Before Hermione could react, he called out "Topsy!"

Topsy instantly appeared in the room.

"Topsy, Severus is dead." He said it matter-of-factly. The rage was gone. He was cold and intent, back on mission.

An option had been eliminated. He'd moved on to the next. Unhesitating. Unyielding. Driven to succeed.

Severus had been a mechanism for getting what he wanted.

"Granger will leave Europe via the route Kreacher and I established this spring. You and Kreacher will both leave tonight for Ginny's safe house. When you arrive, you'll take over care of James while Kreacher brings Ginny back. Everything you'll need for the journey is in the safe house at Whitecroft. I'll send word, so she'll expect you."

Topsy looked up at Draco and then folded her arms obstinately. "If Topsy is going, who is taking care of the Miss?"

Draco considered for a moment. "Bobbin. Bobbin will take care of her while you're with James."

Topsy shook her head. "The Miss is not even knowing Bobbin, she is only knowing Topsy. Bobbin knows babies, Bobbin is not knowing one thing about pregnant witches. Topsy will stay."

Draco gave a long suffering sigh as he stared down at Topsy, whose chin was only slightly higher than his knees. "Bobbin could care for James in the short-term, but if the escape doesn't go as planned, you'll be caring for him for the foreseeable future. Bobbin is not capable of that."

Topsy began opening her mouth, but Draco raised an eyebrow pointedly and continued, "I'm aware it's not ideal, but Ginny trusts you with James. I can't have her baulk or delay because I sent a house-elf she doesn't know.


Draco's expression grew icy. "Topsy, I didn't call you to consult with you. You will go care for James. That is an order. If all goes well, you'll see Granger again within the month. Go on now."

Topsy stood for a moment as she stared up at Draco, then she blinked and her enormous eyes filled with tears. "And when will Topsy be seeing Master Draco again?"

Draco stared down at her for a moment, and his throat dipped as he pressed his lips into a flat line. "Don't do this, Topsy. This has always been the plan."

Topsy shook her head and stomped a tiny foot.

"You is not even saying goodbye. You is just sending Topsy away." An enormous tear slid down Topsy's nose and splashed onto the floor. "Topsy was to stay to the end. You promised."

Draco looked at her, his eyes flickering for a moment before they turned flint-like and his expression hardened. "It's not an option now. Topsy, you have an order from your master."

Topsy didn't move. She kept staring up at Draco, and several more tears splashed onto the floor.

"Topsy, go now." His voice was cold and firm, and Hermione felt the magic in the air.

Topsy's eyes widened with horror, and she reached towards him. "No! Please. Master Draco-"

She vanished before she'd finished speaking.

Draco stared down at the empty space for a moment before turning away. He sighed and suddenly looked so exhausted Hermione thought he might just fall backwards.

She was at a loss. Topsy's expression of desperate horror felt branded into her eyes.

"You should have let her say goodbye," she finally said.

Draco nodded dully. "I don't know how to."

He sighed and rolled his jaw. "You can tell her I'm sorry when you see her again."

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