Season 1 episode 25: Its Dawn and were out for Blood

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900 am
West Beach
Hidan: *wakes up* ..... *yawns and groans* hmm *opens eyes and looks over at Aoi Tori's side of the bed* huh? *rubs eye* the fuck, you still haven't came to bed? *gets up and heads towards the bathroom* Bird Girl, come on. At least say something, so what the old man got pissy it's not that bad *bangs on the door* BIRD GIRL!
Hidan: .......*looks down and notices the bathroom lights off* what the hell, did you fall asleep on the shitter? *opens door*
Hidan: *turns on light* bird girl? *goes over to the curtain* Bird Girl! *opens cabinets* ... *leaves the bathroom* bird girl! *opens the front door* AOI! Dammit! *rushes across the room and opens the sliding door to the patio* AOI!
Not there
Hidan: ... *goes over to Kakuzu* KAKUZU! FUCKING KAKUZU! GET UP! *panic*
Kakuzu: *wakes up* what?
Hidan: It's Aoi! She fucking dipped!
Kakuzu: *quickly sits up* gone? What the hell do you mean gone!?
Hidan: I mean she's not fucking here! I checked the rooms, the bitches are empty!
Kakuzu: huh? *gets up and checks the bathroom* How long has she been-
Hidan: I don't know! I don't know! I went in there and she's disappeared!
Kakuzu: .....*notices a note on the floor* ..... *slowly picks it up* ..... *reading and eyes widen* Hidan...
Hidan: gimme that! *takes it and reads it* *shakes head* no.. *runs out the door*
Kakuzu: Hidan! *watches him go and follows him*
I'm sorry for everything. -Aoi tori S.
Hidan: *running down the hotel hallway*
Kakuzu: Hidan! Slow down! *chasing him*
Hidan: *goes and bangs on Pain's door*
Kakuzu: Hidan, what the hell are you doing?
Hidan: *kicks the door* dammit he's not here! *looks around for him*
Bourto: *opens his door* is there a reason why you're knocking like you the fucking police?
Hidan: hey Uzumaki boy! Is Aoi in the room with you?
Bourto: no why?
Hidan: SHIT! *starts to panic*
Bourto: dude, what the hell is your problem?
Hidan: Aoi fucking took off that's my problem!
Sarada: what? *shock*
Bourto: *raises eyebrow*
Hidan: *pacing*
Shikidai: dammit, knowing her and the shit that went down yesterday.. she probably went back to the Hidden leaf to turn herself in!
Kakuzu: *in shock*
Hidan: *facing away as his pupils shrink* ....*shakes head and takes off towards the hospital*
Kakuzu: Hidan wait!
The rest: *follow*
The leaf village
Asuma: ...... *eyes widen* ......are you serious?
Kakkashi: yeah, she came in and turned herself in last night.
Asuma: was there anyone with her, or was she by herself?
Shikimaru: Reports are saying that she came alone, showing signs of intoxication and was obviously hurt. Ibiki's team tried to interrogate her but she wouldn't budge.
Asuma: You mean, even Ibiki wasn't able to crack her? *shock*
Shikimaru: don't get me wrong, Kuirena didn't want him to go full force on her. So.. they used other means.
Asuma: .....where exactly is she?
Kakkashi: she's in the prison, awaiting her hearing and trail.
Asuma: ....
The Prison
Aoi tori: *sober and beaten severely* .... *panting* ..... *in her cell facing away*
Door open and slams
Kuirena: .....Good morning, Sweetie~
Aoi tori: *still facing away*
Kuirena: You know, *filing her nails* I thought it was too good to be true, to hear that you went and turned yourself in this morning. The guards took you into Interrogation and beat the shit outta you for 3 hours straight and you didn't say a peep. You didn't fight, you didn't struggle and here you are.
Aoi tori: *facing away*
Kuirena: *looks at her untouched food tray* ....i see you haven't touched your food. You know typically, when you're hungover and beat the hell up it's always wise to get food in your stomach. Not mention your trail being in a couple minutes and all.
Aoi tori: *still not saying anything and facing away from her*
Kuirena: *crosses arms* that's it? You're just gonna sit there in the dark and starve yourself and not talk back? Do you have any idea, the shit you're in right now?
Aoi tori: *looks up at her with an angry glare*
Kuirena: FINE! *takes her tray and throws it at her*
Aoi tori: *covered in food and drink* .......
Kuirena: *looks over at the Guard* Guard, if you don't mind her trail is starting please take her there. *storms out*
Guards: *nods*
Door slams
Guard: *stands in front of her*
Aoi tori: ......*tears fall as she still looks away*
Guard: it's time to go, kiddo.
Aoi tori: *turns and faces him and nods*
Aoi tori: *in handcuffs being escorted*
Zuezet: *escorting her along with Sakura*
Sakura: Aoi.. do you know where my daughter is?
Aoi tori: *silent*
The entire village watching
Sumire: ....I can't believe that's actually her. *watching*
Chocho: ...I can't believe she joined the Akatsuki. *angry*
Sumire: and to think there's rumors going around that Sarada, Bourto and Shikidai went to go find her.
Metal: disgusting. *shaking head*
Inojin: *looking at her with extreme hatred* .....for what she did to my father, she deserves to burn in hell.
Temari: it's a shame, considering that she's the Hokage's daughter.
Aoi tori: *hearing what they're saying* .....
Zuezet: not so thick skinned huh?
Aoi tori: *glares at Zuezet*
Zuezet: *pushes her roughly* keep walking bitch, we don't have all day!
Aoi tori: *almost falls* !
Sakura: *catches her* ... *looks at Zuezet*
Zuezet: *snatches Aoi tori by her hair roughly* look at me like that again, I'll fucking kill you. *whispers with clenched teeth in a threatening tone*
Aoi tori: *winches in pain*
At the hearing
Aoi tori: *looks at Ibiki*
Ibiki: Aoi tori Sarutobi.
Aoi tori: *looks up at him with a defeated look on her face*
Ibiki: you are charged with 21 counts of murder, treason, assault on The General and conspiring with a Terrotist Organization.. how do you wish to defend yourself?
Aoi tori: ........*looks down* .......... *shakes head no*
Ibiki: ......very well. I guess even you, can't defend yourself here. Due to the Hokage pleading with us to not give you the death penalty, you'll be sentenced to life in confinement instead. In the coming weeks you will be shipped off to The Great 8 nations federal prison at the Land of Stars to serve out your sentence. May the gods have mercy on your soul, because we the land of fire don't. *leaves*
Aoi tori: *closes eyes* .....
Kakkashi: *looks to her with pained eyes and looks away in shame*
Asuma: *looks at her with pity*
West beach Hospital
Hidan: *busts into Deidara's room*
Deidara: *reading a girl's magazine* Hmm? What the hell are you doing? *looks at him*
Hidan: *looks around* where Sasori?
Deidara: *turns page* he's on a mission with the leader.
Hidan: mission... WHAT FUCKING MISSION!?
Deidara: uhh the mission, my team was supposed to complete yesterday. The leader asked if he wanted to come and he said yeah.
