Season 1 episode 27: Old Past and New Faces

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2 weeks later
Random house
Pain: *waking up and opens eyes* ...ngh.. *moans in pain* ... *remembers what happened and jumps awake* !
Haku: oh! *has a bucket of water*
Pain: who are you, where the fuck am I!? *angry*
Zabuza: *has a sword aimed at his throat* woah there bud. Let's not get too ahead of ourselves here, huh?
Pain: *looks him up and down and stands down* ...
Zabuza: better.
Pain: *looks around and sees a beach from the window* ...where am I?
Haku: East Beach over by Whale bay.
Pain: back at the land of beaches huh.. *ponders* just how the hell did we get back all the way here?
Zabuza: it's where Haku and I live, which means you're in our place. It's been hell of a hassle getting you all back here.
Pain: ...hmm
Haku: yes, Zabuza and I were out gathering things for the house when we found you all. You were all defeated by someone and every last one of you were in bad shape to the point where you were out for 10 days.
Pain: *looking at his body covered in bandages*
Haku: I was able to treat all of you with some medical wax from town. All you need is a days more worth of rest and you'll be at 100 percent again.
Pain: *looks around*
Sasori: *resting*
Kisame: *resting*
Itachi: *resting*
Mangetsu: *resting*
Sarada: *resting*
Hinata: *resting*
Konan: *resting*
Pain: I don't understand, why did you save us? I don't even know who you are. *shakes head*
Zabuza: I saved you all because Kisame was on your team, not only that I need some information out of you.
Pain: ....
The woods
Hidan: *moaning as he wakes up* uhhh *opens eyes*
Akuma: *sitting on Hidan's chest* guys he's up.
Hidan: AHHHHHHHHHHHH! *gets up quick*
Bourto: dude, why the hell are you sitting on him!?
Akuma: what, Danna told me to sit with him until he woke up and well he woke up. *shrug*
Hidan: seriously what the actual fuck!? Are you insane!?
Deidara: well I thought it was funny. *shrugs and snickers*
Hidan: yeah yeah. Totally funny, I'm dying of extreme laughter right now. *straight face*
Kakuzu: *opens eyes and lays there*
Hidan: yo, Kakuzu you awake? Get a load of this bullshit.
Kakuzu: *looks over* god I can barely move.
Hidan: it's probably because you got bandages all of you, looking like a goddamn mummy. *looks around* hmm speaking of which, the fuck are we? What day is it?
Zeztu: It's Friday, July 27th and you're in a random shack. *has tea*
Hidan: Zeztu? Where the hell have you been? *raises eyebrow*
Zeztu: I've been out doing research, when Deidara and Akuma contacted me informing me of what happened.
Hidan: 10 DAYS!? I WAS OUT FOR 10 DAYS!? *shock*
Deidara: duh, don't you remember that Kage bitch running you and Kakuzu's pockets?
Shikidai: that was straight up bullying.
Hidan: please, that fat bitch ain't do shit to me. *crosses arms* if anything she snuck me.
Zeztu: whatever helps you sleep at night. *rolls eyes* the best thing you and Kakuzu need to do is rest.
Hidan: that's the shit I can't do. *looks at Zeztu* any day now, they're gonna take Aoi to Star Capital and we'll never get her back!
Zeztu: so what are you going to do then? You can't just waltz in there, you'll be slaughtered.
Hidan: I have to find a way to get her back!
Zeztu: why are you so hellbent on saving her? She willingly turned herself in, no one held a kunai to her head and forced her to leave. Because of her actions, the Akatsuki's safety is compromised.
Hidan: OUR FUCKING SAFETY WAS COMPROMISED ANYWAY! You think I'm finna stand by and watch them take them from me! From her friends! ILL BE DAMNED!
Zeztu: ....
Hidan: *faces away from everyone and thinking about what Kuirena said* .....I'm going to save her.
The leaf village
Kuirena: ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING!? *slams fists on the table*
Shikimaru: I'm heading in my resignation. *narrows eyes*
Kuirena: *glares*
Shikimaru: I don't know how you expect me to work for you especially after you attacked my son! *growl*
Kuirena: *shrugs* what can I say, your son should've known better than to run up on me like a fucking idiot. Especially behind a fucking terrorist!
