...To get a boyfriend! (Pt.2)

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A/N: It his currently 5:30 AM on January 2nd as I am posting this, which means it is Colby's birthday, so happy birthday Colby! (He's never gonna see this but oh well).

Anyway, take the part 2 to "My New Year's resolution is...".



- Nothing, just pining and kissing


Sam had made a deal with himself; By midnight, on December 31st, Colby was either gonna be his or disgusted with him.

But when he puts it off until 5 minutes before the deadline, he kinda rushes through the confession and goes straight to the New Year's kiss.


Sam sighed as he looked himself over in the mirror of the hotel's bathroom. He and Colby had arrived in California just 2 days ago and were set to leave a few weeks later. Now, they were both getting ready to make their way to Jake's house for the New Year's party he was organizing, both boys excited to see all of their old friends. But something kept him distracted.

He didn't remember exactly when he had realized it, but he knew that it had first appeared in the corner of his mind when Colby first called him announcing he had cancer in January. His heart had squeezed and his stomach plummeted, and he had at first thought it was normal considering his best friend  had just told him he had cancer. But when he had hugged him later that day and the both of them refused to let go for a good few moments, he couldn't help but realize that the fear of losing him went deeper than him being his best friend.

Opening up to Kat and explaining what he had slowly come to realize was hard and definitely hurt, but it was the right thing to do. She had understood and even said she had doubts, and although it obviously hurt her, she respected his decision completely, which just made the break up hurt a bit more.

And now here he was, trying to mentally prepare for what was going to be the hardest thing of his life, something that scared him more than any ghost or attachment could. By midnight, his friendship with Colby would either have gone to the next level or shattered into nothingness.

A knock at the bathroom door made Sam jump as he broke out of his thoughts.

"Yo, you good dude?" Right, Colby was waiting for him. Looking himself over, Sam smoothed down his white shirt that made a nice contrast against his black jeans, grabbed his ring and slipped it on right as he exited the bathroom.

"Yeah, sorry dude. Got a bit distracted there." Sam said with a chuckle, hoping he was much more subtle than he thought he was as he looked Colby over. He had went for a black tank top, that left his tattoos on full display, and had paired it with black, ripped skinny jeans. He had a small array of rings on his fingers a chain wrapped around his neck. He was undeniably pretty.

Colby's chuckle brought Sam back down to earth. "Alright then, but we should really get going. I don't think Jake has anymore patience and he won't stop spamming my phone." Ignoring the way his heart fluttered, Sam nodded with a small grin and both boys made their way out of the hotel room and downstairs, where they called an Uber.

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