Niall suddenly looked at me, "Anywaay.. Why are you on the phone with Kate?" he asked.

Louis was a good liar right?? He has to be... Shit shit shit.

"Booty cal- What? That's... disgusting. Lou.." Niall crinkled his eyes.

"Hahaha yeah mate, of course." he said. "Gotta go though, see ya later right?... Cool, bye." he hung up and handed it to me.

"Did you wash your hand?" i asked before i grab my phone from his hands.

"Yes. Clean. Positive." Niall answered.

"Okay, so.. um, i actually haven't finished talking with Louis but.. whatevs, i guess." i rolled my eyes. Niall smiled at me. "Oops." he said.

"Why are you like this." i asked him.

"What? Who, me?" he pointed at himself.

"No, the guy with the suspenders behind you, yes of course you!" i said. He was getting on my nerves.

"I was being like what exactly?" he asked again. I just huffed and muttered a 'nevermind'.

"Have you even cleaned your place for tonight, Niall?" i asked while we were walking.

"Sorry, babe. Don't believe in cleaning for a party. It's gonna be messier than before anyways." he casually said. "By the way," he stopped on his track and was facing me. "You shouldn't wait for me, don't you have work?"

"I do?.. what? Wait no." i laughed. "It's saturday? Or sunday? I'm free." i said, smiling.

"Oh. Okay. You can use my car as a ride for home." He offered.
I nodded, "Alright."

"I'm gonna buy a drink, do ya want one?" Niall offered.

I shaked my head, "Nah, i'm good. I'll wait here." I said and sat down to those aluminium waiting chairs.

Niall went to the drink machine, and when he came back to me i just realised that there was a scar on his left leg. I have never seen it before, cause he usually used black jeans and now that he was wearing shorts, all exposed.

"What happened with your leg?" I said and pointed to his scar.

He looked at his leg and shrugged, "It's nothing bad." He said and took some sips of his coca cola. "I just had this knee surgery like... almost two years ago? 'Bout that yeah."

I gasped, "What? How?"

"Long story short, injury. Ha. Bye bye football!" He said while chuckling.

"Does it still hurt?" I asked.

He shrugged, again. "Nah, they're doing okay. Bummer, i can't do that air jump while i'm playing my guitar! Can you believe it! Pisses me off, still. Mad." He shaked his head and drank his cola.

I giggled, "You're very irish."

Niall looked at me and raised his eyebrow. "You know, I used to wear those crutches to reduce the pain, gotta admit it was kind of fun." I gave him the look 'what.' And he laughed. "I don't know why but i enjoyed them. I got skills on it, Parker. " He said and rubbed his eyes.

"How bout you, Kate? Sure you have some scars somewhere.." He said.

"I'm not as wild as you, James Bond, but yeah.. this cut on my left upper thigh. Bye bye bikini." I grinned and laughed, he got the hint that i was mocking him and joined me.

"What happened?" He looked at me right in the eye, waiting for my answer.

"I was snorkelling but this sharp coral was in my way! It got my foot bleeding and also my upper thigh." I explained. "Nothing big though."

"Oh, it must be hurt.. plus your were in the sea! Double the pain." he chuckled.

"Kinda." i smiled. "But really, all those scars mean nothing when it doesn't hurt as much as those little scars on your heart.." i trailed.

I could feel Niall's eyes on me, so i looked back at him for a couple seconds and laughed. "I'm killing the mood am i..." I laughed some more.

Niall only let out a small chuckle, but then he shaked his head and said, "No no, i mean you're right. I mean wounds can heal, but heartbreak... its just another kind of thing."

"Exactly. I believe emotional wounds could be heal, but only time could do that." i slowly said.

"Yeah.." he ran his hands through his blonde hair.

"Wow, we got so deep right here, aren't you going to write a song? I mean, it's a pretty good lyrics you know.." i chuckled, which earned a laugh from Niall. Oh Lord, i could listen to his laugh all day long without getting bored of it. Bless this man.

"Yeah, mad! I'll think about that, we could have been a really great writing partners, Kate."

"What time is it now?" i asked, he looked at his watch, "12:33" he said and i giggled.

"Turdy tdree." i said, "Your accent is so funny."

He rolled his eyes, "I should probably get going." he said and got up.

"Oh yeah yeah." i got up from my seat, "Be safe, alright? Remember you have a party going on tonight." i let out a little laugh and hugged him.

He chuckles, hugged me back and rock me from side to side, "Alright sugarplum."

"Sugarplum?" i cringed. "That sounds like so 7. I want another nickname, cooler than sugarplum." i mumble on his chest.

He laughed, "Babygirl?" he said.

".......No." i said. I mean to be honest i was truly okay if he wanted to but.. i didn't know. Fuck, he was such a tease! Fuck you Niall Horan.

"I'm lost for more, what do you want?" he asked me.

"I want you to bring me some foods of Ireland. Aaand, be safe, once again. Tell your parents i said hi, and thank them 'cuz they made you so i have like an amazing friend now." I laughed, and pulled away from his body, already missing that vanilla-cinnamon-musk scent. He let out a small chuckle and started messing my hair.
I grabbed his left hand to stop his action, "Hey, i paid a lot for a hair dresser!"

"You look better this way. I called the style, 'Maybe i woke up like this, maybe i don't'." he said with a serious tone but he couldn't control it so he fell for his own joke. Again.

"Okay, you're being weird again, so i'm gonna pretend that i don't know you and you can leave like now.. so.." i said and took a few small steps back from him.

"Not gonna let that happen!" he said and grabbed my wrist. I gasped. "No no no no no, get away from me, get away!" he pulled me for another hug. Okay FOR REAL, this boy needs to stop with the hugging and just move his ass away so he could fly to Ireland.

"You have a flight." i said.

"Fuck, yes, i do. I forgot." he released me and i sighed. "Haa. Okay. Gotta jet. Literally. Ha bye! I mean, i'll see you?" he said.

"Yes yes, i'll see you soon you weird ass. Go go go!" i hushed him and he ran away, i chuckled. This boy is definitely is something.


fam i updated dont forget t vote cuz it almost took 3 chapters for Nialls bday are ya happy now lads

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