Hidan: D-do you know if Aoi went with them!?
Deidara: nope. I haven't seen her since the leader beat the shit outta her outside the hospital. *snickers*
Hidan: DAMMIT! *punches wall*
Deidara: *turns page* what the hell got you so worked up for?
Hidan: Aoi left the hotel and went to go turn herself in at the leaf!!
Deidara: hmm. *turning page* didn't think she had it in her, I'm impressed.
Hidan: okay, screw this shit! Fuck the old man, well head over and get her ourselves!
Deidara: *looks up* who the hell is we? I don't speak French and I'm not doing shit. *goes back to reading*
Hidan: *looks at him crazy* what.. what the fuck are you talking about? She's our teammate!
Deidara: no. My teammates are Aku and Sasori. I don't need any friends if I'm being fucking honest. All that girl is, is for something to get your dick wet a literal human fleshlight.
Hidan: *glares and walks up to him* really? You're doing this right now?
Deidara: hell yeah I'm doing this right now! I nearly fucking died yesterday trying to keep her fucking secret! I'm not doing that shit again, turning herself in was the best thing she could've done! Tch now that those leaf bozo's got that bitch back they can leave us the hell alone.
Hidan: *growls and punches Deidara hard*
Deidara: *falls*
Deidara: .....*on the ground*
Hidan: how dare you go ahead and speak on some shit you yourself wasn't present for? You have no idea what she was going through!
Deidara: *looking at the ground*
Hidan: *faces away from him* like what if that was Aku, what if that was fucking Sasori going through that!?
Deidara: !
Hidan: ..... *snicker* ...what you didn't think I knew? That Moonboy runs his damn mouth a lot.
Deidara: that damn Mangetsu. *rolls eyes*
Hidan: as long as the Hokage is breathing, this whole organization is in danger including Sasori. Do you want that?
Deidara: no I don't...
Hidan: then come on we need to stand on business, go to the leaf and get Aoi back so we can finally stop this shit.
Deidara: *gets up* ....okay I hear you.
Hidan: get yourself checked out, we're leaving in 5 *leaves*
Kakuzu: *looks to Hidan*
Hidan: *nods*
Kakuzu: *narrows eyes and nods*
The leaf village
Aoi tori: .....*in her cell shivering and holding herself* ....*quivering and biting her lip*
Guard: *hearing her whimper* ... *looks up from reading a book and looks up* what?
Aoi tori: *holding herself tightly and blushing*
Guard: hmm. *sighs deeply and gets up and unlocks her cell* come on.
Aoi tori: *gets up and follows*
Guard: *opens bathroom door*
Aoi tori: .....*sees the toilet* ..... *sees how dirty it looks and looks to the guard*
Guard: well, why you just standing there? This isn't a fucking resort, go because I'm not opening your cell for another 5 hours.
Aoi tori: *looks down and blushes*
Guard: you really think you can wait another 5 hours? *raises eyebrow*
Aoi tori: ....*holding herself tighter* .... *shakes head in shame* .... *looks to him and nods her head*
Guard: ...........*tilts head*
Aoi tori: *eyes widen*
Guard: do you honestly think, I'm just gonna leave you here by yourself? Nonsense the Hokage gave me strict orders to watch you so you don't escape... even in times like this.
Aoi tori: *looking down* .....
Guard: so are you gonna piss or not? Otherwise you're going back to your cell. *growl*
Aoi tori: ..... *sighs and looks down in shame and embarrassment and slowly pulls down her pants*
A few moments later
Guard: are you done?
Aoi tori: *pulling up her pants and looking down in extreme shame*
Guard: back to your cell.
Aoi tori: *follows*
Guard: *puts her back in her cell*
Aoi tori: *faces away from him*
Guard: look at you, the Daughter of Konohamaru and Kuirena Sarutobi. Excellent shinboi, graduated the academy with good grades and here you are, just a former shell of your former self. It's pathetic how someone as weak willed as you, ever got accepted into the Akatsuki, it's a shame.
Aoi tori: *still facing away* .....
Guard: still not going to say anything huh?
Aoi tori: *silent*
Guard: you just think you're above it all don't you! BITCH! *yells*
Aoi tori: *still silent*
Guard: tch youre such trash, just like everyone else in that organization.
Kakkashi: *walking with Sakura*
Zuezet: Sakura *waves*
Sakura: oh Zuezet what is it?
Kakkashi: *glares at Zuezet and keeps his distance*
Zuezet: The Hokage is about to leave town again.
Sakura: again, but why?
Zuezet: something about pursuing the rest of the Akatsuki and she wants to see if you want to come with her.
Kakkashi: why? I thought the whole point of doing all of this was to just get Aoi tori.
Zuezet: of course not. They're criminals too, they're prime suspects in the murders of the feudal lords.
Sakura: I'll just stay back, besides we're unstaffed at the hospital.
Zuezet: hmmph more bodies for me. *leaves*
Sakura: ..... *keeps walking*
Kakkashi: *follows*
The woods
1 hour later
Crows fly
Hidan: *walking*
Akuma: *cowers next to Deidara and looks at the crows in fear*
Deidara: bro can these birds shut the fuck up!?
Bourto: what do you expect, we're in the middle of the fucking woods.
Deidara: *growl* I don't care it's annoying as all hell.
Sarada: *walking*
Shikidai: *next to her and looking around*
Akuma: Hida-chan what exactly are we doing?
Hidan: we're hitting up the leaf village and getting Aoi back that's what.
Akuma: *stops* wait what!? We're actually going there!? S-shouldn't we wait on the Leader or my brother!?
Hidan: They're gonna be gone all day, I'm not gonna wait on them. They can do Jashin knows what to her by then.
Akuma: I mean I know that, but umm the last thing I wanna do is run into that girl again. I mean getting your arm severed isn't a fund memory I'd like to hold onto you know. *looking at his missing arm and gasps* ...I just realized I'm left handed now. *frowns*
Shikdai: hey at least you don't have the possibility of running into your parents. Ugh as soon as my mother finds out I've been doing this crazy shit, she's really gonna kick my ass. What a drag.
Kakuzu: Hidan, how are you holding up?
Hidan: I'll be fine, I just need to get her back.
Bourto: WAIT! EVERYONE STOP! *Byakugan activated*
All: !
Hidan: what is it?
Bourto: there's someone up ahead. *scanning the area* .... *pupil shrinks and backs up*
Akuma: w-who is it!?
Bourto: Zuezet.
Akuma: *mouth drops and starts to panic*
Deidara: Hey Akuma you need to stay calm! Pull yourself together god dammit! *looks to him*
Zuezet: good afternoon. *appears*
Hidan: *readies scythe* fuck! Just what we needed!
Akuma: *scared*
Shikidai: *glares*
Zuezet: ....hmm judging by the looks, it seems that I'm not welcomed. *looks to Deidara and Akuma* tch. I could've sworn I've killed the both of you yesterday.. especially you. *narrows eyes at Akuma* I swear I'm losing my touch at murder. *facepalms*
Hidan: CUT THE SHIT, WHERE THE FUCK IS AOI!? *pointing scythe at her*
Zuezet: oh her? She's in a little cell looking like a kicked puppy that she is, waiting for her little owners to save the tramp. *laughing*
Hidan: *growl*
Bourto: you bastards are gonna pay for what you done!!
