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The thought of revenge was running in her mind, and she couldn't control her anger and her rage, and she didn't care at all what the consequences would be. She felt a great desire to just go after that lady right now and seek payback. And all she wanted now was to make the one who was responsible for this pay for what she had done to the family that she loved so much... She didn't even care if she was being illogical right now.

The next following days, she attended Mono's funeral. Marcus and Akairo helped the hostess in the preparation.

"Blythe's still mad..." Akairo whispered to Marcus, still scared at the hostess' aura. Blythe's aura was a mixture of hatred, rage and grief. While her sadness was overwhelming from having to bury the person that she considered as family, her fury was already running at full speed and she didn't want to talk to anyone or let anyone near her and her thoughts. The woman had sworn not to let that white-haired lady get away with Mono's death and the injury of his son.


Akairo tried to approach the latter, but Blythe walked away and went back to her room. In her room, the woman was not able to rest even for a bit, with her grief and her anger continuously fueling each other, her mind has become a mess and it was almost impossible to think about anything else for now.

One thing was clear, her mind had its objective set and she couldn't let it off of her mind, no matter what. And that one thing was: revenge...

Her eyes became blurry and fuzzy. In her vision, she saw Theo, watching over the latter as if the boy's still there. The latter patted Blythe with his fuzzy hands. She was feeling exhausted and grief-stricken, Blythe suddenly noticed Theo in her vision. Theo was the one who was making her feel a little bit better about her current situation and his actions of trying to comfort his older sister has made her to smile a little bit. Theo may had passed away, but the woman believed that he was still there just watching over her, keeping her safe and making sure she wouldn't be hurt, just like how she did with him when he was alive. So, she smiled at him, hoping he would smile back.

Even Blythe had a fuzzy vision of the boy, Theo's smile was visible in her eyes. Like a little ray of sunshine in a stormy day. Theo's comforting smile was definitely making her see the light in this dark time that she was currently experiencing. It's like a light shining through a cloud, helping her to see the truth and to comfort her and to make her feel better. And in some way, the comfort that she was feeling was also helping her regain her strength and motivation to continue moving on with life, and to do what is necessary to make sure that everything will be fine and that nothing bad will happen to her ever again.

"Hey Harper, sorry for I couldn't take care of my kids down there, as I myself passed away. Hope you will still take care of them and nourish with your loving warmth."

The boy uttered in a faint voice, he was Blythe's good listener and a guardian angel..

"Wanna tell me what will you do after this?"

The woman smiled a bit when she heard Theo's comforting words, and she immediately answered by saying:

"I will take care of the kids as if they were my own. Don't worry, Theo, they will be in good hands and they will never feel unloved by anyone."

Blythe could see that in her vision, Theo was a little bit relieved by her words, and it made her smile even more. The latter's presence in her vision had given her comfort and support, which really helped her stay positive and motivated right now.

Theo stayed with the latter until the sun hitted Blythe's cheeks. Her eyes slowly gain clearance, and Theo was gone too in her sight. Even though Theo's presence was already gone, yet the woman could still feel his calm, soothing and comforting presence inside of her. She could sense that the boy is watching over her, making sure that she was not going to have a mental breakdown in the aftermath of Mono's death. The vision of Theo was definitely something to remember, and she felt that the latter has become a beacon of comfort to her right now.

She wiped away her tears and washed her face in the bathroom. Blythe smelled some waffles coming from the kitchen.

"Good morning, hostess." Marcus uttered in a gentle voice, serving the latter some plate with fresh, warm waffles. At the sound of Marcus calling her, the hostess couldn't help but to get startled, and she immediately looked over to the man with an overwhelmed look on her face, with her eyes still a bit red and watery as well.

"Oh... Good morning, Marcus..." Blythe's voice was somewhat shaky, indicating her nervousness as she could feel Marcus looking at her, and this has made her feel uncomfortable with the thought of being looked at with her emotional and vulnerable state right now.

She digged in to the waffles Marcus made, and the hostess could tell that he was a great cook.

"You wanna help me find the white-haired assasin girl that we saw in blood last time? If you do, I'll appreciate that."

Blythe's mind flashed the image of the assasin lady. fair complexion, a long, white slightly curly hair with ocean blue eyes.

The moment the hostess heard about finding the assassin woman, her eyes suddenly widened, and her expression became a little determined as well. She then swallowed a bit, before she finally answered Marcus, saying:

"I will help you with that... I have been searching for her since Mono's death, and I will not let this assassin get away with what she did to Mono and to his kid... I swear to you that I'll make this assassin pay for all her actions..."

"Oh man, I missed my large, precious scythe and your strudy bat that we used in eliminating that disgusting scientists last time!" Marcus let out a devilish smirk, his eyes glowed in ecstasy.

The hostess also smiled, her eyes now full of determination to seek payback against the assassin woman. The woman then nodded, showing that she was ready to do this together with Marcus, and she replied.

"I couldn't agree more. This woman is going to meet her demise... And she's going to receive all the pain that she deserves... I cannot allow anyone else to be killed by her again and we will not let her get away with her crimes..."

"Oh your sexy voice, such an angel in disguise; Blythe Harper~"

Marcus chuckled sexily, his long hands cupping the woman's cheeks. "That's one of the reasons why I like hanging out with you."

The woman couldn't help but to be taken back and somewhat surprised by the unexpected turn in the conversation, especially when he suddenly got closer to her and held her cheeks. She could feel his hands touching her body, which made her feel slightly embarrassed as she could feel a certain kind of attraction to him. But it was still hard to describe it for now since her mind was on the revenge first and other things in her life. So, the hostess simply replied, giving him a small smile.

"Thank you for the compliment..."

The Great Masquearade: Greedحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن