want to come home.

"I don't know what to do without you. It's like I can remember your body against mine looking out on the kingdom we were supposed to rule together. I-" Suddenly, I hear the door open. I hope with all my heart it's you, but I know better. I look down and see Cadance walk in cheerfully with her book, asking me to read to her.

"Cady, I'm not really in the mood."

"Please, Tia? I don't wanna go to bed without a story." I sighed and looked at her as if she was a beast that needed to be... taken care of, so to speak.

Wait, what am I thinking?! Cadance is my little sister! Of course, she's only been alive for five-hundred years, but she knew Luna well too, I thought to myself.

"Fine, Cady." It wouldn't do for me to lose both of my sisters.

I curled up on the bed and put her in my lap as I read her favorite book, The Pony Who Loved a God.


Hey guys, Life here! Just wanted to say that my amazing new beta Theroseismine edited this. So, hope you enjoy it!


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