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    "ALRIGHT EMILIA, I know you think I sound crazy, but let me show you the method to my madness

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    "ALRIGHT EMILIA, I know you think I sound crazy, but let me show you the method to my madness." Strange claps his hands together. I'm back at the sanctum for our first 'lesson'  about the 'mystic arts'. I have high hopes.

    "You're gonna show me how you make balloon animals?" I raise my eyebrow at him. "I want a purple dog."

    "No- Just listen." He rubs his temples. "I am going to teach you to harness energy drawn from other dimensions to cast spells and conjure shields and weapons."

    Honestly, I thought that this guy was a nutjob. He has an odd sense of fashion and he's trying to teach me magic.

    How did he go from being a super successful surgeon to this?

    "Right... And how is this going to fix my hands?" I cross my hands over my chest.

    "Once you are successful at using magic, you can then use that magic to stabilize your hands. Mind over matter." He pauses. "Though I must warn you, it is difficult to get into the right mindset to practice the mystic arts. It takes a lot of practice."

    "Okay," I scoff, not believing him at all. "Show me what you got, wizard."

    He held something shiny up in his hand. "This is a sling ring." He handed the ring to me and I put it on my pointer and middle fingers. "This is your tool to open a portal to.. Anywhere really. A different city or town, or even another dimension."

    I narrowed my eyes on the ring. It felt so unnatural sitting on my left hand.

    Strange started making a swirling motion with his hands and a golden circle started appearing. A portal.  A snowy mountain scene was on the other side. He gestured to me to follow him and I stepped inside, immediately feeling the wind hit my face.

    "Mt. Everest." He yelled over the wind. If it wasn't unbearably freezing cold I would have enjoyed the view much more. "Below freezing. It takes about 30 minutes for hypothermia to set in. And I bet it'll take just two minutes for you to go into shock."

    I could hear my teeth chattering.

    "You wouldn't want to be stuck out here without your sling ring." He says from behind me. I look back over my shoulder, but he's not there anymore. That damn wizard.

    Panicking, I try to remember how he made the portal to send us out here. What hand was it? I flail my hands around frantically but all that appears is golden sparks in the air, no portal.

    "Damn you, Strange!"

    I try again but to no avail. I'm going to die. I pace around and let out a yell. Okay, I just need to focus.

    It was extremely hard to focus when the wind was ripping at my skin.

    Think of the sanctum.

𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐃 𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑, PETER PARKER ¹Where stories live. Discover now