[20] 二十

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I never saw it coming. The day that ruined everything.

I had texted Ryuzo six times since our run-in with his superiors and the boss. No answer. He was too busy. Most likely he had to avoid sending me messages to keep me hidden, but it still bothered me.

All I wanted to do was tell him I had extended my contract, that I would be with him for longer than planned, and be able to discuss what that would mean for us.

Coming home from work the next night, it was the same as any other night. Ryuzo was working at the entrance of the club. I hadn't seen it as busy as that, but knowing the oyabun was in town, it made sense.

The red neon glowed over the homogenous crowd, everyone well-dressed in expensive suits and fur coats. It was a noir film crossed with cyberpunk. The only thing more distracting was the look on Ryuzo's face.

The melancholy shadow that hadn't been there in months was heavy on his face, dulling the usual flame behind his eyes. It was as if that fire went out completely, leaving him dark and hollow beneath the neon red glow.

I wanted to pull him away from that place, save him from the torment, do anything it took to bring his beautiful smile back.

Too many days passed. After work, I could barely squeeze through the crowd to make it to my gate. He was on the stairs nearest the restaurant doors. It took a moment to catch his attention, but I did.

The way he looked at me . . . It was as if the past few months hadn't happened and he had regressed to the despondent man I first saw. People gathered on the steps behind him, a crowd taking their time going inside. He greeted some as they passed, speaking the way one does with familiar people.

It took a while for him to look at me again. When he did, I cocked my head to the side to question what was going on. He stared back, a look of muted misery — maybe a longing for me, maybe just a longing to leave. He turned away when the next guest called his attention.

It wasn't the time.

. . .

At work, the time passed slowly while my mind would't let go of my worries. "Something up, love?" Kat drew my attention back to the room.

Cleaning and prepping the bed for our next patient was busy work and didn't help to get my mind off the situation. "Sorry. I'm out of it today."

"Have you told your mans about your contract extension yet?" she asked in her clairvoyant way.

"No. Shit keeps getting in the way. It's like the universe is trying to tell me to keep it to myself."

An emergency phone call and the oyabun showing up while I was trying to give him my news was a hard sign to ignore. I rubbed my finger over the necklace hidden beneath my shirt. I had to tell him today, no matter how available he was for more news. 

"You can't text him?"

"I wanted to tell him face-to-face but . . . I don't know if I'll have a choice," I admitted.

"Hmm," she hummed with a judgemental tone. I was lucky she turned from me before the disdain reached my face. Meanwhile, her expression also changed when she looked up. "Hello, Ayumi."

I found her standing beside us. Her usually chipper tone was flat. "Tanaka-sensei needs your help in room 3," she said to Kat.

"Of course." Kat bowed and left.

"Ayumi, where do you need me?" When she didn't answer me, I assumed it was my punishment for speaking English. "Do you . . . need my help?" I said in choppy Japanese.

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