*tears fall*
Kuirena: Usually I would tell you, but you quit so. *shrugs*
Shikimaru: *tears fall and looks down at the ground*
Kuirena: maybe next time, you Nara's can learn to not run up on the opps blindly.
Shikimaru: *goes to attack her*
Zuezet: *holds her clockhand at his neck*
Shikimaru: *severely angry*
Zuezet: *head tilts*
Kuirena: *smirk as she still sits there*
Asuma: come on, Shikimaru.. come on let's just walk. *holding him*
Shikimaru: *is walked out by Asuma*
Zuezet: *puts her clock hand away* I swear, this month has everyone losing their minds.
Kuirena: everyone is just being a bunch of pussy ass bitches. Tuh give me a glass of wine?
Zuezet: yes ma'am. *pours some wine*
Kuirena: *signing paperwork* hmm I swear to god these people aggravate the fuck outta me.
Zuezet: *listening*
Kuirena: so it's gonna take a while for the Sound to be fully converted due to the shit getting leveled and not to mention I'm getting a call from the Land of the Stars demanding that Aoi tori gets shipped off tomorrow.
Zuezet: Tomorrow, I thought we had another week.
Kuirena: she's a high class criminal and the Hoshikage (Star Shadow) wants her as soon as possible before it becomes a problem. Damn ice bitch.
Zuezet: so she's leaving tomorrow? *puts tea away*
Kuirena: I have no choice, what the Hoshikage wants she gets. *sighs*
Zuezet: does Sarutobi know about this?
Kuirena: she'll find out when it happens. *sips wine* ..... *casually looks over a picture*
A picture of Aoi tori and Kuirena smiling
Kuirena: .......*looks down*
Outside the office
Kakkashi: *listens in* hmm. *leaves*
Sakura: *crying*
Kakkashi: Sakura? *appears*
Sakura: Kaka-sensei what am I going to do? My daughter she's dead. *crying*
Kakkashi: *places a hand on her shoulder*
Sakura: if I known that she was going to go off and find her, I would've stopped her! I should've stopped her! How I could've been so stupid! *crying*
Kakkashi: *pained look on his face*
Sakura: I mean, what are we even doing this for? We're not doing anything for the greater good anymore! All we do is kill people, *screams* I CANT TAKE THIS ANYMORE I JUST WANT THINGS TO CHANGE! *storms off*
Kakkashi: Sakura..
Sakura: *gone*
Kakkashi: *slowly walks outside*
Other jounin wave at him
Kakkashi: *waves back and walks to the courtyard*
Kids out playing
Kakkashi: *looks over* ....
Guy proposing to a girl
Girl: Oh my god yes!
Kakkashi: *thinking* it's like any other day in the leaf, the sun is bright and there's always people out and about... Shinboi doing their shinboi things.
A few ninjas gambling
Kakkashi: everyone's respectful to their colleagues and their dear Hokage. *looks over*
Zuezet: *in her garden and looks over at Kakkashi* .....
Both: *stare at each other*
Zuezet: *devilish glare*
Kakkashi: *narrows eyes and thinks* ....that would be something I would say.. if I lived in complete delusion.
Kuirena: *standing over the destruction of the sound village* HAHAHAHAHA
Zuezet: *next to her crossing her arms*
End of flashback
Kakkashi: .....truth be told, this leaves are stained with blood. *walking as he thinks*
Haku's House
Zabuza: so the Hokage huh?
Pain: for about a month, shits been happening constantly. Kuirena Sarutobi has been coming after us and taking down my men. As of right now, half of them are missing.
Zabuza: hmm sounds like you're in one hell of a dilemma.
Pain: understatement of the fucking year. *rolls eyes*
Zabuza: so are you going to get to get this Blue Bird back?
Pain: *looks down* ......
Pain and Aoi tori: *fighting*
End of flashback
Pain: no. *says coldly*
Zabuza: hmm...
Mangetsu: *slowly wakes up* mm..
Pain: *looks over at Mangetsu*
Mangetsu: *opens eyes* huh! *looks over* !
Pain: Asura, how are you feeling?
Mangetsu: like I got hit by a damn truck. *sits up* ngh.. *holds side* where are we?
Haku: We're at the Land of Beaches, East Beach.
Mangetsu: *looks to Kisame and Itachi still resting* ...shit! My brother! *gets up fast*
Pain: he's not here Asura.