Zuezet: now I know that's not Bourto *eyes widen* tch so you dragged Sarada and Shikidai into this mess too huh? I never took you 3 to be traitors, especially you, Shikidai how do you think Inojin is gonna feel knowing that you're working with the same people who got his father killed?
Shikidai: *glares*
Sarada: don't try that manipulation shit! The leaf village is no longer worth saving as long as that bitch is the Hokage! *activates Sharigun*
Bourto: yeah plus we tired of you too, Bitch. *ready to fight*
Hidan: either you're going to release Aoi, or I'm gonna sacrifice you to Jashin. *inches towards her*
Kakuzu: *fighting stance*
Zuezet: hmm *head tilts* why is it always the hot ones that gotta start the most shit? Such a shame... guards.
Hidan: !
Guards from the leaf village start to surround them all
Bourto: *shock*
Shikidai: *goes to over to Bourto* ...*on guard*
Akuma: .....
Zuezet: *smirk*
Shino: there's no where to run, surrender yourselves now!
Ten-ten: *fighting stance*
Hidan: Fuck there's about 40 of these bitches, Kakuzu you got any ideas? *looks to him and whispers*
Kakuzu: ....
Shikidai: I got one. *whispers*
Bourto: !
Shikidai: *pulls out a smoke bomb* everyone get close to me.
Hidan: what you got planned Nara boy? *getting closer*
Shikidai: on my count, I'm gonna chuck this and we all make a break for it. We'll figure out the rest later. *whispers* ready!
All: *nods*
Guards rush them
Shikidai: 3...2
Zuezet: *rushes them*
Shikidai: ONE! *throws smoke bomb*
Zuezet: AH-
All: *run*
Zuezet: *coughing* D- *wheezes* DONT LET THEM GET AWAY!
Rock Lee: Right!
All guards chase them
Bourto: *running*
Hidan: SHIT! *running*
Kakuzu: *running*
Akuma: *running*
Deidara: *running*
Rock Lee: LEAF HURRICANE! *attacks*
Sarada: *jumps and dodges*
Rock Lee: *kicks at her*
Sarada: *blocks and punches him* CHA!
Rock Lee: *crashes*
Sarada: *runs*
Ten-Ten: *summons a bunch of weapons at Bourto and Shikidai*
Shikidai: *pulls out his fan and bats them away*
Bourto: *does the rotation to deflect the attacks* ... *runs up* GENTLE FIST! *knocks Ten-Ten back*
Both: *run*
Shino: *summons his bugs at them*
Deidara: KATSU! *blows the bugs back*
Shino: *shapes the bugs into a more sharp object and shoots at him*
Akuma: *pushes Deidara out the way* Dark style: Dark bullets!
Shino: *gets hit*
Kiba: *rides Akimaru and jumps off* YOU READY AKIMARU!
Akimaru: *barks*
Both: *uses Fang over fang at Hidan*
Kakuzu: *jumps in the way and stops them with his bare hands*
Kiba: ACK!
Kakuzu: *throws them away hitting Shino*
Hidan: !
Zuezet: *comes from the sky with her cloak hand and brings it down in a downward thrust*
Hidan: *blocks the hit with his scythe* BRING IT BITCH *punches her*
Zuezet: *skids and rushes him*
Both: *trade back and forth*
Zuezet: *punches him and slashes him*
Hidan: *hits her in the face and kicks her in the stomach and rushes her*
Zuezet: ninja art: time slow!
Hidan: *slows down* !
Zuezet: *kicks him with force* !
Kakuzu: *hits her with a rough clothesline*
Zuezet: *skids*
Kakuzu: *runs up on her*
Both: *trade back and forth*
Zuezet: *uppercuts him and kicks him away*
Sarada: Fire style: Fire ball jutsu!
Zuezet: *gets burned and knocked to the ground*
All: *run as they take out ninja*
Zuezet: *reappears in front of them* !
Zuezet: Ninja art: raining clock hands!
Deidara: *Throws C4 clay at her*
Zuezet: ngh! *crashes*
All: *running*
Bourto: *looking behind him* shit!
Zuezet: *behind them building up chakra as she runs at them*
Bourto: guys we needa do something, Zuezet coming!
Sarada: but the cliff!
Hidan: *pupils shrink* OH SHIT!
All: *heads towards the cliff and jumps missing the attack by a hair*
Bourto: *girly scream*
Zuezet: *jumps off the cliff*
Akuma: *pupils shrink* AHHH AKU WAKE UP! WAKE UP NOW!
Bourto: YOU KNOW WHAT ZUEZET! *goes in his jacket* I MAYBE OUTTA CHAKRA, BUT IM NOT OUTTA OPTIONS! *pulls out a gun and starts shooting*
Sarada: *knocks the gun out of his hand* WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT SUPPOSED TO DO!? 💢
Deidara: NOT ME! *sends his C4 dragon at her* KATSU!
All: *crash into the trees below*
Pain: *walking and looks over at the explosion* ......what the hell?
Konan: ......
Further west
Hinata: *stops* ....who on earth?
Sasori: *walking in disbelief* I know that attack from anywhere, that's Deidara's clay explosion.
Kisame: but why is he over there? That doesn't make any sense...
Mangetsu: *looking at the explosion*
Itachi: *rushes over*
All: *follow*
The woods
Hidan: *on the ground* ohh.. fuck my head *gets up*
Kakuzu: *gets up and looks around*
Bourto: Shikidai you good? *crawling*
Shikidai: it feels like I fell on a woodpecker.. *sits up*
Deidara: *gets up*
Akuma: mmmmm danna.. I don't wanna get on this ride anymore... *holds head*
Hidan: *gets his scythe* ...there's no sign of that bitch Zuezet. Heh, I bet 500 dollars that bitch got clapped. *looks around*
Bourto: *starts looking around frantically* yo!? Where's Sarada!? *searches for her*
Akuma: Sarada-chan? *looks around* I don't see her anywhere...
Bourto: shit! *looks through the bushes*
Hidan: where the hell could she be?
Bourto: oh god I don't know! SARADA! SARADAAA!
Another part of the woods
Sarada: *opens eyes* ...... *gets up* ....*crawling and looks around* wh-where's everyone? *looking around* BOURTO-KUN, SHIKIDAI!
Sarada: *eyes widen and backs into a someone* !
Kuirena: *behind her* Tell me something Sarada.
Sarada: *turns around* !
Kuirena: Can you please explain to me why you thought in that small mind of yours that it was a good idea to betray the Leaf village knowing damn well your mother works right under me. Can you believe that she cries everyday, worried sick about you? *head tilts*
Sarada: *activates Sharigun* WHERES AOI!?
Kuirena: *sighs* I swear some of you kids, needs whoopings. *shakes head*
Sarada: I'm not gonna ask you again! WHERE IS SHE!?
