"That was never holding on to your vow." Lisa scoffed shortly. "That was being stupid."

"And here you are talking." Jennie said to Lisa that Lisa clearly understand.

"I'm not the one being stupid her whole life."

"I'm not getting into this topic." Jennie stood up and walked her way towards the house.

Lisa also did and followed the latter.

"Can we please talk about it without you running from it, you're clearly denying and setting aside everything for gou to have no reason of leaving even though you already have tons of it." Lisa said that in one breath while following Jennie back to the trail of her house.

"Jennie—" Jennie cut her off by facing her.

"I know!" She's crying. Her tears streamed down her cheeks. "I know I'm being stupid the whole years of being with him and forgiving him after all he had done to me! I am here with you because I love him."

"That's not even love."

"And what do you know about love and marriage."

"I know it more than you do. You're married and you're suffering while me? Look at where I am, dragging woman to my bed without forcing them."

"And what? You're contented with that Lalisa? And where I am now? Forced to have sex with you for you to give him what he wants."

"If I were your husband I don't care about the money, I would care more of our marriage than letting you be fucked with a woman with a fucked up life."


After washing myself I prepared for our dinner and went upstairs to call Lisa. I know I had no choice but to be with her for two more days. I'm not allowed to use my phone because it's in the contract. I don't want to waste what I had started already, and Tae is already working with what he deserves after I got fucked by Lisa yesterday. The pain in my chest clearly says that I should leave everything, him and her and live my life far from the aches and the people who only uses me for their own benefits. But here I am dearly loving wife, in for whatever it is that's coming. I've been a very good girls since day 1, maybe this is a escape. Lice with a stranger for two days and that's it. I'll be back with him as his wife.

I was about to knock on the door when I heard someone groaning like it's in pain. I immediately opened the door wider to see what Lisa is doing. She's in bed, she was fell asleep after that fight we had in the beach? She came in to her room saying nothing and after an hour I washed myself and then another hour passed I prepared the meal and here she's asleep. She groaned again. I went to her, she's sweating even though it's cold here in her room. Her face is in a frown.

"Lis..." I shook her shoulders. She continued groaning. "Lisa, Lisa wake up." She's having a nightmare. I shook her harder. "Lisa, Lisa."

She opened her eyes and sat on the bed panting, she pushed my hand off of her shoulder looking afraid with the expression she's giving.

"Leave please, leave, please..." She's desperate for something I don't even know.

"Hey, it's me, it's Me. Jennie." She's already awake but seems asleep. I held her shoulder once again. "Lisa." That's when she stared at me.

She wipe her face using her palms and removed the blanket on her waist. She sat on the edge of her bed and I stand up straight staring at her. I took the thermos on her night stand and offered it to her but she shook her head.

"I'm sorry." She seems sad all of a sudden.

"Dinner is ready."  That's all I can say. She nodded and stood up before going to the bathroom.

I sighed and went out of her room.


We ate both quietly eating in the dining table. Both not wanting to say anything. Until we both finished our food she didn't say anything.

"I'll wash the dishes." I offered. She just hummed not saying anything again. She went straight upstairs. That's better I guess? Than talking about my marriage life again.


Morning came. I am in the kitchen with my bathrobe drinking my milk, I brewed a coffee with Lisa's coffee maker. I hope I like the taste of it since I never made one before, I like milk more.

I heard someone going down the stairs, I still didn't look behind me even though I know it's her. I felt her heavy foot steps behind me until I felt someone hugging me from behind with her gentle hands on my waist and stomach kissing me on my neck.

This is not good.


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