Mangetsu: w- then where is he!? *yells*
Pain: I'm pretty sure he's with the others.
Mangetsu: if you think that's a good explanation, then that's not good enough for me! I can't sit there and not know where my brother is! *gets up and falls to the ground in pain* ngh..
Pain: you're not even in the position to go anywhere. Stay your ass put!
Mangetsu: *growl* ...
Pain: your brother is tougher than he looks, he's alive and I believe it. I wouldn't lie to you if I wasn't sure.
Haku: *goes to Mangetsu* come on.. *helps him up*
Mangetsu: I got it, bruh. *gets up and lays back in bed*
Kisame: what's with all the damn noise. *sits up*
Zabuza: !
Kisame: oh shit, Zabuza!? *shock*
Zabuza: Long time no see heh *smirks and gives him a bro handshake*
Kisame: *gives it back* oh man, out of all the shit to wake up to, dude where the hell have you been?
Zabuza: I've been out here at the Land of Beaches trying to make do with what I have.
Kisame: you've been here, all this time? I thought you were working with the Mitsukage (Light Shadow) what happened?
Zabuza: she fired me and we stopped talking. Her wife joined the Anbu and she told me she can handle things from there.
Kisame: mmm. *looks to Itachi*
Itachi: *resting*
Zabuza: what about you? *crosses arms* so far all I've been hearing is that you got your shit rocked by the Hokage.
Kisame: please don't mention that shit, that shit was embarrassing.
Sasori: the bitch was 6.5 ft tall, 300 founds and overpowered as all hell. *eyes still closed*
Kisame: ....
Sasori: *opens eyes*
Pain: Sasori how are you?
Sasori: I've been better. *sigh* I'm just not used to being hurt like this. The last time I was this bad off, I fought Lady Chiyo.
Mangetsu: *sitting up again*
Kisame: so now what? How are we gonna do this? I gotta get my lick back.
Pain: *silent*
Sasori: the shit happened so fast, it's stuff like that, that makes you think do we even have a chance?
Mangetsu: yeah, the fuck you talking about?
Sasori: how so, I would like to know?
Mangetsu: Little one.
Sasori: I think you're placing too much faith into your little crush.
Mangetsu: I'm not, I know she can.. she has power hidden deep within herself, I've felt it. *pauses* AND STOP SAYING SHES MY CRUSH! 💢
Pain: *silent*
Sasori: well I hope you're right because the way things are going, we're not gonna get shit done anytime soon.
Pain: *stares out into the ocean
The boat
Aoi tori: *looking at the fireworks as she smiles* ...
Hidan: *sitting across from her and smirks at her*
Aoi tori: *watching the fireworks*
Hidan: so *flirty*
Aoi tori: so what? *looks at him*
Hidan: what's with the side eye, princess? I was just wondering if you wanted to-
Aoi tori: no. *chuckles*
Hidan: damn bird girl, you didn't even let me finish my sentence *scoffs*
Aoi tori: cause I already know what you finna ask. *rolls eyes*
Hidan: oh really? Since you're such a mind reader, what was I finna ask you? *raises eyebrow*
Aoi tori: that you wanna fuck me, again.
Hidan: I- *pause*
Aoi tori: *smirks at him*
Hidan: now you know damn well- *red face*
Aoi tori: I'm a fucking human being, Hidan not an object.
Hidan: what? I never viewed you as an object I- hmm well maybe a little. *scratches head*
Aoi tori: *crosses arms* I should throw you out this boat
Hidan: okay wait don't get mad- it's just that I kinda... *bites lip* I like you and it's been a while since I seen or been around a woman since Konan and you know Konan that bitch is a pistol. I'd say I wouldn't last a day without her tryna kill me for grabbing her ass, plus I think she likes the Old man so-
Aoi tori: so you like me because you haven't been around another woman?
Hidan: No! no! I just ughhh well you know.. *looking at her*
Aoi tori: *looking at him*
Hidan: *blush* you're very, very pretty well no not that! *face palms*
Aoi tori: so I'm unattractive?
Hidan: No! No! *red face*
Aoi tori: oh calm down, I'm just fucking with you *laughing*
Hidan: real funny. *blushes and crosses arms*
Aoi tori: yeah but you know, for a 40 year old man you have no social skills. *shakes head*
Hidan: I mean half my life I've been a rouge ninja. All I've known was death and destruction, I can't just you know turn it off. *shrugs*
Aoi tori: *gives him that look*
Hidan: okay maybe... *ponders* I can be semi decent for a change and learn to be a normalish human. *nervous laughter*
Aoi tori: that's a start. *smiles and kisses his cheek*
Hidan: *holds her in the boat as they watch the fireworks*
Aoi tori: *smiles and holds him back*
End of Flashback
Hidan: *sitting outside* ..... *clutching his scythe*
Kakuzu: *appears*
Hidan: hm. *looks behind him slightly*
Kakuzu: I never took you, for being the type to sit out and watch the moon like an edgy puppy. *crosses arms*
Hidan: oh shut the hell up, I still have my swagger. *stands up* I'm just having a coming to Jashin moment. *stands up and yawns loudly*
Both: *head inside*
Tv blaring
Bourto: *stuffing his face*
Hidan: *sits next to him and grabs a plate* uhh where did all this food come from? *looks around*
Zeztu: like I said research. *smiles*
Hidan: *looks down at food*
Akuma: it's no pizza, but it's not that bad *eating*
Shikidai: *eating*
Deidara: *watching Tv*
Akuma: Danna-sama, are you gonna eat your food?
Deidara: I saw it move on its own so I'm not eating it. *changing channels*
Akuma: welp! More for me! *eating more*
Deidara: *nasty face* ughh Aku you're so fucking revolting *changing channel*
Tv: S class Criminal Aoi tori Sarutobi will be trans-
Deidara: *still changing channels*
Akuma: !
Kakuzu: *looks to the Tv*
Hidan: *throws an Apple at Deidara*
Deidara: ow what!?
Bourto: I think we heard something on the news situation, switch it back!
Deidara: hmm *changes channel back*
Tv: S class criminal Aoi tori Sarutobi might be transferred to Star Capital sooner than expected.
Hidan: WHAT!?
Bourto: Sooner!?
Kakuzu: hmm... *narrows eyes*
Tv: The Hoshikage has had extreme reactions to the recent threat of Sarutobi and highly recommends that she be off the street as soon as possible!
Snowflake: (Hoshikage) I'm doing this for the safety of my people and the great 8 nations.
Interviewer: when would you want Aoi tori?
Snowflake: I'm leaving my village tonight, to arrive at the Leaf tomorrow morning,
All: *shocked*
East Beach
Pain and everyone watching the TV
Snowflake: The Hokage has been extremely careless at handling this situation, family should've never been in consideration! these type of charges should've warranted an execution, since Kuirena sentenced her too fast, I have no choice but to step in!
Sarada: *pupils shrink*
Hinata: *covers mouth*
Interviewers: what is your course of action, honorable lady?
Snowflake: first I'll take her back and me and my person will handle this shit ourselves. After the actions she's committed, life in prison is too sweet. Instead I'm going to try for the death penalty!
Mangetsu: are you fucking serious!? *yells*
Sarada: they don't even know what the fuck is going on!
Hinata: we have to do something, if we don't get her by tomorrow she's going to die!
Kisame: .....
Mangetsu: yeah fuck this. *gets up and gets his cloak*
Pain: Asura, what do you think you're doing?
Mangetsu: what does it look like? I'm going to the leaf village to get Little one back.
Pain: you will do no such thing. *stern voice*
Mangetsu: and why the fuck not!? Her life is in danger, I mean hasn't she suffered enough!? She's been going through god knows what and you're just sitting here! *yells*
Pain: you witnessed first hand what the Hokage is capable of, do you really think you can challenge her on your own?
Mangetsu: ...
Pain: Sarutobi has done nothing but made terrible choice after terrible choice. She turned herself into the leaf willingly! She has disobeyed me time and time again and shown me why she isn't trustworthy! Why would I go out of my way to help her, when she clearly doesn't want to be helped! *looks away*
Sarada: you're just going to let her die, is that it?
Pain: *looking away*
Sarada: tch. Then why the fuck am I out here then!? What the fuck was the point of all of this! *yells*
Hinata: Sarada please *tries to touch her*
Sarada: *pushes her away* No! I came out here, not just for my village but for Aoi-chan too! Shes my Teammate, my damn best friend! I became a rouge ninja because I didn't like where my village was going! The Hokage is nothing but pure fucking evil! She's killed many innocent people including my own sensei for fucking land! NO ONE STOOD UP TO HER! *tears fall* she won't stop, not at all! Not unless we stand up to her!
Itachi: *looks at her deeply*
Pain: *facing away from her*
Sarada: if you let them take Aoi-chan, nothing will change! Everything will keep going on like the way it's been for years! She will win, families will die and my father's legacy will be tainted with blood! *looks up at him* please god.. please don't let this happen. *crying*
Pain: *looking away still* ....
Sarada: that's it? *slowly wipes tears* .... *shakes head* The world was right about you.. you are a coward! *leaves*
Pain: *looking away*
Konan: *resting*
The woods
The roof of the shack
Hidan: Kakuzu.
Kakuzu: Yo.
Hidan: do you think we can do this shit? Actually stopping the Hokage? *looks to him*
Kakuzu: ........*crossing arms* Shikimaru wasn't spouting nonsense that day for no reason.
Hidan: .....
Kakuzu: ....*looks up at the moon* .....We're an unstoppable force, remember that.
Hidan: *nods*
Bourto: *next to them and looks up at the moon*
The leaf village prison
Aoi tori: *looking at Kakkashi in shock* ......
Kakkashi: yeah, at 9 am the Hokage is going to transport you to Star Capital and the Hoshigake is going to reopen your case and try to give you the death penalty.
Aoi tori: *looks down slowly* ....... *slowly nods*
Kakkashi: believe me when I say, that I never wanted this to happen. If I had the power to change things I would. *looks her sorrowfully*
Aoi tori: *looking at the ground*
Kakkashi: *looks at her* I'm so sorry that I failed you.
Aoi tori: *hair covering her face*
Kakkashi: with this I now pronounce you the rank of Jounin *has her a jacket*
Ino: congratulations Aoi-chan! *happy*
Aoi tori: ahh! *squeals in joy* thank you so much you guys! This really means a lot! *puts it on*
Kakkashi: your first mission starts tomorrow, I want you here at 7 am sharp! *rubs her hair*
Ino: which means, no drinking or hanging out with Bourto until 2 am! *hands on her hips*
Aoi tori: oh stop. I'll be in bed by 1:59 *chuckles and is about to leave*
Kakkashi: Wait!
Aoi tori: hm? What is it? *turns to face him*
Kakkashi: *has a green bandana*
Aoi tori: what's this? *takes it*
Kakkashi: it's a gift, it's from a special friend of mine. *smile*
Aoi tori: I see thank you. Heheh *smiles and puts it on* ... *heads towards the mirror*
Both: *smiles*
Ino: *smile*
End of Flashback
Aoi tori: *grabs Kakkashi hand and holds it* .... *smiles softly*
Kakkashi: *touches her cheek* .... *looks down*
Both: *quiet*
Guard: *comes back* Visiting hours are over.
Kakkashi: *nods and looks to Aoi tori and starts to leave*
Aoi tori: Thank you. *says quietly*
Kakkashi: *stops* .... *shock* .......
Aoi tori: *looks at him*
Kakkashi: ..... *nods and leaves*
Kakkashi: *walking outside* .... *looks up at the roof*
Zuezet: *walking on the roof* ...
Kakkashi: *narrows eyes* .... *starts to follow her*
Zuezet: *walking*
Kakkashi: *following her*
Zuezet: *singing softly to herself as she keeps walking* never mind the darkness, never mind the storm..
Kakkashi: *following the melody*
Zuezet: never mind the blood red moon, the night will be over... the night will be over soon. *stops singing*
Kakkashi: *standing behind her*
Zuezet: *facing the moon* ....
Kakkashi: It was you, wasn't it?
Zuezet: I beg your pardon. *facing away from him*
Kakkashi: If you really sit there and think about it, the elders. It wouldn't make sense for anyone else to do it because everyone had an alibi at the time. Part of me thought it was Kuirena for the longest time because she was actually at the scene, when it happened but then I remembered that Ibiki told everyone that she was at her office so it would've been physically impossible for Kuirena to get to point A to B in such little time... unless time stopped. *looks up at Zuezet*
Zuezet: .....
That Morning
Kuirena: *leaves the summit*
Zuezet: *outside*
Kuirena: *walks past her* end them.