Kuirena: where the fuck do you think she is, dumbass!? She's in jail serving her sentence!
Sarada: *shaking head* I don't understand... but how-
Kuirena: she turned herself in this morning, duh. *rolls eyes* I never took you to be the retarded one. She's there and in just about a week she'll be shipped off to Star Capital, the great 8 nations federal prison to serve out her sentence. Once she gets transferred there, she'll never see the light of day again.
Sarada: .......*mouths drops* .....just why? Why are you telling me this?
Kuirena: because *smile* I have something planned for you and your friends that they ain't never gonna forget. They ain't never gonna forget and neither with you, Sarada.
Sarada: *pupil shrinks* .... *backs up*
Kuirena: *narrows eyes and rushes her*
Kisame: HA! *swings his sword*
Kuirena: *dodges*
Itachi: *grabs Sarada*
Hinata, Sasori and Mangetsu appear
Sarada: Hinata-San
Hinata: Sarada, are you okay? What the hell happened, I thought you were at the land of the beaches!?
Sarada: no, I'm not okay *tears fall* Aoi tori got captured by the Leaf and Zuezet and the others tried attacking us!
Mangetsu: WHAT!? *looks to Sarada*
Itachi: *shock*
Sasori: where's Deidara and Aku!?
Sarada: I don't know! We got separated at the cliff and I can't find them nor Bourto!
Hinata: oh no...
Mangetsu: dammit! *angry*
Itachi: *puts Sarada down* you have crossed us for the last time! *angry*
Kuirena: oh have I? *laughing*
Hinata: *angry*
Kuirena: so what's up, yall tryna run up or something? It's pretty brave considering you still don't have that leader of yours with you?
Itachi: you underestimate the Akatsuki. It's time that we come at you at full force! *narrows eyes*
All: *fighting stance*
Kuirena: *takes a food pill and eyes turn white* BRING IT!
End episode 25
Season 1 episode 26: All out War!
All: *rush each other*
Mangetsu: *throws a punch at Kuirena*
Kuirena: *catches his fist and kicks him back and throws her heel at him*
Mangetsu: *kicks her heel away*
Kuirena: *rushes him*
Mangetsu: *kicks her down*
Kuirena: *lands* shadow clone jutsu! *uppercuts Mangetsu*
Kisame: *hits Kuirena with his sharkskin*
Kuirena: *green eyes* razor leaf! *cuts him up and punches him down*
Itachi: *activates sharigun* Fire ball jutsu! *punches and kicks her* Amaterasu!
Kuirena: *dodges and jumps back and rushes him*
Itachi: *kicks her up*
Sarada: *slams her down*
Kuirena: *jumps away with green eyes* Sharp vine!
Sarada: *dodges* !
Kuirena: *hits her like a linebacker and grabs her neck and slams her down hard* ... *goes to stomp her*
Sarada: *catches her foot* Cheery blossom! *knocks her back and kicks her rapidly*
Itachi: *summons his susanoo and aims at her*
Kuirena: *jumps up to dodge but gets hit by the shockwave* ! *grabs a tree and throws it at Itachi*
Itachi: *blocks with his susanoo*
Hinata: *activates her Byakugan* Air palm!
Kuirena: *purple eyes and dodges* ... *red eyes* Fire style: Fire flame!
Hinata: *blown back* ! *crashes*
Kuirena: Fire bullet storm! *hits Hinata*
Itachi: *punches Kuirena*
Kuirena: *kicks Itachi*
Hinata: *hits her with a gentle fist*
Kuirena: *crashes into Itachi*
Itachi: *punches Kuirena away*
Both: *rush Kuirena and attack her*
Hinata: *pulls out kunai and slashes her*
Itachi: *uppercuts Kuirena*
Hinata: Lion palms! *hits her*
Itachi: *knocks her down*
Kuirena: *crashes into the woods*
Kuirena: *on the ground*
Sasori: *kicks her like a football*
Kuirena: *skids and runs at him*
Both: *trade back and forth*
Kuirena: *grabs Sasori's neck and headbutts him hard and kicks him back*
Hinata: *tackles Kuirena and drags her by the hair and throws her to Sarada*
Sarada: *kicks her hard at Itachi*
Itachi: *summons his Susanoo and punches her with its fist*
Kuirena: *crashes*
Zuezet: ninja art: Time slow! *catches Kuirena*
Kuirena: Zuezet!
Zuezet: I have you, Honorable lady! *uses her mothers healing to heal Kuirena* ....hmm *rushes towards them and goes into Sage mode*
Hinata: *running from Zuezet*
Itachi: *jumps back* !
Kuirena: *appears from above Itachi and attacks*
Itachi: *narrowly dodges*
Both: *trade back and forth*
Hinata: *running at top speed* !
Zuezet: *punches Hinata hard and knocks her off the cliff* !
Itachi: *punches Kuirena away and kicks at Zuezet*
Zuezet: *summons her clock hand and swings at Itachi with it*
Itachi: *blocks with his susanoo* ... *kicks her away*
Zuezet: *skids back* 4 *sends multiple clock hands at Itachi*
Itachi: *blocks with his susanoo and swings his fist*
Zuezet: Time reverse! *sends the attack back*
Both: *knock each other back*
Mangetsu: *jumping through trees* this is not how I wanted to spend my morning!
Kisame: quit whining, we have people to kill! *jumping through trees*
Kuirena: *running trying to gain control of the situation with her purple eyes*
Both: *chasing Kuirena*
Kuirena: *jumps on a tree and misses them narrowly*
Sarada: *swings at Kuirena*
Hinata: *attacks from above*
Kuirena: *dodges their attacks*
Itachi: *sends multiple Surikyen at her*
Kuirena: *dodges and keeps running*
Itachi: *grabs her by the hair and throws her into multiple trees*
Kuirena: *crashes* !
Kisame: Shark bomb jutsu!
Kuirena: *blue eyes* Water style: Water tornado!
Moves cancel out and it starts running
Kuirena: *purple eyes and takes off at light speed to the top of the cliff* heh *blue eyes* Water style: Water cannon blitz!
Sarada: *looks up* oh dear god-
Itachi: *eye bleeds as he summons a full susanoo to shield the attack from everyone*
Hinata: *running up the mountain and dodges the attack* !
Zuezet: *swings her clock hand and slashes her*
Hinata: *crashes into the ground* !
Zuezet: *slashes at Konan with her clock hands*
Hinata: *does rotation to block it*
Sasori: *kick's Zuezet away*
Hinata: *gets up*
Zuezet: *narrows eyes* you. Ninja art: Counterclockwise jutsu! *attacks Sasori*
Sasori: *dodges it*
Both: *trade back and forth*
Sasori: *punches and kicks her down and throws her*
Zuezet: *turns into a log*
Sasori: !
Hinata: Gentle fist! *hits her twice*
Zuezet: *coughs up blood* ! *narrows eyes*
Itachi: *rushes her*
Zuezet: *fighting stance*
Itachi: *kicks at her*
Zuezet: *blocks him* ninja art: Clockwise jutsu!
Itachi: *blocks with his susanoo*
Zuezet: ninja art: Counterclockwise jutsu! *slashes Itachi and kicks him away*
Itachi: *crashes* ! *narrows eyes and builds up chakra and combos her*
Both: *trade back and forth*
Itachi: *punches her hard and kicks her in the spine* Fire style: Dragon flame cannon!
Zuezet: *is hit hard and is down*
Kuirena: *at the top of the mountain* dammit, Zuezet. These Akatsuki members are stronger than I thought and I'm only fighting a quarter of these bastards. *white eyes and builds up chakra* I'm gonna sweep these bitches in one attack. *making hand signs*
Mangetsu: *looking up* that don't look too good.
Hinata: *shock*
Kuirena: I HAD ENOUGH! *summons a spirit bomb like attack*
Sarada: *white face*
Kuirena: DROP DEAD! SARUTOBI BOMB! *throws the bomb at them*
All: !
Hinata: *shields Sarada* Naruto-kunai
Kuirena: *looking at them menacingly*
The woods
Hidan: HOLY SHIT! *shielding himself*
Kakuzu: ngh! *shielding himself*
Bourto: *mouth dropped in shock*
Deidara: ....guys something doesn't feel right, Sasori could be over there! *tries to go over there*
Kakuzu: Deidara! *grabs him* stay back it's too dangerous! *holding him back*
Other side of the woods which is now a barren wasteland
Sasori: *face down with his cloak blown off and is down*
Sarada: *on her side with her glasses broken and is down*
Hinata: *on top of Sarada covered in cinders and is down*
Kisame: *face down with his cloak blown off and is down*
Itachi: *next to Kisame laying on his back with his cloak blown off and down*
Mangetsu: *shirt is fine and is against a rock and is down*
Pain: *appears with Konan* ! *gasps in horror*
Konan: oh my god! *runs to Itachi*
Itachi: *down*
Pain: Konan a-are they still alive?!
Konan: *checking vitals* they're all in bad shape... we need to get them all back to West Beach and- *turns around and pupils shrink*
Pain: what...? *feels someone behind them* .... *turns around*
Kuirena: *walking down the mountain* Stories say that approximately 18 years ago, the Akatsuki was feared to be one of the most dangerous group of rouge ninja in the Great 8 realm. Each of them ruthless killers and heathens.. the 6 kage at the time couldn't dare... approach them. Sure they were evil bastards and all, but they had nothing on the leader. *looks up at Pain* he was the most ruthless one of all. That was until, he came across Naruto Uzumaki... Naruto gave him the good one, two and thus he was never seen again. He abandoned Obito and Madara's conquest to destroy the world and was never seen again.
Pain: *narrows eyes*
Kuirena: ......If one person from the hidden leaf made you, fall of the face of the earth for nearly 20 years... I wonder.. *smiles* What could the 6th and most powerful Hokage do?
Pain: *angry* for what you and your crew did to my Akatsuki, you will pay in blood and bones.
Konan: *stands and is next to Pain*
Kuirena: *takes off her jacket and throws it*
Pain: *rushes Kuirena and swings at her*
Kuirena; *dodges and grabs his arm and throws him away*
Konan: *appears from the air and kicks her in the face*
Kuirena: *crashes and lands and punches Konan hard knocking her into Pain*
Konan: *crashes into Pain*
Pain: *catches her and rushes at her and throws another punch*
Kuirena: *blocks and eyes switch to grey to increase her defense* ... *eyes turn pink and punches Pain*
Pain: *crashes*
Konan: *drop kicks Kuirena and punches and uppercuts her and punches her down*
Kuirena: *grabs her neck and headbutts her and kicks her away*
Konan: *skids and flies at her*
Pain: *rushes from the side*
Both: *hit her at the same time from different angles*
Konan: *sends Paper at her*
Kuirena: *red eyes* FIRE STYLE: LAVA ERUPTION! *blocks the attack and hits them both*
Pain: *crashes to the ground*
Kuirena: *drops down and grabs Pain by his hair*
Konan: *flies at her*
Kuirena: *throws Pain at her*
Both: *crashes*
Kuirena: *flips hair*
Konan: *rushes Kuirena and swings at her*
Kuirena: *catches her arm*
Pain: *appears from the top and kicks at her*
Kuirena: *knees her in the stomach* ... *stands on her hand and back kicks Pain*
Pain: *crashes*
Kuirena: *red eyes* Fire style: Fire wave!
Konan: *sends paper bomb at her*
Kuirena: *purple eyes and dodges* ! *grabs her face and pushes her through multiple trees and punches her away*
Konan: *skids and increases her speed to fly around her*
Kuirena: *keeping track of her using her purple eyes and swings at her*
Konan: *dodges and kicks her in the stomach*
Kuirena: *crashes to the ground* ..... *gets up and panting*
Pain and Konan: *facing her*
Pain: Are you ready to know true Pain?
Kuirena: tuh, who gave you permission to talk to me while I'm beating your ass? *increases her chakra* HAHHHHHHHH!
Both: *shock*
Kuirena: *pink eyes and rushes them and clotheslines the both of them roughly*
Both: *knocked off balance*
Kuirena: *kicks Konan in the side and punches Pain's headband off*
Both: *crashes*
Kuirena: *hits Konan like a linebacker into Pain and grabs Pain's face and slams him into the ground*
Pain: *crashes and is on his knees* !
Kuirena: *kicks him like a football*
Konan: *kicks Kuirena in the head*
Kuirena: *crashes*
Konan: *punches her hard and kicks her down*
Kuirena: *grabs her leg and throws her*
Konan: *crashes*
Kuirena: *drags her through the ground*
Konan: *grabs her and kicks her off of her*
Kuirena: *skids and rushes her shoulder first*
Konan: *summons a paper shield to block*
Kuirena: *jumps over the shield and swings at her*
Konan: *swings at her too*
Kuirena: *hits her first knocking her down*
Pain: Universal pull!
Kuirena: *is pulled* !
Pain: *pulls out a chakra rod and stabs her in the stomach* Star power 27: Star cannon!
Kuirena: *rising back up with her wounds healing* .... *Orange eyes*
Pain: how!? *shock*
Konan: *panting* must be a fool supplement that's keeping her going. *narrows eyes*
Pain: *narrows eyes and rushes her*
Kuirena: *smirks crazy as she rushes him*
Both: *pushes against each other's force* ... *trade back and forth*
Kuirena: *flips over him and spin kicks him in the jaw*
Pain: *crashes*
Konan: *appears in front of her and uppercuts her*
Kuirena: *crashes*
Konan: *flies up and spikes her down*
Kuirena: *crashes down*
Konan: *sends paper kunai at her* ... *sends paper bomb at her* Ninja art: Origami dance!
Kuirena: *crashing*
Pain: *grabs the back of her neck and slams her down*
Kuirena: *is slammed* ngh!
Pain: *punches and kicks her and combos her* ALMIGHTY PUSH! *hits her*
Kuirena: *crashes into the ground*
Both: *rush her as she's on the ground*
Kuirena: Ninja art: Sarutobi shockwave! *hits them both*
Konan: *cloak damaged and panting* Yahiko what the hell do we do? No matter what we throw at her she won't stay down.
Pain: calm yourself Konan, we Akatsuki have faced bigger threats like this. We just come at her twice as strong.
Kuirena: seems legit. *next to them casually* ... *punches Konan away*
Pain: *pupils shrink*
Kuirena: *punches Pain in his chest and knees him in the chest and throws him to Konan*
Pain: *crashes*
Konan: *on the ground*
Kuirena: *pink eyes and clotheslines them again* Ninja art: Sarutobi wave jutsu! *hits them both*
Pain: *blocks the attack and cloak is blown off and increases his chakra*
Kuirena: *beckons him*
Pain: *flies at her and punches her hard and kicks her Konan*
Konan: *punches her down and kicks her like a football*
Pain: *grabs her and drags her through the ground making her hit trees*
Kuirena: *punches Pain off of her*
Pain: *skids*
Kuirena: *punches him hard and combos him*
Pain: *rushes her*
Kuirena: *dodges and counter attacks him*
Pain: *skids* Almighty push! *hits her*
Kuirena: *blocks and is damaged* fucking Ginger fuck.
Konan: Ninja art: Origami spear!
Kuirena: *runs at Pain* ! *gets hit by the spears*
Both: *rushes Kuirena*
Kuirena: Sarutobi mini bomb! *hits them both*
Pain: *crashes and skids*
Kuirena: *eyeing from a far coldly and walks towards him and rushes him*
Pain: *rushes her*
Both: *trade back and forth*
Pain: ALMIGHTY PUSH! *blows her back*
Kuirena: *skids* !
Konan: *punches her in the back of the head*
Kuirena: *crashes*
Konan: *kicks her back*
Kuirena: *crashes* .... *red eyes* Fire style: Fire bullets!
Konan: *dodges*
Kuirena: *swings at her*
Konan: *dodges*
Pain: *attacks from behind*
Kuirena: *ducks*
Pain: *hits Konan on accident*
Konan: *crashes*
Kuirena: *punches Pain straight in the spine*
Pain: *crashes*
Konan: *rushes Kuirena and swings at her*
Kuirena: *jumps back and punches her down*
Pain: *rushes her from behind*
Kuirena: *dodges and gut punches him*
Konan: *kicks at her head*
Kuirena: *dodges and two pieces her and punches her in the jaw*
Konan: *skids and coats herself in paper and draws to cut her up*
Kuirena: *punches her armor and kicks it with pink eyes*
Konan: *dashes next to her and slashes her*
Kuirena: *skids*
Pain: *in the air* Star power 27: Star cannon!
Kuirena: !
Kuirena: *shirt blown off and hair is down* .... *on the ground* .... *is barefoot*
Pain: *slowly lands in front of her* Feel pain, accept pain.... know Pain.
Konan: *narrows eyes*
Kuirena: *finger moves*
Both: !
Kuirena: *slowly stands up and laughs crazy* HAHAHAHAHAHA! BITCH THE ONLY ONE WHO IS GONNA KNOW PAIN IS YOU! *eyes change color and red chakra starts to surround her* I AM THE KAGE DEMON!
Pain: *eyes widen*
Konan: *in shock*
Kuirena: *pushes them back her chakra*
Both: *crashes*
Kuirena: *takes on the two of them and combos them both* Ninja art: Cardinal shockwave! *hits them both*
Konan: *cloak blown off*
Kuirena: *brings her leg down at her*
Konan: *blocks*
Pain: *rushes her and punches her and knees her*
Konan: *punches her hard and kicks her across the forest*
Kuirena: *skids and dashes at Pain and punches him hard* ... *grabs Konan's face and pushes her through more trees*
Konan: *crashes*
Pain: *clotheslines her hard* ... Asura attack! *hits her*
Kuirena: *crashes and is on the ground*
Pain: *flies down and combos her*
Konan: *takes over and punches rapidly and kicks her to Pain*
Pain: *punches her down*
Kuirena: *uppercuts Konan*
Pain: *goes to punch Kuirena*
Kuirena: *blocks* ... *knees him the chest and punches him in the nose*
Pain: *staggers*
Kuirena: *combos him and hits him away*
Konan: *flies at full force at Kuirena*
Kuirena: *catches her and punches her away* .... *panting*
Both: *fly at her from different sides*
Kuirena: *stands there and grabs both of their necks*
Both: !
Kuirena: ninja art: SUPER CARINAL CRY! *blows them away*
Konan: *crashes and is on the ground*
Kuirena: *rushes her at full speed*
Konan: *swings at her*
Kuirena: *vanishes* !
Konan: what-
Kuirena: *behind her and kicks her in the back*
Konan: *crashes some more*
Kuirena: *grabs her face and kicks her hard upwards then down and claps her face hard*
Konan: *ears bleeding and eyes wide in shock*
Kuirena: Water style: Wave wind! *blue eyes and hits her*
Konan: *crashes and is down the ground*
Kuirena: pitiful bitch. *spits out tooth* come on, I'm not done bullying you hoes yet.
Konan: *down*
Pain: *panting* .... *narrows eyes* Star power 3: Star Light Dash! *rushes her at Light speed and combos her*
Kuirena: *blows him back with her red chakra*
Pain: *runs through her chakra and punches her hard*
Kuirena: *skids* ! *purple eyes and appears on the side of him* ... *kicks him in the spine*
Pain: *skids and rushes her*
Kuirena: *uppercuts him hard and does a jail axe kick*
Pain: *crashes*
Kuirena: *rushes him and hits him like a freight train and combos him* Cardinal scream! *hits him*
Pain: ALMIGHTY PUSH! *hits her*
Kuirena: *is knocked in the air*
Pain: *summoning jutsu* ! *flies at her with a sparrow*
Kuirena: *flying with cardinal wings* ! *eyes widen*
Pain: Star power 10: STAR POWERED SHOCKWAVE! *grabs her face and shoves her into the mountain*
Mountain gets destroyed
Pain: *on his hands and knees* .... *panting* .... *feels someone behind him*
Kuirena: *building up her next attack* bye! Bye! Ninja art: CARDINAL SCAR! *hits him*
Pain: *heavily damaged and is on the ground*
Kuirena: *flying with her wings spread* tell me, do you get a kick out of being humiliated? *raises eyebrow* you Akatsuki trash claim so hard to be god until there's an actual devil in front of you. But hey, enjoy your sleep. NINJA ART: CARDINAL WAVE JUTSU! *hits Pain*
Pain: *down*
The woods
Hidan: oh shit.. oh shit.. oh shit.. shit... shit
Shikidai: what!? What is it, what's wrong!?
Hidan: I can't fucking sense their chakra no more!
Deidara: what do you mean what are you talking about!?
Hidan: I can't feel their chakra, not Old man's, Not Kisame not anyone!
