"She had a headache." He brushes the question off, flagging down the bartender to order a drink.

Gabriele and I drove together because I wanted to get here as early as possible and my father didn't plan to board the jet until later in the day. I knew I should've waited.

I grab him by his collar and yank I'm toward me, inhaling the liquor already on his breath and shove him against the bar roughly. "You didn't." I demand, my voice low as to not catch attention.

Although it wouldn't be anything new for those currently in attendance who are just a few family members. My father and I have had it out many times and I don't always care about there being an audience.

He grabs my wrist, trying his best to remove my hand. "I didn't mean to, she provoked me."

My face scrunches in disgust as I quickly release him. "Leave."

His mouth opens and closes a few times. "I'm expected to be here—"

"Now," I raise my voice with finality, ending the discussion before he can ramble on with his excuse.

He may be the Don and I may not have the authority to end his life but I don't have to tolerate his presence for my wedding rehearsal.

"Fine." He mutters and quickly makes his way back to the door and leaves.

I text Isa and tell her to go check on our Mother so I know she's okay. I keep my phone out, glancing between it and the door impatiently waiting to see if Alessia will arrive or Isa will reply with an update first.

My phone vibrates in my hand fifteen minutes later.

She's okay, a bruise on her arm but otherwise good. She said he didn't hit her just forcibly moved her when she blocked the liquor cabinet. She still wanted to come to the rehearsal but he was mad and left her there. She made me leave and refused to come home with me.

I feel instant relief knowing she isn't lying on the ground somewhere bleeding as I run a hand down my beard, forcing myself not to tug on the strands. My father won't go home, he'll spend the rest of the night in the closest whorehouse so at least she won't have to deal with him for the rest of the night. I used to feel guilty for being relieved that he only bruised her but it's much better than the few times he's hit her so many times her eyes were swollen shut. It's been a long time since that's happened, probably before I became taller and broader than him. I can't do much to him in retaliation but he doesn't like upsetting me.

I take a seat at the bar, and sigh heavily as my gaze goes back to the front entrance. I'm ready to get this over with. Ready to marry Alessia and spend the rest of my life with her.

Thirty minutes later my heart nearly stops beating as Alessia finally steps through the door. She has a pissed off expression on her face you can spot from a mile away but it doesn't take away from how beautiful she looks. She's wearing a short white dress that brushes the tops of her knees with long sheer sleeves that bare her shoulders and sparkly high heeled shoes on her feet. She has a full face of makeup on, most likely Viola's doing, and her hair is pinned back at the top with the rest hanging in big shiny waves down her back.

Fuck, I've missed her.

My eyes drop to her glossy lips and I can't help but replay the kiss we shared the last time I saw her. I rise from the barstool, feeling a spark flood my veins at having her in the same room as me again. And tomorrow she will be my wife.

Viola wears a fake smile on her face as she enters behind Alessia with Polina, Luca, and Riot following. Alessia's angry amber eyes meet mine and she turns to walk the opposite direction but Viola grabs her wrist, immediately halting her plan of avoidance, and tugs her toward me. I study Alessia's face a little longer and although on the surface she truly does look angry, I spot a flicker of panic in the depth of her gaze. It makes me wonder how hard she fought her family not to come here today and I worry what she'll do tomorrow.

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