the girl in the dirty shirt

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"Want a drink from the shop?" Liam asked as he pointed towards the shiny light of the corner shop.
"Yeah go on then ill give you the money when we get back home" I smiled up at him following him into the shop.
There was another girl in there who I assumed was also with her boyfriend and she looked weirdly familiar but I ignored that nostalgic feeling and focused my eyes onto the drinks.
"Lennon?" I heard my name being said as I turned around and the girl was no longer just a familiar face but memories came rushing back of my school days. "Kelsey?" I said back not believing who I was looking at. Me and kelsey were best friends when we were in school together and sadly we lost contact when kelsey moved out of the area and into another school. "What are you doing here I swear you moved away" I jumped excitedly and pulled her into a hug while liam was stood behind me very confused. He never really payed much attention to my friends, too busy trying to catch a glimpse up my skirt. "I did, I'm back visiting my grandparents I see you and liam are still together" she laughed looking behind me at liam who now was resting his head on my back just wanting to go home. "Here I'll write down me number for ya since your liam and Derek's getting tired" she gestured to the lanky man behind her. "Perfect" I smiled loving the feeling of seeing my best friend again, she handed out the crumpled piece of paper too me and I quickly peered down to see the quickly scribbled down number and kelseys name written beside it. "I'll give you a ring tomorrow and we can sort stuff out av missed you loads" I smiled giving her one last hug. "You too len" she smiled back taking her boyfriends hand and heading out the shop. "Can we go back home babe, I need a piss" liam whined like a 3 year old. "Yes you big puff" I laughed giving the guy the money.

We came back home to the usual sight. Noel and matty cuddled up on the sofa together while MTV was playing in the background. I picked matty up carefully trying not to wake him so I could put his jarmies on and get him into bed. "Len give him here I'll do it and I'll meet you back in bed" liam smiled at me holding his arms out as he could tell I was tired of work. "Thank you baby" I smiled as I recieved a kiss on the forehead of him. "Aslong as when I come to bed youve got no clothes on with your legs spread" he said laughing half jokingly half not. "I'm kidding, but you owe me one" he said walking away.
I shook my head laughing as I sat down next to noel.
"Good night?" He asked his eyes still closed with his hand keeping his head up. "Fucking hell noel" I jumped punching him in the arm as he looked at me with a smirk. "I've walked in on yous having sex more times than I can count doesnt phase me anymore" he laughed getting up for a beer. "Fuck off, I'm going to bed" I sighed giving him the middle finger. "Love you too" he said shaking his head as he walked into the kitchen.

As I walked up to my room I peered into Mathew's door to see liam sat on his bed reading him a story really getting into it and doing different silly voices for all of the characters. He'd be such a good dad I thought to myself as I walked into the room and took majority of my clothes of leaving myself in my black knickers and bra. It's fucking sweating I'm not sleeping with pajamas on. I climbed into bed, pulled the covers over me and closed my eyes.

"Budge over len" I heard a whisper and felt a dip in the mattress. Liam then spooned into me and feeling the warmness of his body made me feel so safe. I closed my eyes once again and fell back to sleep.

Another short chapter but I like this one and don't want it to take ages for it to come out like the other one did. I truly appreciate everyone who is reading these and let me know if you have any reccomendations on what should happen
-lots of love, cole

Just You And I. liam gallagher☆Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora