Chapter 7

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No One's Point of View

The morning air carried a subtle crispness as Michelle stood outside Anntonia's apartment, clutching a bouquet of vibrant yellow tulips—the embodiment of Anntonia's favorite flowers. With a quick text, Michelle notified Anntonia of her arrival. Inside, Anntonia's excitement bubbled as she read the message, and she swiftly prepared herself for the day.

As Anntonia swung open the door, her eyes widened in delight. Without hesitation, she threw her arms around Michelle, planting a quick kiss on her cheeks. Michelle blushed, caught off guard by the sudden display of affection. Smiling, Michelle presented the bouquet, and Anntonia's eyes lit up.

"Yellow tulips? Michelle, you remembered!" Anntonia exclaimed, her fingers gently tracing the delicate petals.

Michelle chuckled, a warmth spreading through her. "Of course, I remember. They're your favorite."

Anntonia's cheeks flushed with gratitude as she accepted the flowers. "Thank you, Michelle. They're beautiful."

With a shared glance, they began their walk to school, hands naturally finding each other's. The sun painted the sky in hues of pink and gold as they strolled down the familiar path, their steps synchronized in a silent harmony.

"So, how are you feeling today?" Michelle asked, breaking the comfortable silence.

Anntonia glanced at her, a soft smile playing on her lips. "Surprisingly good. I guess waking up to yellow tulips and you at my doorstep does wonders."

Michelle grinned, her fingers gently squeezing Anntonia's. "Glad to hear that. Today is a new day, you know? Fresh start and all that."

Anntonia nodded, her gaze thoughtful. "Yeah, you're right. Let's make it a good one."

As they approached the school gates, Michelle couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. The unexpected twists in their friendship had led them to this moment, and she found solace in the simple joy of being by Anntonia's side.

"Would you mind if I escort you to your classroom?" Michelle offered, breaking the comfortable silence.

Anntonia grinned, her eyes sparkling. "Not at all. Lead the way, my chivalrous escort."

Michelle chuckled, guiding Anntonia through the familiar corridors. Their laughter echoed, drawing curious glances from passing students. It felt as if the world had momentarily slowed down, allowing them to savor the shared moments.

As they reached Anntonia's classroom, Michelle came to a stop. "Here we are. Your chariot awaits."

Anntonia playfully curtsied, eliciting a chuckle from Michelle. "Thank you, kind sir. I shall see you at lunch?"

"Absolutely," Michelle replied. "Have a great class, and I'll catch you later."

They exchanged a lingering gaze before Anntonia disappeared into the classroom. Michelle, feeling a warmth in her chest, made her way to her own class with a newfound spring in her step.

Throughout the day, their connection lingered in the shared glances and subtle touches. As lunch approached, Michelle found herself eagerly anticipating the continuation of their day, cherishing the evolving chapters of their story—one that unfolded with each shared moment and bloomed like the yellow tulips that started their morning.


The day unfolded with the rhythm of shared laughter and the hues of blossoming connection. As the clock ticked towards lunch, I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. Outside Anntonia's classroom, I leaned against the wall, waiting for her to emerge.

The hallway bustled with students rushing to and from classes. My eyes inadvertently scanned the crowd, and that's when I noticed him—Mark, a fellow student, confidently approaching Anntonia. My heart skipped a beat, an unfamiliar pang of jealousy surfacing. Confusion tangled with my emotions; after all, Anntonia and I hadn't officially labeled whatever was blossoming between us.

Anntonia emerged from the classroom, a radiant smile illuminating her face. However, my lingering unease didn't go unnoticed. She walked towards me with that infectious grin.

"Hey, Michelle! What's going on?" Anntonia asked, her voice filled with genuine concern.

I hesitated, unsure if I should voice my feelings. But honesty seemed the best policy. "I... I saw Mark talking to you, and I don't know why, but it bothered me."

Anntonia's smile softened into understanding. "Ah, that. Don't worry, Michelle. You're the one I want to be with."

Her assurance cut through the uncertainty, and I felt a sense of relief. "I know we haven't really put a label on this, but I'm glad you feel that way."

Anntonia chuckled, gently taking my hand. "Labels can come later. For now, let's just enjoy what we have."

Feeling reassured, we walked hand in hand towards the cafeteria. The hallway buzzed with whispers and curious glances, but we paid no mind to the gossip surrounding us. Our connection was ours to define, and the opinions of others could wait.

As we entered the bustling cafeteria, we approached the food counter, eager to order our favorites. Anntonia's laughter echoed in the air as we discussed our day, dreams, and the intricacies of our intertwined lives.

"So, how was your morning class?" I asked, my heart feeling lighter.

Anntonia took a thoughtful bite of her sandwich before replying, "Not bad. But you know what made it great? Seeing you."

I grinned, playfully nudging her shoulder. "Smooth, Anntonia. Very smooth."

Our conversation flowed effortlessly, a dance of shared stories and unspoken understanding. The presence of others seemed to fade away as we focused on each other. Occasionally, glances from fellow students and hushed conversations attempted to invade our bubble, but we remained impervious.

Amidst the clatter of trays and the hum of voices, Anntonia reached for my hand across the table. "Michelle, I'm really glad you're a part of my day. It makes everything brighter."

Her sincerity warmed my heart. "Likewise, Anntonia. Let's continue making these moments brighter, label or no label."

We shared a quiet moment, hands entwined, acknowledging the unspoken promise between us. As we finished our lunch, the cacophony of the cafeteria transformed into background noise. The journey of our connection had taken an unexpected turn, but in that shared moment, all that mattered was the blossoming bond between us—a story yet to be written, but one filled with the promise of something beautiful. 

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