Zuezet: *nods and walks in*
The elders: *shock*
Zuezet: *draws her cloak hand* ninja art: time stop! *rushes in and brutally kills the elders*
Time 540 am
Zuezet: *takes Kuirena to the office while time is still frozen*
Kuirena: *sits in her office*
Zuezet: *unfreezes time and leaves*
Kuirena: *looks to the clock*
541 am
Zuezet: *walking*
Kakkashi: *looking at Sasuke and Naruto's graves*
End of flashback
Zuezet: *slowly turns to face him with a cold stare* you know, your intelligence is the best and worst qualities about you.
Kakkashi: you're a murder.
Zuezet: Imma need you to be so for real, you're calling me a murderer when your friend killed 20 plus people. Our people!
Kakkashi: Aoi tori did it to protect people, you did it for your own personal gain. *glare*
Zuezet: *laughs*
Kakkashi: you're going to answer for your crimes, if you think you're getting away with this you're crazy.
Zuezet: and who the fuck are you finna tell? Kuirena? The bitch was in on it! No matter what you say or do this village belongs to both her and I! You're all pawns as we see fit!
Kakkashi: No! This village belongs to Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha! You and Kuirena have done nothing but tarnish and destroy this village and its legacy! Every step you take, every breath you breath is from all the innocent people who you snatched from this realm!
Zuezet: *smiles* it's funny how you still cling to hope of dead children. Like it or not they're dead and you can't do nothing about it. Not you. Not Aoi tori nor the bitch ass Akatsuki.
Kakkashi: *swings at her*
Zuezet: *pulls out clockhand to defend herself and skids back* ... *jumps up and brings her clockhand hand in a thrust*
Kakkashi: *dodges*
Zuezet: *chakra surrounding her* you've been a great thorn at my side
Kakkashi: so it comes down to throwing blows, no matter. *activates Sharigun*
Zuezet: your blood will be on my clothes along with Aoi's by morning. *puts clockhand away*
Kakkashi: so you're not going to use your clockhand?
Zuezet: please I have powers passed down from all three Sannin, I can stop you with their power!
Both: *rush each other and pushes against each others force*
Kakkashi: *punches her hard*
Zuezet: *flies back and lands on her feet*
Kakkashi: *rushes her*
Zuezet: *kicks him hard*
Kakkashi: *crashes into the roof*
Zuezet: ninja art: Time speed! *speeds up and punches him downward*
Kakkashi: *crashes*
Zuezet: *grabs him and slams him and drags him onto multiple roofs and kicks him hard and rushes him* drop dead!
Kakkashi: *crashes into the wall* ! *jumps away*
Zuezet: *misses and destroys the house*
Kakkashi: *lands* she sure has her mother's strength.
Zuezet: *spews oil from her mouth*
Kakkashi: *runs to dodge it*
Zuezet: *loses sight of him* !
Kakkashi: *round house kicks her*
Zuezet: *crashes*
Kakkashi: CHIDORI! *aims it at Zuezet*
Kakkashi: *lands*
Zuezet: *rushes him again*
Both: *trade back and forth and jumps away from each other*
Zuezet: tch. *glare*
Kakkashi: *walking at her* you maybe the child prodigy but I've been doing this since you were in your mother's womb.
Kakkashi: *ready*
Both: *narrows eyes and rushes each other and trade back and forth*
Kakkashi: *swinging at her*
Zuezet: *blocking his attack and throwing blows*
Both: *trade back and forth*
Kakkashi: *jumps away*
Zuezet: *chasing him*
Kakkashi: *lands on the roof* !
Zuezet: *summons her clockhand and throws it at him*
Kakkashi: *dodges and runs*
Zuezet: *chasing him*
Both: *running alongside each other and trade back and forth*
Zuezet: rasengun! *hits him*
Kakkashi: *crashes*
Zuezet: *slashes at him*
Kakkashi: *dodges and elbows her, kicks her and throws her down*
Zuezet: *crashes and bounces off the roof and rushes him*
Both: *trade back and forth*
Zuezet: *slashes Kakkashi*
Kakkashi: *knees her hard*
Zuezet: *coughs up blood*
Kakkashi: *punches her in the chest* Lightning style: Thunder shock! *grabs her neck and electrocutes her*
Zuezet: *crashes and is on the ground* ...
