[09] Falling Again

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Erica's studio let in the best light in the early mornings. The golden glow would light up her studio with a comforting warmth, providing ample light to work on her paintings that were in progress.

That time of early morning was her favorite to work on her paintings in just the presence of natural light and the slightly cold morning breeze. The flimsy curtains fluttered as she opened the window to air out the place and her golden blonde tresses danced in the gentle breeze.

A canvas was set up and her palette was a colorful mix of shades to create her next painting. She was a bit skeptical about that painting as she had gotten so used to creating impressionist art over the years. Since her new painting was an attempt at realism, she wasn't sure whether it would turn out as good as she hoped or not.

She had filled the colors in the background first, painting the interior of the coffee shop close to the BCPD headquarters. In the center of the canvas was a pencil sketch of the man who had recently started to mean a lot to her. It was yet to be filled with colors and she was being careful, as she didn't want to ruin it.

From the slight pink tones in his skin to the clear azure of his eyes, every color on her canvas failed to capture the way he looked in real life. She had anticipated that the first time she had seen him, she knew he was one of those very rare people who she couldn't do justice to with her art.

God must have taken his sweet time to sculpt him because, in all the people Erica had seen and been attracted to before, he was a clear exception.

Still, she wanted to try her hand at capturing that scene from her memory onto that canvas. Just like a moth drawn to a flame, she was a painter drawn to the muse. But recently, she wasn't sure whether her feelings were just that of an admirer of beauty or had strengthened into something deeper.

The thin line in between was fading and perhaps she was falling again.

Falling for his pretty blue eyes, his mesmerizing smile, and that soft voice as it engulfed her like a melody, speaking of things she had not pondered on before but couldn't stop thinking of after hearing from him.

She was falling for Richard Grayson even though she had promised herself never to fall in love again.

Those features looked rather real as she painted them on the canvas but they still seemed to fall short compared to seeing Richard in front of her. 

Perhaps it was a moment of fulfillment as her phone rang, shaking her out of her thoughts that were spiraling down paths she hadn't allowed herself to. She carefully placed aside her paintbrushes and palette, checking her phone to see Richard's number lighting up the screen.

"Good morning," she greeted him, her heart skipping a beat to hear his laugh on the other side.

"Morning, Miss Leslie. I was thinking not to disturb you in case you were asleep but then thought of taking the chance nevertheless," he remarked and she could judge by his voice that he was quite happy about something.

"No, I was up. I have been working on a project," she replied, a smile creasing her lips to see that her painting was almost complete, only a few finishing touches were left.

"Great, I hope you weren't too busy then," his voice seemed to have faltered ever so slightly, "I mean... I was wondering if..."

There was a slight silence as if he had suddenly lost the nerve to ask what was on his mind. Erica decided to prompt him, making it easier for him to continue, "I am not busy. It was just something to kill the time, really. What were you wondering?"

"I was wondering if you would like to have breakfast with me," he spoke up at last, the mix of hope and nervousness in his voice didn't escape her notice, "Actually, it's my last day off from the BCPD, and..." 


"I was hoping to spend it with someone special."

She paused, feeling the heat rise to her cheeks. Richard considered her special but what had she done to be on that list? She couldn't think of anything yet except paying him a visit when he was struck down by an accident.

True, they had talked a lot that evening and gotten closer to each other. But she hadn't expected him to ask her out.

"If you're free, that is," he resumed, thinking that her pause meant uncertainty or a possible rejection, "I know it's very short notice so if you have any other commitments for the day, I understand."

She shook her head but then realizing they were on call and not face to face, she added, "It's not like that. I was just pleasantly surprised. Breakfast sounds great, and the weather's beautiful too today."

The lilt was back in his voice upon hearing that, "Oh, I see. So what time shall I pick you up then?"

Her eyes flickered to the clock, judging how long it would take for her to get ready, "Half an hour from now?"


The call disconnected shortly after they bid their farewell, hoping to see each other soon. Securing the canvas and closing the windows, Erica left her studio to go to her room.

She paused by the mirror, noticing the smile and the faint red dusted over her cheeks. Talking to Richard had that effect on her and it was yet another indication that he was slowly but steadily becoming very special to her as well.

Erica didn't know how it would end as it was too soon for her to say anything.

But she hoped it wouldn't end the way it always did. Richard was different and for the first time in her life, she was willing to give him a chance.

For the first time, she felt just as exhilarated about being close to someone. Despite the fading whispers of her head against her heart, she overlooked it for the time being.

She too needed a break from her life that constantly revolved in a loop. And Richard Grayson was no doubt the perfect distraction. 

If given the chance, that distraction could become the key she needed to break that loop once and for all. But it was too soon to think about then. Right then she could only think about Richard and having breakfast out somewhere in the unexpectedly pleasant weather.


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