Chapter 20

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Days turned into weeks, and Michelle and Anntonia faced the challenges that Irfan's presence brought into their lives. The support from their friends was unwavering, creating a shield of solidarity around them. Yet, the emotional aftermath lingered, a constant reminder of the unsettling encounter.

One evening, Michelle and Anntonia found themselves at a cozy coffee shop near their school. The atmosphere was a blend of warmth and chatter, providing a welcome escape from the tension that had gripped them. They sat by the window, hands intertwined, silently sipping their coffee.

Anntonia looked at Michelle with concern. "How are you holding up, love? I know it hasn't been easy for you."

Michelle gave a small smile, appreciating Anntonia's understanding. "I have my moments, but being with you makes it bearable. I just hate that he still has the power to affect us."

Anntonia nodded, her eyes reflecting a mix of empathy and determination. "We're taking all the necessary steps, Michelle. Restraining order, reporting to the school—it's important to show him that he can't manipulate our lives."

Michelle sighed, her gaze fixed on the passing pedestrians. "You're right, and I appreciate your strength through all of this. Sometimes, I just wish we could fast forward through this mess."

Anntonia chuckled softly. "Don't we all? But, Michelle, remember, we're in this together. We'll face whatever comes our way, and we'll emerge stronger."

Their conversation shifted to lighter topics, momentarily pushing aside the weight of recent events. Laughter and shared stories created a bubble of normalcy, a reminder that their love could withstand the storms.

As they walked back to their apartment later that evening, Anntonia paused and took Michelle's hands in hers. "I want you to know, Michelle, that you're not alone in this. We'll face it as a team, and nothing can break us apart."

Michelle smiled, grateful for the unwavering support. "I'm lucky to have you by my side, Anntonia. Let's focus on the love we share and keep moving forward."

They continued their journey home, the city lights flickering around them. Despite the challenges, Michelle and Anntonia held onto the promise of a future where their love would prevail, unyielding in the face of adversity.

The years had woven a tapestry of growth, resilience, and unwavering love for Michelle and Anntonia. They emerged victorious from the tumultuous challenges that Irfan's intrusion had brought into their lives. As time passed, the scars healed, replaced by the strength of their bond.

The day of their graduation arrived, marked by the triumph of academic excellence. Michelle and Anntonia stood side by side, adorned in their graduation gowns, caps perched proudly atop their heads. The applause of their friends and family echoed through the auditorium as they received their diplomas with summa cum laude honors.

In the aftermath of the ceremony, amidst the joyous celebrations, Michelle and Anntonia found a moment of quiet reflection. They stood on the campus grounds, hands entwined, gazing at the horizon that stretched before them.

Anntonia turned to Michelle, her eyes shimmering with pride. "We did it, Michelle. Against all odds, we made it through."

Michelle smiled, a mixture of happiness and relief evident in her eyes. "Together, my love. We conquered everything together."

As they strolled through the campus, memories flooded back—late-night study sessions, shared laughter, and the unyielding support they'd offered each other. Now, a new chapter awaited, and Michelle had a special plan to mark the occasion.

Weeks later, Michelle surprised Anntonia with a trip to Paris, the city of love and dreams. The enchanting atmosphere of the Eiffel Tower provided the perfect backdrop for a momentous occasion. As they stood beneath the glittering lights, Michelle took Anntonia's hands in hers.

"Anntonia," Michelle began, her voice steady and filled with emotion, "these years with you have been the most incredible journey of my life. Through every challenge, our love has only grown stronger. Will you make me the happiest person and spend the rest of your life with me?"

Anntonia's eyes widened with surprise, and tears welled up. "Michelle, oh my God, yes! A thousand times yes!"

The Eiffel Tower seemed to radiate joy as Michelle slipped a beautiful ring onto Anntonia's finger. They sealed the moment with a tender kiss, surrounded by the timeless allure of Paris.

Days turned into nights as they explored the city hand in hand, savoring the joy of their engagement. The Seine River witnessed their promises, and the Louvre Museum echoed with their laughter. Each moment etched another layer onto the canvas of their shared life.

As the sun set over Paris, casting hues of orange and pink across the sky, Michelle whispered to Anntonia, "This is just the beginning, my love. Our journey together will continue to unfold with each passing day."

Anntonia embraced Michelle, a sense of contentment and anticipation enveloping them. "I can't wait to see what the future holds for us, Michelle. As long as we're together, it will be extraordinary."

And so, beneath the Parisian sky, surrounded by love and the promise of a lifetime, Michelle and Anntonia embarked on the next chapter of their story, hand in hand, hearts intertwined, ready to face whatever adventures awaited them.

Months of tireless dedication and unwavering support for each other had led Michelle and Anntonia to this pivotal moment—the release of the board exam results. Both had undertaken the challenging journey of studying for their respective exams, Michelle for civil engineering and Anntonia for architecture.

Nervously, they sat side by side, hands tightly clasped as they awaited the life-altering news. The atmosphere was thick with anticipation until, finally, the results were unveiled. Michelle's eyes scanned the list for her name, and there it was, not only had she passed but secured the top spot. A surge of joy filled her, and she turned to Anntonia, who was still in suspense.

As Anntonia's eyes met the list of successful candidates, a wave of relief washed over her as she saw her name, proudly positioned at the top. Anntonia had not only passed the architecture board exam but had also clinched the coveted top rank.

The overwhelming emotion of success enveloped them, and without hesitation, they embraced, sealing the moment with a kiss. Anntonia couldn't contain her joy, "We did it, Michelle! We both got the top spot!"

Michelle, overjoyed and proud, replied, "I knew you could do it, Archt. Porsild. You're amazing!"

Anntonia, still in disbelief, smiled and said, "And you, my brilliant Engr. Dee, topped civil engineering! We're both officially licensed!"

They shared another warm embrace, realizing that their shared sacrifices, sleepless nights, and relentless efforts had paid off. The titles of "Engr." and "Archt." were now affixed to their names.

As they lingered in the glow of their achievements, Michelle hugged Anntonia once more, whispering, "I love you, Archt. Porsild, Anntonia."

Anntonia, equally affectionate, responded, "I love you too, my Engr. Dee, Michelle Daniela Marquez," sealing their triumph with a kiss, celebrating not only their professional success but also the enduring strength of their love.



I'm sorry for the rush. I hope you enjoy the story. 

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