Bourto: my mom... h-hey don't mean that- *shock*
Akuma: BIG BROTHER! DANNA-CHAN! *shouts*
Deidara: *in shock*
In the air
Shikidai: *covering her ears*
Bourto: *looking around* where the fuck is that coming from!?
Hidan: *covering his ears* I don't know but she needs to she needs to shut the fuck up before I rip out her damn vocal cords!
Shikidai: fuck she's loud! *covering ears*
Hidan: *getting really pissed and a vein popping out*
Hidan: that's fucking it. *gets his scythe*
Kakuzu: Hidan! NO! You better calm your ass down! *grabs his hand*
Hidan: *pushes Kakuzu off of him* NO I TIRED OF THIS OLD HAG BITCH! *goes to the top of the hill* HEY BITCH!
Kuirena: huh? *looks over*
Kuirena: *squints at him* ....who the fuck is this person? *sees his cloak* oh.. OH! Other Akatsuki bums. So tell me friend, how does it feel knowing I killed half your team?
Deidara: *next to Hidan and ready to fight*
Bourto: *angry*
Kuirena: awww how cute. So you're the boy toy, my daughter has been shacking up with. I do say, I understand you are kinda hot. *shrugs* At least you don't seem pussy whipped like that bitch Bourto. *face palms*
Bourto: *mouth drops*
Kuirena: but I really hate, having to tell you this.. what's gonna happen to little ol' her.
Bourto: what is she talking about? *raises eyebrow*
Kuirena: I was thinking since, child is such a little whore running around these fast ass criminals. When I ship her off to federal prison, I was gonna put her in the men's department, have her be surrounded by male rouge ninja who crave and desire little girls like her. Men who haven't seen or been with a woman in years. Men who are just waiting for the opportunity for one girl to cross them.. ohhhh *smirk*
Hidan: *shaking in anger* ....... *eyes gone black with rage*
Kuirena: What a sex slave shed turn out to be.
Hidan: *takes off and rushes her and swings his scythe at her* NGHHH! *teeth clinched*
Kuirena: *eyes turn purple and dodges with ease*
Kakuzu: dammit Hidan. *rushes at her too and hits Hidan by accident*
Hidan: *crashes*
Kakuzu: *kicks Hidan at Kuirena*
Kuirena: *knocks Hidan out the way*
Kakuzu: *swings at Kuirena*
Both: *trade back and forth*
Kakuzu: *kicks at her*
Kuirena: *dodges and kicks him down*
Kakuzu: *crashes*
Bourto: *pulls out his sword and swings it at her*
Kuirena: *blocks with a kunai*
Shikidai: *pulls out his fan* wind style: Air current wild dance! *jumps up and kicks at her*
Kuirena: *blocks and lands on the ground and kicks Bourto in the chest*
Bourto: ah! *knocked away*
Shikidai: *rushes Kuirena*
Kuirena: *punches him hard and spin kicks him*
Shikidai: *crashes* ah!
Kuirena: *building up red chakra* die.
Akuma: Dark Style: Dakkau Bimu! *hits Kuirena*
Kuirena: *crashes* !
Akuma: *rushes Kuirena with Deidara*
Deidara: *summons his C4 dragon* Attack Pattern: ALPHA! *flies the C4 dragon at Kuirena*
Kuirena: *brown eyes* Earth style: Earth wall! *block*
Akuma: *summons his wings and flies at the shield at top speed and breaks the shield* Dark style: Dark claws!
Kuirena: *blocks*
Akuma: *lands* Dark style: Dark wave!
Kuirena: *knocks it away*
All: *running at her*
Hidan: *jumps up and fights Kuirena*
Kuirena: *grabs his scythe and kicks Hidan straight in the balls*
Hidan: *pupils shrink*
Kuirena: *punches him hard and choke slams him to the ground*
Hidan: *face first*
Kuirena: *punches him in the ground and kicks him like a football*
Hidan: *crashing*
Kuirena: *clotheslines him down and grabs his hair and bains him*
Hidan: AH- *coughs up blood*
Kuirena: *grabs him and does a spinning pile driver on him*
Hidan: *deep in the ground*
Kuirena: *picks him up by the leg* get yo sorry ass up! *slams him up and down and kicks him in the face*
Hidan: *on the ground* ... *gets up* you kicked me in the balls, you fat stinking cunt-
Kuirena: ninja art!
Hidan: oh fuck!
Bourto: oh shit! Everyone run! *grabs Shikidai*
Akuma: *running away screaming*
Kuirena: Sarutobi wave jutsu! *hits Hidan*
Deidara: *escaped on his C4 dragon with everyone on it except Hidan*
Woods on fire
Hidan: *on the ground and has his cloak blown off and is down*
Kuirena: *walking towards him*
Kakuzu: Dammit! *jumps off the dragon and runs up*
Deidara: KAKUZU!
Kuirena: !
Kakuzu: *punches Her hard and knocks out a tooth*
Kuirena: *staggers*
Kakuzu: *punches her and kicks her hard*
Kuirena: *skids*
Kakuzu: Wind style: Pressure damage!
Kuirena: *blocks it and clothes get more damaged*
Kakuzu: *rushes her and tries to tackle her*
Kuirena: *grabs him and over powers him and punches him in the stomach*
Kakuzu: *crashes*
Kuirena: *jumps up and stomps in hard*
Kakuzu: *coughs up blood*
Kuirena: ninja art: Sarutobi wave bomb! *hits Kakuzu*
Kakuzu: *cloak blown off and down*
Hidan: *down*
Bourto: oh my god, she took both of them down!
Akuma: this is completely fucked! It's bad enough I'm down an arm, but none of us are in the best shape to fight her straight!
Kuirena: *smiling as she stands over Team Kakuzu*
All: *look at her*
Kuirena: *smile* Hahahahahahahahahahahaa!
Bourto: w-what's so funny!? I wanna laugh too!
Kuirena: I just can't believe how easy this is.. I've been slaughtering you all and I've already took down your strongest members.
Deidara: fuck outta here bitch! This fight ain't over yet!
Kuirena: please. This fight was over the moment, Child herself stopped fighting. You and you dumb organization just delayed the inevitable. After today, you're no longer getting an inch of chakra from me, Akatsuki so please be sure to atone for your sins before I level this entire ground.
Akuma: but why!? *yells* why are you doing this!? Isn't it your job as a leader to your village to help people!? All you're doing is creating destruction and division!
Kuirena: hella ironic coming from a terrorist organization who has done nothing but create destruction and death over the last 20 years. *building up chakra*
Akuma: *pupils shrink*
Kuirena: *building up a massive chakra bomb as she glows red*
Bourto: bruh at this point you're just cheating!
Shikidai: *sits on the ground casually* welp, I guess this is curtains. What a drag.
Hidan: *down*
Kakuzu* *down*
Akuma: *looks to them* guys there maybe a way outta this! I have an idea! *powers up into his dark form* Danna-sama remember the attack pattern we use supreme dire situations?
Deidara: You mean attack pattern Omega? We can't use Delta or Gamma because Sasori nor Mangetsu aren't here!
