Chapter 2: Don

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Sonakshi's POV

It's 8 in the morning, I make my coffee and as usual, go outside to sit in the garden. Here, I feel calm & relaxed.

 Here, I feel calm & relaxed

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I saw Ritvik coming here...stumbling, throwing himself on the couch. (As you can see above⬆️) I wanted to hide my cup of coffee but his reflexes were quicker than mine as he started sipping the coffee I made.
"Mr Ritvik Agnihotri."
"Yes." He started enjoying every sip of coffee.
"Is your brain not working? That was my coffee."
"Ms Sonakshi Malhotra, my only antidote for a headache is your special magical coffee."
"Your drinking habits are getting worse... by the way." I sat beside him on the couch and with curiosity, I asked, "How was last night?"
He went back into his cold exterior and replied, "As usual."
"Hmm..." I get back to my chair. I hate to see him in a miserable state.
"Sundays aren't working, are they? OR you haven't moved on YET." He glares at me keeping a cup on the table.
"What do you mean?" He folds his hand as if I'm gonna shoot him another lecture.
"You're going to the club for more than 4years. Things around you are changing but you're stuck in the same place Ritvik. Why is it that you're not in a relationship in all these years? You go to clubs only for drinking. But the main question is have you moved on?"
"If me coming to your home like a drunkard is a problem then forgive me."
"Don't. Change. The subject." I'm damn serious now. "Ritvik, stop wasting your time in those shitty clubs and rather find someone who can take away your pain."
He got up "I'm getting late, as your assistant I must be on time... also... I will try to quit my drinking habits." And he left but something stopped him in the middle.
"Sonakshi!" He yelled as he was standing far from me.
What now.
"Today, you have an appointment with Mr Bakshir." Saying this he went inside.

When I was 18 I left my home and started living in a rental apartment. I applied for a part-time job in a cake & bake shop and there I met Ritvik. His dad owns the shop. He was a good man, and as I was a quick learner I started doing well in my job. Hence, he not only increased my salary but gave me tips whenever I took good care of the cafe or did good work. After my graduation, Mr Agnihotri my boss died due to cancer & just before the day he died, till now I remember his words that was "Sonakshi, I know you have so much to do in your life but can you favor me one thing? Never leave Ritvik alone. Stay with him if you can." At first, I thought maybe they had a fight or he was worried for Ritvik as he didn't have a mom to look after him cause Ritvik's parents were divorced. On the day Mr Agnihotri died Ritvik gets to know that his dad was hiding a huge disease from him. He was angry and broken. It took him one week to accept his father's death.
For three years I have worked under big constructors & builders to gain some knowledge while Ritvik went into some boxing stuff. One day he told me he had a crush on someone and going to propose to HIM. Again, I wasn't shocked that he was gay well, I was happy for him.
Later, I slowly started my career & got success. Ritvik became my assistant & left his boxing career behind due to some reason that he is sensitive and never likes to speak of it.

In office...

"Good morning mam." An employee greets me.
"Morning Sonakshi." Only a few people can address me by my name cause I allow them, as these people mean a lot to me.
"Morning Khan uncle, I attended your daughter's wedding. It was fabulous."
"All thanks to you dear, it's the salary you paid me or-"
"No, uncle. All credit goes to your Hardworking nature."

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