chapt 2 | first day

Start from the beginning

I nod shakily, walking in and looking around, his I didn't know anyone here. Thats terrifying..

"Welcome, Mackenzie correct?" The teacher asks, "yeah, hi." I wave and look around confused. "You can sit next to.. Erin. Erin please make yourself known," the teacher says and turns to his desk, rummaging for some papers.

A girl turns, looking at me with a smirk, "I'm Erin, Mackenzie right?" I nod, taking a seat next to her, "oh my god.. wait!" She pauses, thinking. "You're THE Mackenzie, Mackenzie Howard."

I look at her, confused. "Uhm what does that mean?" She shrugs, "Coles told me about you, and Jackie."


"Oh, okay," I smile shyly, the teacher then brings my attention back, "would you please stand and tell us one interesting thing about you?" I take a deep breath, standing. "Yeah okay.. hi, I'm Mackenzie but you can just call me Kenzi.. I moved here from New York yesterday."

"Why did you come from the big city to just a small town? I imagine it's a big change."

I freeze, "yeah.. it's a huge change.. I came here due to.. a very difficult time." The teacher sees right through me.

"Okay, that's enough, turn to page 347." I sit back down as quickly as possible.

"So how do you know Cole?" Erin asks, "uh, childhood friends I guess, our moms were friends." She nods, "well, just know that he is completely off limits." She says. I look at her in disbelief, "excuse me?"

"He has a girlfriend," she says blowing a bubble with her gum, a girlfriend. Thats fantastic.

"Oh, okay, who?" She grins happily, "I see, you guys happy?" She nods eagerly, "so so happy." Lie.

I roll my eyes, paying attention to the teacher before we get caught.


Stepping into the cafeteria, I look around for Danny. But my eyes land on Cole and his gal pal Erin. So fucking stupid. She was obviously obsessed with him, but him I'm not so sure.

"Hey Kenz!" Danny moves over to me, "Danny I was looking for you," he apologizes, "sorry about that, I got busy."

Confused, I ask "busy?" He laughs, "come on." I take a quick glance at the lunch room, Cole was leading, who was that? My eyes widened, Jackie, to their table.

Well that's new...

"Okay where are we going?" I ask, "the auditorium," he replies. My face scrunches together, "what for?"

"You asked what I was so busy with, this is it. I'm auditioning for a play." I gasp, "oh my god you're into play?!" We walk into the auditorium and down the stairs, "yeah, like a lot."

I smile, "that's amazing, Im sure you'd get the part!" He smiles, "thanks Kenzi. I'm really glad you're here, it's been so different."

"How so?" He shrugs, "just.. Cole hasn't been the same. You know he sneaks a new girl into the house every night." My eyes widen, "wait but he has a girlfriend?" He nods, "oh my god he's an asshole!"

"Yeah then you have Alex who hardly talks to him." I look at him confused, "excuse me? The two were inseparable last time I was here."

He shrugs, "you can't tell anyone I've told you this, we've sworn an oath of no snitching. But.. Alex was head over heels for this one girl, they even started dating, but the one time Cole comes home.. Alex found them making out."

My heart sunk for Alex..

"Oh my god poor Alex," I sighed, "that sucks." I hop onto the stage, sitting and dangling my feet off of it. He sighs, "yeah believe me I know."

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