in this together.

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I turned over to look at liam who was still asleep slightly drooling on the pillow. I looked over to see the alarm clock with glowing red numbers painted across it. 3:45. Fuck. I stood up light headed as I started to violently throw up everywhere.

"Len?" I heard liam say as I looked down to my spew on the floor. Excellent I thought as I sat on the bed and began to cry.

"Hey hey no len what's wrong with you, we can clean it up its no problem" liam whispered rubbing my back trying to comfort me.

"Liam I haven't had my period yet" I confessed putting my head into my hands as I sobbed.

"No don't you dare cry, we can sort this out, remember len.. me you matty and noel against the world as always" liam said tears in his eyes as he pulled me into his lap slowly rocking backwards and forwards kissing my head and collecting the loose strands of hair that were sticking onto my face.

"We are only eighteen tho and we have Mathew and-"

"Hey stop overthinking things..we've got plenty time to sort stuff out len and we don't even know that your definitely pregnant yet, you go sleep in the spare room and ill be right there after I've cleaned up okay" he kissed my head as I stood up and walked out of the room.

I lay on the hard mattress pulling the stain covered duvet onto my cold but sweaty body and turned to the window. The sun was slowly peeping through the blinds and rays of yellow sunlight hit the dressing table next to the bed. I lay awake for the next hour thinking of liam and our life if I really was pregnant. We wouldn't have enough money to pay for nappies, milk and bottles. And i haven't even got a job. Noels the only person with a job and that'd be unfair taking his money. And Mathew he's only seven and his birthdays coming up soon. Everythings just a mess.

"Lennie" noel bent over and whispered in my ear.

"Hmmm" I mumbled turning onto my back to see noels thick eyebrows and his cloudy eyes full of veins and redness. What a nice thing to wake up to.

"I got you a present"

I wrote^^ a month ago..I dont remember noels present..

"What is it?" I yawned as I sat up wide eyed.

Noel sat down on the bed as the mattress sunk down underneath him. He paused for a second and revealed a blue carrier bag from behind him.

"Here" he said passing the bag over to me and as I took hold of it, it made that rank and loud sound of pure hell in my ears.

I looked down into the bag and saw a letter.

"You such a little creep" I laughed as I pulled the letter out of the bag and put it closer to my eyes to open it.

Lennon gray,

Hiya. This is John from the bludhound pub up the estate from yours. Noels been in pining for you to get a job here as a bar maid and was wondering if your up for it. Make a bit of extra money. You'll be earning 4 pound an hour.. Come in on Thursday 6, o clock and Michelle will help you get to grips with everything.

John .

"NOEL AHHHH THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU" I screamed getting up and jumping around then going to hug him.

"I LOVE YOU" I said kissing his cheek and dancing around as noel chuckled at me and scratched his chin.

"What's going on here u nutter" liam laughed walking in.


Just You And I. liam gallagher☆Where stories live. Discover now