Kakkashi: *summons another Chidori and rushes Zuezet*
Zuezet: *on the ground*
Kuirena: *raises hand*
Multiple ninja go and tackle Kakkashi and pin him to the ground
Shikimaru: *appears with Asuma*
Sakura: *appears*
Ibiki: *appears*
Anko: .....
Zuezet: *on the ground* ngh...
Kakkashi: *on the ground in shock*
Sakura: Zuezet! *goes over to her*
Zuezet: that crazy, really just tried to kill me *hurt*
Sakura: Kakkashi-sensei, what were you thinking!! What's going on!?
All: !
Sakura: what? *in shock*
Shikimaru: *glares at Kuirena*
Kuirena: *looks at Zuezet*
Zuezet: what the hell, he's obviously crazy! He's been having it out for me ever since I became the General! Can't you see he already swung on me before! IM INNOCENT!
Kakkashi: you used your time jutsu to make it seem that you were at your post when you weren't!
Kakkashi: YOURE A FUCKING LIAR! *gets up and tries to attack her*
Asuma: Kakkashi! *holding him back*
Kakkashi: *growl* ...
Kuirena: arrest him now. *glare*
Sakura: *shock*
All: *shock*
Kakkashi: what? *raises eyebrow*
Kuirena: are you all deaf? Don't just stand there, he attacked the General! He needs to be arrested! *shouts*
Ibiki: *goes over and puts Kakkashi in chakra resistant handcuffs*
Kakkashi: let me go! This is ridiculous!
All: *take him away*
Asuma: *in shock*
Sakura: Kuirena what the hell are you doing!?
Kuirena: say another word and I'll kill you. *glare*
Sakura: ..... *in shock*
Shikimaru: *angry face*
Sakura: .....
Kuirena: tch. *walks away*
Sakura: ......
In prison
Ibiki: you can't keep going down this road, Kakkashi.
Kakkashi: she murdered the elders! *behind bars*
Ibiki: unless there's actual proof that foul play happened you can't play judge, jury and executioner! You've been losing it lately.
Kakkashi: I'm not losing it! She's ruining this village and everyone is just letting it!
Ibiki: and youre letting your feelings about Aoi tori cloud your judgement!
Kakkashi: *shock*
Ibiki: I understand that she was a close student to you, but she's a criminal who committed unspeakable crimes! Her fate was caused by nobody but herself! You can't keep defending her!
Kakkashi: *looks away*
Ibiki: you'll be released from here, tomorrow afternoon. That'll give you a night to cool off and fix whatever demons are acting up right now. Goodnight Hatake. *leaves*
Kakkashi: *angry*
The memorial sight
Sakura: *punches a tree* DAMMIT! *falls to the ground and cries* I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do! I hate this! I hate this so much! Why is this happening, why is this village involved in this hell! I don't know! I don't know! I can't go against all of them let alone her! *looks up* !
Shikimaru: *there with Temari*
Asuma: .... *next to them*
Sakura: Shikimaru... *looks over* Asuma-Sensei?
Shikimaru: it's time Sakura. It's time we finally put a stop to what's going on.
Temari: Shikimaru is right, anymore of this bullshit and the entire land of fire will collapse.
Asuma: ......*shakes*
Sakura: but how, the Hokage is powerful! No one is going to stand up to her!
Shikimaru: you need to understand Sakura that if we don't raise a Coup, the rest of the shinboi world will be at stake, we can prevent that making a stand! For Sarada, Hinata, Bourto, Sai, Shikidai and Aoi.
Asuma: ....especially for Aoi. *looks up* .....she sacrificed everything to make sure we were safe. The fact that she even had to go that far, to make a statement proves that this village needs to make a change. It's makes me a coward for standing by and letting this happen to her. I have to make this up by standing up to Kuirena.
Shikimaru: my question is.. are you ready? *looks to Sakura*
Sakura: yes.
Shikimaru: then here's a plan. *pulls out the shoji board*
East Beach
The house
10:38 pm
Mangetsu: *laying down* ... *smoking a blunt watching cartoons*
The abandoned hotel
Aoi tori: *walking*
Mangetsu: *comes out*
Both: !
Mangetsu: Little one I-
Aoi tori: honestly, Mangetsu if you're going to act crazy and erratic save it, I'm not in the mood. *glare*
Mangetsu: I'm not mad at you, Little one.
Aoi tori: oh really, you seem pretty pissed at me earlier!