Bourto: *snaps his fingers* Oi! I don't speak Greek! Can you explain to me what's going on!?
Akuma: okay, just listen to me closely!
Kuirena: *building up chakra* just a little more! Huh?
Akuma: *flies at Kuirena and throws Bourto*
Bourto: Giant Rasengun! *hits Kuirena*
Kuirena: *is hit hard and crashes*
Both: *falls*
Kuirena: son of a bitch! *sends the bomb towards them*
Shikidai: *grabs Hidan and Kakuzu* wind style: Hurricane force! *lunges them towards Deidara*
Deidara: *flies with his dragon and catches them* AKUMA GO!
Akuma: *grabs Bourto and flies*
Deidara: this is gonna be close! *flies*
All: !
The Bomb comes down
The hill
Kuirena: *sitting there* .... *hair is loose and flowing as she's has nothing on but a bra and torn up pants*
Zuezet: *comes to bow to her* lord 6th.
Kuirena: oh Zuezet, you doing alright there, child? Itachi did knock your shit loose.
Zuezet: I'm fine ma'am. *panting* the job was done, as long as my parents are avenged nothing else matters.
Kuirena: yeah- *starts to cough up blood* .... *shock*
Zuezet: *shock* !
Kuirena: oh.., well that's not pretty... *faints*
Zuezet: LORD 6TH! *shock and runs to her*
Ninja appear
The Sunday Night
5 am
Sakura: *comes by Kakkashi's post*
Kakkashi: *not there*
Sakura: hmmm?
The Grave sight
Kakkashi: *sitting at Naruto and Sasuke's graves* .... *looking up at the moon* .... *sighs* .... *notices Zuezet*
Zuezet: *walking*
Kakkashi: *looks at her* ..... *narrows eyes*
Zuezet: *does a gentle wave and keeps walking*
Kakkashi: .....
End of flashback
Jail cell
Aoi tori: *sitting there looking up at Asuma*
Asuma: *looking down at her*
Aoi tori: *sorrowful eyes*
Asuma: you did cut your hair, I guess your mother was telling the truth for once. *closes eyes*
Aoi tori: *looks down*
Asuma: ....*shakes head* you have no idea, how much you scared the hell out of me, Aoi. God, when you took off, I thought I never was going to see you again.. these whole month, I couldn't sleep because I was scared that if I did, then I would wake up to someone at my door saying that you were killed! *growl* I FUCKING PROMISED YOUR FATHER THAT I WOULD KEEP YOU SAFE! WHAT YOU DID WAS COMPLETELY FUCKING STUPID! *punches the wall*
Aoi tori: *jumps at him punching the wall*
Asuma: *sigh* .....I'm not here to hurt or you or be mad at you. From the bottom of my heart... I just wish you came to me first. That you came to me before you- *breaks down in tears*
Aoi tori: *looks at him* ..... *sad eyes*
Door slams
Aoi tori: !
Zuezet: *appears*
Aoi tori: *looks at her* ?
Zuezet: you look a mess heh, are they even feeding you in here?
Aoi tori: *looks at her* ....
Asuma: what is it Zuezet? *wipes tears*
Zuezet: tch must be a family moment or something. *shakes head*
Asuma: does the Hokage need me for something?
Zuezet: no she's in the hospital right now, she might be out for a good 2 weeks. She had a hell of a day, killing people.
Aoi tori: !
Zuezet: oh that remind me, your Akatsuki friends tsk tsk..
Aoi tori: *eyes widen and gasps* ...
Zuezet: *smirks* I see that got a rise outta you.
Aoi tori: *rushes to the bars looking into her eyes shaking* ... *shaking her head*
Zuezet: *shock* ?
Aoi tori: *grabs her arm and panting* ...
Zuezet: *smirk* She went after your little friends, they were out looking for you, trying their best to save you from this nightmare of yours. Your mom found them wandering the outskirts of the boarder and they attacked and well... they all died all of them. Some of them slow and painfully of course. Even your little boyfriend of yours.
Aoi tori: ..............*despair in her eyes as tears fall* .... *lets go and falls to the ground and breaks down crying brokenly*
Zuezet: have a nice life bitch. *leaves*
Door slams
Asuma: *looks to Aoi tori*
Aoi tori: *crying broken heartedly on the ground* ahh- hahhh *crying hard*
Asuma: *bends down* Aoi... if there's anything I can do-
Aoi tori: *crying violently*
Asuma: .............*sighs and leaves* .... *looking down*
The barren wasteland
Raining and thundering
Zabuza: *stops walking and drops his sword* hmm the hell?
Haku: *stops and looks down*
Pain: *down*
Zabuza: ......hmm, Akatsuki what do you know. It seems we really hit the jackpot huh, Haku?
Haku: *nods and checks for a pulse*
Pain: *still alive*
Haku: *looks to him*
Zabuza: well?
Haku: he's still alive.. *stands up and sees other bodies* he seems to have gotten the worse of it.. if he's alive then they all are.
Zabuza: hmm *looks at Kisame*
Kisame: *down*
Zabuza: Kisame huh? *crotches down* it's obvious you have seen better days wouldn't you say?
Haku: what do you suppose we do, Zabuza?
Zabuza: we round them up, take them back to the house.. I have questions to ask.
Haku: *nods*
That evening at the leaf
Aoi tori: *lying on the floor and drained* ....
Door slams
Aoi tori: *looking up*
Inojin: *comes to the bars* ......
Aoi tori: *sees who it is and sits up* !
Inojin: your mother gave me permission to see you.
Aoi tori: .....
Inojin: ....youve been my friend for almost 15 years. You've been there for me through everything, especially when my mother died.
Aoi tori: ....
Inojin: you saw how much that took a toll on me... you saw first hand but yet, you still went ahead and killed my father.
Aoi tori: ....
Inojin: My father looked up to you, he saw you grow up! He the was only family I had did you know that!? He *tears fall* he was all I had left, and all he wanted was for you to come back to the village.
Aoi tori: *closes eyes*
Inojin: ...he was barely recognizable when he was found, you brutally murdered him in cold blood! *yells* I'm not even 20 years old and I LOST BOTH OF MY PARENTS!
Aoi tori: ........
Inojin: You ruined my life! You have no idea what you done! How many innocent people you took! The families you destroyed! Like mine! *crying* I can never get him back because of you!
Aoi tori: *guilt written on her face*
Inojin: your father died, you know the pain of losing a parent so why in the fuck would you inflict that same pain to me!? *crying as he shouts* YOU HAD EVERYTHING HANDED TO YOU, YOUVE BEEN GIVEN EVERYTHING THAT YOU WANTED BEING THE DAUGHTER OF THE HOKAGE AND I GET NOTHING!
Aoi tori: .....
Inojin: .............and all you've done was drag everyone else down with you like a leech. Yeah, you turned yourself in but at what cost? 20 people died, the sound was still destroyed and my father is dead.
Aoi tori: .........*slowly looks down*
Inojin: May god forgive you, because I don't. *leaves*
Door slams
Aoi tori: *tears fall and cries again as she curls into a ball*
End episode 26

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