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Jc's pov

Monday, well baby I fell for you...

Tuesday, I wrote you this song.....

Wednesday I wait outside your door, even though I know it's wrong....

I'm so glad this week went by super quick because now it's Friday and Kirby is supposed to be giving me an answer on if she's gonna let me take her on a date.

I'm getting ready for school and I make sure I look extra nice doing my hair in some loose curls I throw on some black ripped jeans and my black and purple graphic tee and vans.

Quickly sticking my shades on top of my head, I run downstairs beating everyone as always grabbing a muffin for Kirby and running out the house to my car. Jake and I have been driving to school this week because I wanted to give Kirby some space to think about everything hopefully she misses me and invites me back.

Jake and I make our way to school singing and dancing to my epic playlist even he admits to me having and that says a lot for Dj Jake.

"I'll see ya for lunch I'm gonna go find Kirby." I tell my brother who just waves me off walking over to his friends.

I make my way into the building over to Jill's locker where her and Kirby usually are. Only to see Charlie walking off brushing his hand against my Kirby's.

"Hey what was that about" I ask passing Kirby her muffin, walking over giving my sister a kiss on the forehead. I lean over to do the same to Kirby but she takes a step back. Weird.

"Charlie just asked Kirby out on a date" Jill says smiling. I don't know why she's happy about that when I'm literally busting my ass trying to get her to even notice me sometimes.

"Annnd?" I question hoping her answer would be different than the answer I think she's about to give.

"She said yes" Jill squeals jumping up and down.

"You said yes?" I question looking towards Kirby waiting to hear the words from her mouth.

"I did." She responds raising her eyebrows. Okay she wants to play that game. "Cool" I say walking away, bumping into someone knocking their books over.

"Shit sorry" I say leaning down to help pick everything up, straightening up I can really get a good look at the girl and damn she's beautiful.

"It's okay. I'm Sam" the younger girl looks up to me holding her hand out.

"Jc" I say shaking her hand instantly feeling sparks fly all throughout my arm.

"Cool name" she says before walking off, leaving me speechless.

"I've never seen you before Sam" I yell down the halls coming out from my trance before she can get too far.

"I'm a freshman, I just started here" she yells back making me laugh walking off the opposite way.

The day goes by pretty fucking slowly considering all I can think about is Kirby ripping my heart out stomping on it.

But it's finally lunch time and I can see my beautiful twin who's really only beautiful because he looks like me.

"Hey sunshine" I say ruffling his hair.

"What's up thunderstorm" he retorts ruffling my hair even more.

"Hey relax" I say swatting his hand away from my hair laughing when he smacks his hand on the table.

Thank god for twins, this guy really knows how to make my day anytime something goes wrong.

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