He arches an eyebrow at me but doesn't look surprised at the revelation. "So you've been stalking my sister?"

My jaw tenses at the accusation although it's true. "Your men can't seem to keep up with her. When they lose her, I find her."

I know it's a dig and I should've held it back but I can't. Apparently he can look through surveillance footage to see what I'm doing but can never seem to track Alessia properly. Unless he's secretly allowing it.

Viola looks absolutely ecstatic. "Oh, thank god someone can keep up with her."

"I apologize if my overprotective tendencies came off as shady. I have nothing to hide. I only want the best for Alessia." I assure him honestly.

The last thing I need is for him to think I've gone against the family in any way. I haven't done that and I wouldn't.

"I'm aware and that's why I plan to let this go but I expect to be notified the next time you decide to check in on my sister. Is that clear?"

"Of course." I nod firmly.

"Just remember how lenient I was over this for future reference. You owe me now." He grins and I don't think I've ever seen someone smile so cynically.

"Of course." I repeat, refusing to show the fear I feel over owing someone like Riot DeLuca a favor.

"Have fun and keep her safe." He says walking toward the foyer with Luca following closely behind.

Movement at the top of the stairs catches my attention, momentarily distracting me from the interaction with Riot as Alessia begins her descent. I fight a smile when I see she's dressed in a gray sweatsuit with her dark hair pulled up in a ponytail and not a drop of makeup on her face.

"Alessia!" Viola scolds her when she steps in front of us.

"Yes?" She questions with an eyebrow raised as she looks her Mother right in the eyes.

She knows Viola isn't going to verbally call out her outfit choice in front of me. Her silent rebellion against them is adorable when she's not putting herself in harm's way.

"You look beautiful." I say, stepping forward to brush a kiss across her cheek.

She gives me a beaming smile, eyes dancing with delight as if she thinks I'm playing along with her game and not actually complimenting her. "Thank you, Dante."

I offer her my hand. "We should be going."

I'm more than ready to get out of this house.

Viola nods. "Take care of my baby and Alessia please... behave."

"Always." Alessia smirks, taking my hand.

Viola lets out an exasperated huff behind us as I guide Alessia out of the house.

I take a deep inhale of the cool air when we step outside, feeling part of the tension in my shoulders loosen. I glance down at my hand engulfing hers and crack a smile.

"Where are we going?" She asks as I open the passenger door of my rental.

"It's a surprise." I reply, reaching in to buckle her seatbelt for her after she's seated.

She blinks up at me in surprise, amber eyes wide. "I could've done that."

"I know." I shrug.

I shut her door and round the car, slipping into the driver's seat.

"Are you okay? You look a little pale?" She questions warily as she eyes me from the passenger seat.

Considering I now owe Riot a favor, no, I'm not okay and my Father is going to kill me when I tell him. She doesn't need to know that though. I don't plan to tell her about my obsession with her anytime soon. Our relationship is a constant push and pull as it is, she doesn't need to know that between the two of us she has all the power just yet.

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