38 : Flashback 13

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August 2002

Everyone looked sharply over toward Hermione.

She laid the knife on the table and cast a quick spell to unwrap it.

"The mission wasn't entirely pointless. I think I've figured out how we can destroy the horcruxes, assuming we can find them. I've been studying how goblin-wrought weapons absorb anything that makes them more powerful. I wasn't sure exactly how the absorption worked; whether it involved a spell or not. But when I was healing Ginny, I noticed that the spots where the necrosis was still spreading had slight nicks in the bone. It gave me an idea, so afterward, I went and found the knife that was used to remove the curse."

She lifted the knife up carefully.

"This goblin-wrought knife has the necrosis curse in its blade now. I confirmed in the kitchen and I can demonstrate it if anyone needs to see it. When the curse was cut off Ginny, the blade must have touched the necrosis somewhere and absorbed the magic. So when it touched the bones of Ginny's skull it spread the necrosis to new locations."

Ron paled and looked ready to be sick. Hermione shot him an apologetic glance.

"Ginny is going to be fine. And no one could have known that would happen. A goblin-wrought blade was a logical choice because it would cut more reliably than a non-magical knife," she said firmly to him.

"But it gave me an idea," she continued, "about how we might be able to destroy the horcruxes. We know they're dangerous and hard to destroy because even Dumbledore got terminally cursed destroying one. Harry destroyed the journal with a basilisk fang, but we can't access those unless we can break into Hogwarts and get down into the Chamber of Secrets. But we have the sword of Gryffindor, and I think it might be able to destroy the horcruxes if we used it."

The room was staring at Hermione blankly.

"It's goblin-wrought," she pointed out, "and Harry used it to kill the basilisk. So, that means it should be infused with basilisk venom."

She glanced around trying to gauge the reactions. Moody and Kingsley both looked thoughtful. Ron still looked ashen.

"It could be true," Remus said slowly, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "What you said about goblin-wrought materials is certainly accurate."

"Do we know where the sword of Gryffindor is?" asked Bill.

"I think Minerva has it," Neville said. "I think I saw it when I was helping with the garden at Caithness."

"We'll ask Severus about the venom," said Moody. "He'll know if anyone does."

Harry and Charlie's faces soured visibly at mention of Snape.

"I can meet with him." Hermione volunteered. "I need to discuss some details regarding potions and curses anyway."

"Alright. Report to me afterward. We won't reconvene until next week," Moody said with a nod.

"We should do something with that knife," Remus said. "It won't be safe, someone might pick it up."

Hermione pushed it into the middle of the table.

"It has some protective wards on it, but I'm not sure how well they stick."

"I'll deal with it," Moody said, summoning it over to himself. "I'll send word to Severus."

Moody turned and stumped out.

When Hermione returned to the hospital ward after a late dinner, Harry was sitting beside Ginny again. All the lights dancing around Ginny's body were in normal, reassuring hues, but Hermione paused to cast a diagnostic to make sure everything was still alright.

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