Mangetsu: *scratches head*
Aoi tori: you completely cut me off! I don't understand what I did wrong!
Mangetsu: you made a dumbass decision!
Aoi tori: what? Because I fucked Hidan? I'm sorry but it's my body I'm free to do whatever I want with it.
Mangetsu: I'm not that, you should have better respect for yourself Little one. Enough respect to not sleep with a terrible person. He doesn't care about you.
Aoi tori: ....i do have respect for myself, and besides being rough around the edges he's a good person. He maybe a dickhead but that's because you and the leader always provoke and judge him!
Mangetsu: my nigga I'm not judging him. *narrows eyes* I've known him since I was 10 years old. I know how he is and he's not the type of person you want to be around and you're too naive to see it!
Aoi tori: you're wrong about him Mangetsu.
Mangetsu: I highly doubt it. *walks past her* you stand by him if you want to, but sooner or later you're gonna see what I mean. He will hurt you... so *faces away* be careful. *walks away*
Aoi tori: .....*looks at him*
End of flashback
Mangetsu: *closes eyes and blushes* little one. *sigh*
Pain: *At the waves* .... *relaxed*
Konan: *appears behind him*
Pain: *looks at her and looks back at the waves* I need some time to think Konan.
Konan: Yahiko, I deeply respect you but there's somethings you need to hear. *comes to his side*
Pain: *stands there*
Konan: *looks at him deeply*
Pain: Konan, you of all people should understand why I'm feeling this way, things are getting crazy and half my members are god knows where and I can't... no after. *shaking*
Konan:'re scared. It's okay to be-
Pain: *looking down* it's not that I'm scared, it's just... ever since that day I feel like I lost my way. I let my anger and hatred get the best of me and before I knew it here I am standing on in empty beach lost.
Konan: I know how you feel Yahiko but you got to understand, that everyone here is scared too even Aoi tori.
Pain: *side eyes her* whose side are you on?
Konan: she was scared every second that she was with the Akatsuki. She also tried so hard to make sure that we were all protected. She wanted to protect the village and she went as far as turning herself in to protect us. Though, it may not have worked but at least she tried.. you talk about how she didn't respect you, but I don't think you respected her.
Pain: .....
Konan: all this talk about wanting to start over and turning a new leaf... you need to stick to your promise.
Pain: ....
Konan: goodnight for now Yahiko. *slowly walks to him and kisses his cheek and leaves*
Pain: *touches his cheek and blushes* ...! *shoulder is touched and turns around*
Naruto: *appears* ...from me to you *lending him his chakra*
Pain: *shocked as he feels the surge of chakra around him*
Naruto: *moves his hand*
Pain: *eyes wide* this power... I don't understand why did you-
Naruto: because I trust you to protect my village
Pain: ....
Naruto: don't let me down. *vanishes into the sky*
Pain: *looks up* ..... *grips fist*
The next morning
Bourto: *tying his headband*
Akuma: *putting on his cloak*
Deidara: I'm going to beat the shit out of Zuezet when I see her. *gathering clay*
Shikidai: the sun is bright this morning, that's a sign of true mayhem about to start. You ready, Bourto? *looks to him*
Bourto: more than I'll ever be.
Hidan: *making a prayer* ............
Kakuzu: *appears to him*
Hidan: *finishes his prayer* The will of Jashin is through me, lets go.
All: *nods and leaves*
The prison
Aoi tori: *sleeping*
Guard: *gets killed*
Aoi tori: *wakes up* !!
Kakkashi: *rushes to the cage*
Asuma: *taking down guards*
Sakura: *with them*
Aoi tori: *in shock*
Asuma: Aoi tori I want you to stay quiet!
Kakkashi: the leaf is getting ready to transport you so we have to get you out the land of fire now!
Aoi tori: *stands up*
Sakura: the second Kakkashi-sensei opens your cage, be prepared to run!
Aoi tori: *nods*
Kakkashi: *opens cage*
Alarm sounds all over the village
The headquarters
Kuirena: *gets out of chair* !
Zuezet: what the fuck!? What's going on!? *looks around*
Kuirena: hmm...
Zuezet: *looks at the security camera* it's Aoi tori, she broke out!
Kuirena: WHAT!? *sees the camera*
Kakkashi, Aoi tori, Sakura, Asuma and Shikimaru running
End episode 27

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