"Bold of you to assume I have trouble sleeping. You're the one who has nightmares daily." Lyra spoke way too soon and I could point out the exact second regret took over her for her harsh words. "I didn't mean it that way-"

"Chill. I know." I smiled at her, realising she was just being defensive. Lying to herself because she wasn't ready to accept yet that she was going through something difficult. Placing the book into her empty hand, I curled her fingers around it to let her know this was hers.

"D, you don't need to-" She was clearly about to tear up anytime soon.

"Shh." I caressed my thumb on the notebook cover, not knowing what else to do. Maybe a part of the truth would help. "I know there's something going on in that pretty little mind of yours. Scribble it down, okay? No need to keep it all floating in your headspace. Let some of it down into words and let it go."

She nodded, chewing on her lip in concentration. I hated when she did that. "But this is your book, D. I can't take it home."

"It doesn't have my name on it, silly. It's an empty notebook. You know I carry extras around, just in case." I shrugged.

"But still-" She hesitated.

Sighing, I took out a pen from the case and filled the cover page on her behalf.

Sighing, I took out a pen from the case and filled the cover page on her behalf

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

[Alt Text:

Notebook Cover

Name: Lyra Sparks

Age: 18

Subject: —]

I grinned at her and declared. "Now it's yours."

"Thanks." She picked up the notebook and walked away, shrugging. Probably to hide how emotional she was at the moment. Because if she would dare to look at me, she knew I would see it all in her eyes. All the secrets she was hiding, all the monsters she was running away from, all the dark thoughts she kept locked up somewhere in her mind.

Maybe she thought they would make me love her less. Or maybe she thought I would judge her for them like most of her friends and classmates did. Little did she know... No matter how dark her real world was, I was ready to dive into it if it meant showing her the light.

Because all it takes is one single candle to illuminate a dark room. And I was ready to be her candle, even if that meant I was ultimately looking forward to getting burnt and ending myself for her.


Okay, I take my words back, I decide as I stand under the window that leads to her room. Measuring the distance with my eyes — scanning it from the ground to the window on the third floor — I wonder if this was such a good idea. A very moral and ethical side of me argues what I was about to do was wrong anyway, so why take the risk in the first place?

Headspace (Book 1) ✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें